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I saw this "weed" drink at the liquor store. Gonna give it a try. No alcohol, just thc and cbd.
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Weird penis.
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I looks gross.
>contains less than 0.3% THC
What is the point? An energy drink and a cigarette will give you more of buzz.
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It looks like jizz
See >>21090191
hah hippy cum
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It's not bad. It has an overly sweet flavor. Maybe citrus-y but there's so much going on it's just a chaotic amalgam of sweetness. Fairly bitter aftertaste.
that's by volume. 5mg per serving at 17 servings is more than enough to get someone high.
Looks like cum when you let it sit for a little while.
>It looks like jizz
cause of the lemon. my handsoap looks 1:1 like jizz. Same fluidity and not so heterogenous white and clear colors. Except it smells like lemon and lavender instead of foul stuff.

Anyway, I can't drink weed, I have enzymes that just digest the THC before it can reach blood. I tried a 1000mg hard candy once after trying normal doses, and I was only slightly buzzed, while everything else (flower, vape, oil, etc) hits normally.
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>delta 9 thc
I've tried a few products and it feels like the half-caff equivalent of weed between regular thc and cbd. Are you able to go to an actual dispensary? A couple 10mg drinks before a movie is a comfy buzz
delta 9 is regular thc, you may be thinking of delta 8
>What is the point?
Are you retarded? You can get a normal 15mg dose of THC in 5 grams of liquid at 0.3%. The 0.3% disclaimer is purely a legal thing, because the Farm Bill accidentally federally legalized all products with less than 0.3% THC (which is everything other than concentrates)
OP here
I'm fuckin toasted! Wooooahhh!
Actually it did get me a nice chill buzz, I'm sure I could get an actual high if I drank more than that little glass. Really felt the cbd, makes your body all loosey goosey. I'll probably buy it again. The had other flavors, one was called "Spiced." Probably try that next time.
Youre drinking the equivalant of blacl market hot dog water vape carts. Lmao. How much did that shit cost? I make this better at home with dab reclaim and everclear. I call it amber dragon.
>I call it amber dragon
The clear winner of the massive faggot award goes to op
interesting little digestif
>it's actually hemp
>less than 0.3% thc
Does it taste good at least?
Mix it with vodka.
Why would you drink this fake weed juice? A hit or two from a joint would get you higher.
For me 5mg does the job very well. But I have low tolerance. I know people who need at least 10 to feel anything and 20 to get properly high.
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It actually does. Unlike mayonnaise and sour cream and other thick bright white substances people say this about.
Please drink more and report back with all the juicey details
chug it bitch
I had one but it was a different brand. It's a mellow kinda high. I like flower best.
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where do you live that this exists, and in the same place as the liquor store?
not OP but i'm pretty sure delta 8 and delta 10 are legal in a lot of US states and there's a whole industry for cranking out these technically legal weed products. hell even the Amish are growing delta 8 bud and selling it to the rest of us English now.
yeah brooo
Whoa dudeeeee. Weeeeed. Lololol lop lloolooo

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