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How much are you paying for eggs?
Nothing. I steal them. You can fit 9 or 10 in a hoody pocket
there used to be a photo that went around here in the old days of an egg carton like this but one egg was actually a human penus
I pay $1 a dozen up the road with my friend and neighbor
Actual retard detected.
why not just take the dozen?
fakers dozen?
Need to ask my mom
asked her already but she didn't reply over her moans
3 american dollars a dozen to the mormons on the end of my road.
I sell organic pasture eggs for 9-12 dollars a dozen depending on the size and we consistently sell 50ish dozen or more at the farmers market.
mandela effect.

it was actually a testicle
that's a lot of bot responses
$5.79 per 18 eggs
That one came later, first was penus head
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$3.84 for a dozen large eggs (not pasture nor organic or free range. I like my eggs to be made in suffering). This is after government subsidy. I consider this to be cheap and rely heavily on eggs in my diet. I eat 4 to 5 eggs 5 times a week.
how does he get a photo where one of the eggs is a penus?
about 2 euros or even less for 6 eggs
pre-masque I was paying about $0.25 each and now it's about $0.65 each :[
try over $6 per 18 at discount grocery since the election
I just paid $4/dozen for walmart eggs, gonna check local because this is bullshit.
Weird that eggs are the one thing cheaper in canada(30c per egg on the big packs)
i have the receipts though
Do you live in the city or something? My neighbors all have chickens and they say they have so many eggs that they can't even handle them. Me paying him $1 is kind of just ritual, I've seen their fridge. Anyway, enjoy your white yolked battery-farmed eggs for $8.
I pay $10 for a flat of 30 at the farmers market, real eggs, not the supermarket shit that sits in a cooler for months
$11 for a dozen. But they are top shelf. Every chicken has it's own pasture the size of a modern residential block.
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24 eggs for 39 SEK (3.50 USD).
$2/dz, $5 for a tray of 30 or $1.49/dz if we have a coupon (as we did last week).
You don't know what Mandela effect means.
$6 for 24 (2 dozen) cage-free eggs at Costco's.

But the last time they didn't have any brown eggs, and I always buy brown eggs because BEM. So I bought the white eggs, because we needed eggs, but I did a political protest by climbing up on the checkout conveyor belt and twerking. (My ass looked so juicy in my Kirkland Signature yoga pants, I think that's why they didn't revoke my membership,)
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How much are they at Walmart's, Target's, Whole Foods's, Sprouts's and BJ's's?
How would I know. Why would I ever shop at any of those places when I pay $60 a year to avoid minorities.
I's don't's know's how's you'd's know's, pays'stoo'smuch'sfor'sher'sgroceries's-chan's. I's was's just's asking's.'s
>whole foods
WF is literally the whitest supermarket chain ever. And Sprouts is the second whitest
enjoy raccoons eating out of your trash and your 2 hour commute to work
Around $40 in chicken feed per month other than the coldest winter months for 6 to 9 eggs a day every day, and around $25 in the off months while the birds arent laying and are eating less feed and more scraps.
11 bucks for 18 at walmart
costco is like 17 bucks for 60

the price moves pretty rapidly up and down ive seen the costco eggs as low as 8 in the last year
Zilch, I got muh chickens
They say that the new strain of avian bird flu will further drive up the cost of eggs in America. But i think that's just what they're saying to make more money off a common commodity
I live in a city and have to deal with raccoons and possums from time to time. Such is life for a homeowner rather than a filthy apartment dweller. Also, the commuter point was retarded. Lotsa people wfh these days.
egg for egg keeping chickens is way more expensive than just buying eggs †bh
The bird flu is part of it, they are legitimately doing the large scale culls which is why bird illnesses always boost egg and poultry prices, but there are also factors like labor costs, feed costs which are at least a small bit up for the consumer chicken feed, and a few years back there were a suspicious number of large scale fires in the past few years that killed off a bunch of birds while damaging facilities some of which are still being replaced. Personally I don't think any of it is intentional sabotage but some of the fires could be insurance schemes or something.
As a quick example for the fire part, near the end of December there was an average sized fire that killed around 20,000 birds which would be half a million plus eggs per month gone in an instant.
Then on the disease side if a single one of that example 20,000 bird flock tests positive for any bird flu strain all 20,000 of them will be culled since it spreads fast and has a high mortality, 90%+, in chickens and its cheaper to kill them all, toss the carcasses in the incinerator, and replace them after a cleaning than it is to try to have a veterinary group prevent the spread and if you don't it may hop from your 20,000 bird flock A to your 20,000 bird flock B before you notice. The US does not typically include the bird flus in the vaccination plan for poultry despite having a stockpile of the vaccinations, though that is likely to change as long as there is no particular outcry about vaccination in the food supply chain.
Basically as long as there is time for rebuilding and no vaccine chimpout the costs will go back down some, but they'll probably never go back down to where they should be.
>Also, the commuter point was retarded. Lotsa people wfh these days.

i work construction and half the guys here have hour-plus commutes
>few years back there were a suspicious number of large scale fires

was it really suspicious for grain stores to catch fire at the start of a very hot and dry summer?
we need our own chickens. if you have a yard you need to put chickens in there. if you live in an apartment building you and your fellow apartment tenets need to choose a vacant apartment and make that the chicken apartment for the chickens for the building
Neat. : )
Like .5 nzd per egg, so like 1 usd each. Send help
what are you talking about? that's 0.28 USD you mong
It wasn't the grain stores typically and wasn't just in the Summer, the fires have typicallybeen in the living spaces for the birds lately. I'd bet they were likely caused by electrical and/or heating issues in the cold months, heat lamp fuckups in when rearing new birds, and generalized retardation in random one off employees. There were a bunch of fags calling it a conspiracy and sabotage, but if there was any foul play I'd bet more on one or two of the big ones being an insurance scam after a bird tested positive for bird flu while an individual had fire insurance but no bird flu insurance and even then that's pretty unlikely to happen either. Basically while there could be some bad actors it's far more likely retardation and bad facility upkeep, which still feels suspicious since you'd think people and businesses would take better care of their livelihoods so it could point to a deeper problem in our system.
$2 for 12
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wat. where the fuck...?
Eastern Euope
>inb4 poorfags
idk, my income tax is 10%
flyover. but if you want the large grade A eggs its more like $4
I'm paying that much, too, and I'm just a hop, skip and jump from Center City (ie downtown) Philadelphia.
lern math
I think I paid $3 and some change for my last dozen. It's been a while since I've sold any eggs but the convenience store that I work at has them for like $6.
how is $0.5NZ equal to $1US?
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1 US Dollar is worth 1.79 NZ Dollars though
i dont have to put up with this shit i have to shower and go to my finance job
Anyone paying more than $0.3 for an egg is getting scammed. That includes farmers's markets.
don't know. I just buy eggs.
right okay, you're not new zealic in the first place
5 dozen eggs for $15.49 at my local costco.

Used to be ~$11.4 in October based on my receipts. Damn bird coof
$9.99 organic dozen (Vital Farms)
5 dozen factory farm eggs, yeah
who the fug cares
I literally have no idea how much eggs cost
I just buy what I need/want, never look at price tags, and never check my receipts
prices are fucked, I know that much, but I also still need eggs so what do I care
>Fowl play
you need to get radicalized. you're the type of guy who does not get radicalized
It's hard to get radicalized about things being expensive if you make enough money.

These kinds of men get radicalized about women if they're ugly/autismo enough
I was radicalized decades ago, and it didn't take the price of eggs to do it
the happening isn't here yet, and I still need eggs, so I'm just gonna buy the eggs
I pay $8 for a six pack of quail eggs. It's just not worth it anymore.
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