Can someone itemize this?How?
>>21092548>beef>expensive juice>packaged snacks>out-of-season fruit>eggs (hit-or-miss, depending on the weather)Also>reddit
how much are costco cats these days?
>>21092548>Can someone itemize this?No>How?The steaks are probably $25ish alone, $16ish in milk, I think those pomegranate juices are like $6-8 a pop. no idea how much the protein bars and that skinny dipped shit run.If you assume $10 per item on any given costco run it usually averages out. 16x10=160, so it seems about right.
>>21092559The cat is merely there for updoots
>>21092548Each of those jugs of almond milk is about $6-8 so that's $20-$40 right there. Pomegranite juice is some of the most expensive shit you can buy and POM is overpriced. Each of those bottles is $10-ish. So $60 accounted for. Those IQ bar packs are about $25....So that's $85 of prepacked and mass produced junk that you don't need.The rest is insubstantial. He spend about $80 on things he actuallyn eeded and the rest on shit he didn't. Those two-dozen egg packs are like $8. The steaks were probably the most expensive item in the pack.Idk how much he paid for the cat, tho.
How much is a cat at Costco?
Get rid off the fruit and coffee and all that shit, protein bars. Eggs, broccoli, chicken, liver, potatoes, milk. That's all you should buy
Sure>Items on the left>Items on the right >Items in the middle>Fot kot
>>21092785coffee is dirt cheap
Fatty kitty. Why americuck eat shit and cry about it?
>kattu on the counterUncivilised bum.
>>21092548we need our own chickens.if you live in an apartment building you and your fellow apartment tenets need to choose a vacant apartment and make that the chicken apartment for the chickens for the building
>>21092548>I'll just buy only fruits and vegetables that aren't in season and then complain about the price
>>21092568You just know he had to chase the cat around and then brive it to stand still for that shitty picture
>>21092830>>21092785>>21092553all these retards complaining about "out of season fruit" and none of this other shit?>>21092569You know that globalism makes shit like this cheap in supermarkets like costco, right? That bunch of bananas was probably $5 and those blackberries were no more than $3. This dude bought $100 of garbage, $20 of steak, plus $10 of fruit and vegetables. You people are fucking deranged if you think the "fruit" was in any way expensive.
>>21092842>5 dollars worth of banasSir I think I would know what a cubic meter of bananas look like
>>21092842>$5Non American detected.
>>21092797The pure irony of you talking about crying while crying. So many butt hurt thirdies on here.
Looking through the reddit thread:~$44 for the 5 steaks~$7 for the eggs (prices are kinda high right now due to bird coof)~$20 for two bottles of POM~$6*4 = $24 for 4 bottles of lactaid milk~$16 for 3lbs of coffeeOP mentioned this lasts him around two months aside from the steaks.
>>21092548He could get 130 lbs of chicken leg quarters for the same amount of money. And he wouldn't even need a Costco membership.
>>21092548$100 cat
>>21092796Yeah but it's bitch made to drink it
>>21092548Pre-tax itemization:- 4 gallons of milk ($3.69 each) = $14.76- 2 POM pomegranate juice bottles ($9.29 each) = $18.58- 1 package of lean beef steaks = $38.99- 1 container of green grapes = $9.29- 1 bunch of bananas = $3.29- 1 package of dinner rolls = $6.49- 1 large carton eggs (30-count) = $9.29- 1 box protein/granola bars = $9.99- 1 package fresh asparagus = $6.49- 1 package blackberries = $6.49- 1 large can coffee = $22.99Subtotal: $153.64Tax (7.72%): $11.86Total: $165.50And of course, one quality control inspector (the cat) not included in the total.
>>21093031>- 1 large carton eggs (30-count) = $9.29The sad part is that it's not even an unrealistic price these days. Obviously the CACC (Cat assurance, cat control) fees for quality inspection will be expensive but still.
how can someone complain about prices and then waste 20 bucks on pomegranate juice is beyond my comprehension.
>>21092548>costco sells live cats for cookingsickening
>>21092568Judging by its chonkiness I'd say the cat was looking for a treat.
>>21092842Turns out, importing fruit from the other side of the planet at such a speed that it's still fresh by the time it hits the shelf in Bumblescum, Nebraska, is quite expensive.
>>21092812Yeah it's toxoplasmosis.It makes them allow the cat to do disgusting things, so that the parasite can spread.
>>21092548>cat on the countersubhuman.
>>21092842>That bunch of bananas was probably $5What rate, organic, gold-plated and diamond-encrusted bananas are you buying, Twinkie Warbucks?
>>21093330>>21093427And yet you probably allow women to sit on your sofa without a plastic tarp. So who's the real savage?
I could legitimately pay less than half that at a normal supermarket. Without the two snack items, which I've no idea what they are nor how much they'd go for at Safeway, Food Lion or ShopRite, I added up roughly what I'd expect to pay for the other items and it comes to about $65, give or take $10. There's no way in hell those bars and whatever that gay purple package is would cost $80 together so this confirms, once again, that Costco is for retards.
>>21092548The cat alone is like fifty bucks, those don't come cheap.
>>21092548Bong here, could that be Canadian Dollars by any chance? Idk if Costco is in Canada or not but that still seems very pricy even for CAD
>>21092548I could get all that for like 50 bucks at Aldi.
>>21093461Cats are literally free.
>>21093447No, I only allow them to sit on my face.
>>21092548>cat on the counterpet owners are mentally ill
do people really buy shit that isnt marked down?
>>21093489Do you mean managers specials or normal sales/offers? Cuz I don't always buy managers specials but I rarely, if ever, buy food that wasn't advertised in the flyer/circular. Outside of specialty stores like butchers or immigrant shops, anyway
>>21093493for dinner ingredients i usually just look for sales or manager stickers. switching to vegetarian has made this way easier since mushrooms are almost always marked down
>>21093495We plan means several days in advanced based on what's advertised in the circulars that coming week so I get what you mean. For example, a local supermarket is going to have 80/20 ground beef for $2.49/lb starting tomorrow (but eggs are going up to $2.39/dz from the $2 they've been the last several weeks, oh well) so we're going to have burgers, meatloaf or Bolognese or something in the coming week.Shopping like this has the benefit of ensuring you're eating seasonally, too.
>>21092922>this lasts him around two monthsnigga how
>>21093525they probly get takeout breakfast and doordash lunch
>>21092559bout three fiddy
>>21092553The prime steak is like 50 - 60 dollars easily. Now if he replaced that weight in pork loin, he'd be at like 120 with all the stupid juices included. Get rid of the juices and you'd easily be under 100. It's not costcos fault for expensive prices. It's being unwise with your money.
>>21092548>Can someone itemize this?>Hey 4chan, can someone look up Costco prices for me relating to this thread I found on reddit where someone has probably already done that in the comments?I miss when people like you couldn't figure out the internet.
>>21093563>prime steakI must get my eyes checked. I see no marbling at all. I thought it was rump steak.
>>21092548Well going by the prices here>eggsa pack of 30 is 8 bucks>olives3 dollars per kilo>some sort of choco biscuits or whatever2.50 >grapes50c per kilo>bananas1.2 a kilo>stakesif it's Cow - then 15 dollars a kiloIf pork - 6 dollars a kilo>POM juicevery expensive 10 usd a bottle>milk 1,5 usd a litre>leak a buck 80 for a bushell>some sort of mass produced pastry4 dollars for the wholle bag>coffee24 bucks
>>21092569This is about £60 worth of groceries at Costco in the UK.What the fuck is going on with the dollar?
>>21093575Costco has pretty good prime steak. It's just the picture is very low quality so I can't zoom in to confirm.
>>21092548in local prices that would be>2$ for the eggs>2$ for the bananas>probably like 5$ for the grapes, they're out of season>same for the blackberries>2$ for two sodas>1.5$ per jug of distilled water, so 6$ in total>3$ for the cake thing?>not sure what the plants are, probably like 1$>1.5$ for bread>not sure what the skinny dipped thing is, probably some 1$ snack slop>5$~10$ for the steaks maybe? let's say 7.5$in total that's 36$
>>21093652>blackberries aren't in season?January is a great month to forage for blackberries so I'm sure that they're in session commercials, too.
>>21093604We have Costco? I'm more rural than I thought kek
>>21092548>Pom>Almonds>Grapes>BerriesWithout even reading this thread I can tell that already accounts for at least 75% of the tab.Staples are staples for a reason. Beef has no excuse being as expensive as it is, but the rest of that is nonsense.
>>21093690>January is a great month to forage for blackberriesAccording to who?Earliest I've seen listed is februrary with peaks from june to september.
>>21092548I hate glass tables
>>21092568And you're here for (You)s. Go back already.
>>21093721According to me and reality.They're not quite as abundant as in, say, October, but you can definitely find a bunch of them among the brambles if you're willing to get in there. They tend to be sweeter for some reason, too. More time on the vine, I guess?
>>21093738>They're not quite as abundant as in, say, October, but you can definitely find a bunch of them among the brambles if you're willing to get in there.Yeah, that's nice, but that does not at all translate to assuming that this is commercially viable. Actual farmers and distributors aren't out there secretly digging through the brambles in the dead of winter.
>>21093744Of course they're not digging through the brambles because they've no brambles to dig through. I'm just saying that if they're still growing in January and you just gotta deal with a few thorns to get to them, then certainly they've got still be growing in those manicured lines of produce farmers manage, right (and with the benefit of not having to deal with brambles).
>>21093749>I'm just saying that if they're still growing in January and you just gotta deal with a few thorns to get to themAnd I'm saying that doesn't mean they're "in season", or that the production is anything sustianable or marginal. That's the core of this discussion, where does the supply meet the demand, and that's why there's a disconnect between your foraging strats and farming strats.
>>21092835Nah look at that fat fuck, shitty owner overfeeding it so it’s probably hanging around for food
>>21093031did someone pay you?
>>21093481A man of culture.
>>21093940It's extremely likely that you're speaking to the absolute turbofaggot dredge of society that created this thread, commonly refered to as "OP". As you will find out after years of research, his favorite drink is semen.
>>21092548>eggs: $5>milk: $16>pom: $20>meat: $45>IQ bars: $12>coffee: $15>skinny dipped: $12>nanners: $3>aparagus: $6>bread: $5>grapes: $8>blackberries: $8$155.00plus tax$165.50
Almond milk is disgusting
>>21093750Ah. Point taken.
>>21092548Look at that little chubby bastard
>>21092548>POMdisgusting. fucking atrocious.
>>21092548>giant tub of grapes>9 bananas>giant tray of beef steaks>pom juice>4 jugs of milk(?)>fresh cat>two dozen eggs>some processed zogchow carbo bars>bunch of other shit and empty calories>plus the worst coffee known to manyeah that seems like it would honestly be $160, not surprising.
>>21092548That's Lactaid "milk," unless he's a fat, that's going to expire before he can drink it all.
>>21092548They're doing it wrong.
>>21093940No, it's AIslop, and the numbers don't even add up right
>>21092548I hate how faggots buy the cheap dogshit quality eggs for $12 but then buy FUCKING POMEGRANATE JUICE, ASPARAGUS, GRAPES AND OVERPRICED MILKFUCK YOUDIE
>>21094871>you deserve to be broke, you bought.... grapesThe cope system is running in overdrive lately
>>21094871a fool and their money are easily separated
>>21094882>highest sugar to fruit ratio out of any fruitNot only are they the least nutritional option, i'm sure this asshole bought them off sale, furthering his retarded life choices.
>>21094887>>21094882In the end, I'm not the one posting to reddit with the retard "durrr look at thing cost so much money!".
>>21092560>$25 steaksSteaks are like $25 for a single cut. Thats 4-5 in that package.
>>21092922>last 2 months besides steaks>grocery bill is still about $100 a month if he buys beef twice a monthWhat is he even bitching about? Also as >>21093525 said, nigga how?
>>21092553its just a banana, what can it cost? $10?
>>21094388you call me a retard everything thread, and always make incorrect assumptions about will never be niceywnbn
>>21094842fuck, I've been duped
>>21092548thats 3 months worth
>>21092548oh god either redditor is feeding a single cat with 165$ of food or hes an immigrant thats gonna eat the cat
>>21092548milk is $4-5 each depending where you are. bread roll things would be about $5meat ~$15 or $20grapes like $5eggs, that many in this economy will set you back like $25 on their own. can of coffee that big is like $20no idea what the black shit is, but if its some organic vegan prune juice butt cleanser hippie shit its prob $5 a bottle if not more. the only stuff in the grocery store under $5 anymore is canned goods, and they're already up to $2-3 a can (canned soup is up to $5)