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I am dinning good meat tonight with my relatives, it's y first time behind the grill
>No mud on it
>Shiny tires
Poser af fuck. Just by an f350 already.
You are absolutely retarded. You REALLY suck at communication in English.
>by it

Fucking stupid redneck.
>Mall dwelling city folk who go to gay trans pride parades think this is an insult
>charred bones and tortillas
Do amerimutts really?
File: th (2).jpg (37 KB, 480x480)
37 KB
I think that's a Powerwheels.
wtf is that chunk wedged under the grill
You should have grilled with propane.
Oxxo carbon and corona. I know you are a fucking mexican.

Grab some aluminum foil, put onions and a little bit of cooking oil and then put it directly to the coal for about 20/30 minutes.
more like cremating
Looks like a piece of concrete to keep it from bending/wobbling
Gotta love these crybaby thirdies with America derangement syndrome who cry in every thread and contribute nothing.
trips make it true
>You are on this grill, but we do not grant you the rank of master
Sounds like a fun get together, how’d the food turn out?
are you using a charcoal grill in your garage?
no it's my relatives garage.
>Just by an f350 already
I own 2, learn how to spell
>es mi primera vez con el asador
Ya vimos
don't burn the meats and make em dry
hope you have a nice time anon, cheers
are you trying to kys

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