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Best nut?
The one I busted in ur mom
this topic will attract only the most mature individuals
I’m partial to almonds. Roasted until the lightest of brown inside.
The one I busted in ur pops
my peanut weanut of course hhaha
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Tough call but pistachio.
Mega gay
cashew obviously
dont let me cashew outside saying that
Pecan, Macadamia, Cobnut.
followed by
Almond, Hazelnut.
>best nut
>chooses the only non-nut
Answer is undoubtedly almond btw
Also not a nut
I like salted sunflower seeds
Fresh hazelnuts from the tree are god tier; they must be drying them for preservation (or they just dry out themselves) and packaged ones are hardly worth it.
Pistachio otherwise.
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For me, it’s the rare and elusive red pistachio

reminder to get your daily magnesium! I like to munch one a day.
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>chooses the only non-nut
goo goo fucking ga ga
pistachio or go home
>hosting a thanksgiving party
>Hilary Duff and Hannah Montana show up, like always
>they're super horny, unlike always
>They are about to get naked and have sex with you
>Sorry, Pistachio nuts only
See? That's why you should say always
4th post best post.
I think you mean selenium
Currently munching on some of Trader Joe's "Nuts to Rosemary" fancy mixed nuts (cashews, almonds both toasted and blanched, pecans, hazelnuts) that are seasoned with rosemary.

Best nuts going, unfortunately they're seasonal so you have to stock up in November.
>baby's first post
I meant magnesium, but apparently they just have less than I thought. I thought they had upwards of 50% of your daily need
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based baby scrap book poster
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exactly, you've been warned
I hate to come down hard on one of man's favorite nuts, but fuck almonds. I like sliced/crumbled almonds in baked goods, but in the jar of mixed nuts they're just these depressing dry tough turds whose only virtue is (by contrast) highlighting the superiority of all the other nuts.

I know the nut mixers often advertise "less than 50% peanuts" as a selling point, but I'd rather have more peanuts than almonds. Ideally the almonds would be replaced with pistachios.

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