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what's the point of the big ass hole in the middle
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Try making one with and one without and you'll immediately understand.
Contrary to autistic belief, an perfectly packed and maximally dense cube is not the ideal way to make food.
Bagels are jewish invention, it saves money on flour
that's what everyone says whenever they see you in a group op
came here to post this
So you can stick a finger through to balance it on its end while you cut it in half. Duh.
Goy humiliation ritual
it reduces cooking time which was a big deal if fuel was scarce. it's the same reason a lot of chinese food involves a lot of food being cut into small pieces then quickly cooked.
It's so only the first bite involves the corners of your mouth. Afterwards you can pick a direction and take smaller chunks with just your front teeth until the bagel is gone.
more surface araea, dummy
You have this pic in the holster at all times,just in case.
So the middle can cook ya retard
That don't work. They're always made the perfect size for one bite.
Presumably the same reason ancient Chinese coins had a hole in the middle.
kek gotem
Jews all the way back then too, huh?
It helps it cook evenly, which is necessary to maintain the chewy texture bagels are known for. Without the hole, the outside would develop a hard crust by the time the inside was cooked, and it would basically just be a dense bread roll.
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Aren't they stored on pegs which create the whole in the first place?
Your post is retarded in like three distinct ways
What three distinct ways?
Well what, "like", three distinct ways? Two?
The hole idea of the peg is that its stored on a whole in the first place?
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I've heard it was so they could hang them on a twine like a necklace to carry into battle or something. I remember learning that in the 80s. Maybe it was just an old legend from a movie though. I can't remember the source. But I love toasted bagels better than toast for breakfast.
Those were stale bagels used as bolos and bludgeoning weapons.

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