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My mum said it’s filet mingong but it doesn’t look like what I know to be that. Also the bag is full of blood. Not sure how I’m meant to cook this
Cram it
Put it in the dishwasher on the high cycle, its pre-bagged for sous-vide. Finish however you like.
I can't tell what it is if you don't pull it out of the bag anon.
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Trim it

Cut it into steaks, or leave the center section for a roast.
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Here is my roast + steaks and stir fry chunks all trimmed up
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This looks like tenderloin
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and here are two steaks and the roast after sitting overnight salted in the fridge.
OP if you can't figure this out, there are plenty of youtube videos that can walk you through it, if you've never done this before i'd recommend watching 3-4 videos before trying it yourself.
>i'd recommend watching 3-4 videos before trying it yourself
good advice, I always do that when I make something for the first time and it helps not making beginner mistakes.
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And if you wanted a larger roast you can just not cut any steaks and leave it mostly whole.

I usually cut away the club end regardless as it doesn't make great steaks and I tend to just cut it up into stir fry chunks.

Pic related is what I did for thanksgiving, a larger roast, fewer steaks.
Make a wellington.
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and if you want get an idea of how much trimming you need to do, here is my trimmings after I was done.

For reference, this is about 3/4 of a gallon ziplock bag full. Don't throw the trimmings out though, they're great for making stock or if you need some nice beef fat for frying or something.
That’s a smashing idea.
I wouldn't recommend it unless you're willing to risk fucking up $50+ worth of meat in your first attempt.
You're not gonna fuck up the meat unless you're mouth breathing retarded. At worst a first timer is going to let too much moisture into the Wellington which will just make the pastry soggy.
I would still consider that ruined.

Sure you can eat the meat no problem, but it's not what you were aiming for.

No one makes wellington and then is happy to have JUST the filet. The pastry is part of what makes it work.
But you didn't fuck up the meat then, did you?
You're doing the lord's work, anon. Nice steaks. I never get filet myself, and usually separate out the meat and fat trimmings a little more closely when I break down a roast or subprimal. I have more tallow than I can use and wind up throwing out fat.
You still get to eat your $50 peice of meat while you waste your $3 puff pastry though.
do americans really?
spent $170 on a roast tonight myself
>t. american
OP here: Massive success! Cut it into even portions. Put the head and tail back in the fridge. A bit of beef dripping to the cast iron and get it to almost smoke. Season steaks in salt, pepper, and olive oil. Sear on high heat for a minute each side. Add butter, garlic, thyme, and rosmary, lower heat. Basted for 3 minutes. Put in oven. Cook until satified with internal temp (use a meat heat checker thing)—about 4-5 minutes at 150C. Remove scum from excess oil from pan, add more butter and parsley to make butter sauce. Always rest steaks for as long as you cooked them, maybe even twice as long. Perfectly cooked I say. Everyone was saying it was the best steak they've ever eaten. What a brilliant cut of meat, no wonder it's so expensive—so soft and delicious.

Next time though, I'll make a wellington
It's not too bad if you're buying whole tenderloins on sale and cutting them yourself.

Buying already trimmed/cut filet mignons can get expensive.
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>filet mingong
swallow it whole, then your ass for dessert
I bought one of those, it is not filled with blood you dipshit, and I made filets and made some of the best burritos I ever had, short of the ones I made with a5 wagyu.
those would make excellent burritos
>400hours in mspaint
nobody uses shading and blur effects for memes fucking reddit.
lol I forgot about that show, what was it called?
It looks like a bag of placenta/afterbirth.
its a boil in bag, three hours in boiling water should be good for a piece that size.
Put it in a gym sock. Tie a knot. Then beat your mother with it.
This anon knows what he's talking about, how uncommon
what the fuck
I don't buy lamb/mutton roasts unless its about $6 USD/kg. if you're making a roast, why the fuck would you use something that expensive? its not like steak where you have a short cooking window
Woah, chill out on the pepper there brohymn.
I would throw it out that does not look good.
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are you saying there's too much pepper? there's not nearly enough pepper are you shrooming?
What is irony?
What did you do to that poor garloid
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OH okay I get it now, You're a sillyface and I didn't even pick up on it. I'm embracing my pepper grinder and I know you are too
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Roast doesn't always mean slow cooked.

My tenderloin roast took about 45-55 minutes in the oven.

I know I sounded judgemental, but I'm mostly just confused by the value proposition for that price difference. I'm assuming it isn't just a 1 hour vs 2 hour cooking time. I mentioned lamb/mutton which is a a cheaper meat so not a great comparison, what else makes you pick a cut like this for your roast?
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It's the most tender cut while still having decent beef flavor (assuming you're using USDA Choice or USDA prime, or better)

Also, you can just cut it into steaks if that's what you want. But when doing a large family holiday meal (like I did for Christmas and thanksgiving) I prefer a large roast that can be cut into serving portions. I easily COULD'VE just cut the roast into filet mignons and done regular steaks, but thats less family feeling.

Leftovers fried up great in butter as well.
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>are you shrooming?
I'm using this from now on
>What is sarcasm?
So if you buy $140 dollars worth of meat you only get 2 steaks?
No, I cut 6 steaks from that tenderloin, I used the smallest 2 for Christmas as my grandmother is allergic to pepper and rosemary. So I prepared her two small filet mignons just for her.

I could've cut the rest of the roast portion into more steaks if I wanted, it would've made another ~8 or so nice sized steaks.
I can get ~8-10 steaks from a 4.5-5lbs tenderloin, it looks like that anon had a ~7.5lbs tenderloin, so I could see 12-16 steaks, depending how it was trimmed and how thick you like your steaks.
the shame would make me lose my appetite, and I'd go to bed hungry and not put anything in the fridge, spoiling everything further
You shouldnt salt the meat more than 10 minutes before cooking but other than that your knife work is shit. Look what you did to that poor animal.
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> he doesn't dry brine overnight

lmao even

I know my knife work is shit, I'm not a professional cook in the slightest, I've never worked in a kitchen, nor do i ever plan to.
>Look what you did to that poor animal
The animal (if it could even place blame) probably puts most of the anger at the one who slaughtered it, not the one who butchered it.

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