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Eggs. Poached
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Cheese atop
Coldcuts beneath
Simple. Rustic.
slice those bad boys open i want to see that juicy yolk
They look nicely cooked!

>utensils? Fogetabowdit
Love the flavor and texture combos
grow up
They're on the right under the plate, friend
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One egg over easy with some homemade waffles and bacon, trying out a mini waffle maker I got for christmas.
I think it's an antimeme or something similar. They just post "grow up" on very normal and on topic replies as if they were completely out of line.
Only that you're still alive and breathing.
Grow up
This is an egg thread
You should rotate the plate in your image or your image itself so the egg is in the foreground, anonsama
Are you going to make a Nutella/Fluff sandwich with those waffles?
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I took this before I saw the thread but fair. The egg tied it all together for what it's worth, the yolk was nice with the waffle and I should have made a second.

I have leftover batter in the fridge so I could at some point soon, never had a fluffernutter sandwich before
fluffernutter is fluff and peanut butter, im talking about fluff and nutella
Who did you poach them from?
Do people normally do that with waffles or is that a special thing you do?
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More like this anon
I was gonna hold off on that joke but it was on my mind
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it's just trannies hating on straight people things.
>eggs flavored by tap water
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with bacon
maybe a tomato
>tap water bad
Stop living in a third world country. Oh wait, that would mean you’d go to a first world one. Never mind, keep living in a third world country
Poached eggs and third world bread? No thanks.
I like how this retard plated this up pretending like he made something fancy. Legit cooklet.
>we need cotton candy bread full of bbc semen om nom
poaching is illegal doe
So angry at everything eh fatty?
never learned how to poach an egg because I am 100% sure I would rather have one fried in butter
Cry about it numbnuts.
>he doesn't know how the atmosphere works

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