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File: thats-CHEF-Boiardi.jpg (116 KB, 1000x1000)
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TIL Chef Boyardee ravioli is available in #10 cans. Imagine where they're slopping this into bowls and telling people it's mom's recipe
mmm grandma's secret recipe
Heck, it might even be true
Those cans are purchased exclusively by foster parents.

How are you gonna eat all that without getting sick of it with after opening how fast it has to be consumed?
That really seems like a can for multiple persons.
Somebody’s probably serving it at a restaurant or even more likely at an institutional cafeteria
where do I buy this I always eat 3 cans and YES I am fat Idk if that matters
Gordon’s food service and similar places. Note that a #10 can is equivalent to 9 12 oz cans
I can handle it thank you
imagine that shredded asshole meat
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This is actually half-way decent
>Imagine where
I always thought the meat in these would be what cat food tastes like
I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.
Bruh were you homeless lmao
Based ravioli enjoyer lol, gl in your big can search (my boy Boyadee’s ‘violi also hold a special place in my heart)
Impressive. Very nice.
based ricky
Nobody in this world is going to believe that's not Chef Boyardee. Literally raviolis that are falling apart, stuffed with pureed mystery beef, and this tangy barely tomato sauce that's made with enough preservatives to kill a man.

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