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Well /ck/?
Depends on the food
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I only use chopsticks for noodles.
forks for spearing sticks for picking
when I'm at home and no one's looking I use sticks for italian/french noodles too
Why would people who eat with sticks invent something you need a fork to eat?
I need to stop being a tard and learn these because I'm going to Japan in June
Whats a french noodle?
pasta shit
I always ask for a fork
Horses for courses. I’m sure that’s a concept you can comprehend.
>Depends on the food
This, the utensil have been made for the culture's food and thus the food is also made for the utensil
Alright but chopsticks suck ass for rice, don't want to hear any cope
you ale chopasticku novice
I am glandmaster of chopasticku
im also a glandmaster good to know theres other glandmasters posting here.
I never folget erection day, so impotent
There is nothing chopsticks can do for me in my life that cannot be done with a fork, is what I thought until some months ago when I learned to use them because my sister is a huge weeb who is currently getting involved in asian cooking, and I decided to teach myself in order to eat Japanese dishes with her and our parents when I go over to visit.
I confess that using them is actually pretty fun and when I make things like ramen, I use them now over a fork.
I use chopsticks more for cooking than eating. Eggs are cooked best with chopsticks.
chopsticks are superior because you can grip things with one hand, where as a fork is a static tool. still cant do what a spoon can do, however
Both are perfect for cramming up my tooshie
ga ga goo goo
(not my problem mommy feeds me and if its icky, I will throw it on the floor, which is also not my problem)
is that what you call your lunchbox?
How long did it take to learn? What's the trick?
Yeah it is called stabbed it with the fork you tard
I had it down within two-ish weeks until I didn't really have to think about what I was doing anymore. Granted I was eating ramen for lunch pretty much every day.
Practice picking them up and putting them down as well as holding them. It will stop you from correcting your grip with two hands constantly, and you will get better faster.
And don't grip too hard. If your fingers turn white, loosen up.
Jesus, you simp... Your sister isn't going to have sex with you just because you learned how to eat with primitive implements
Nah, it means a lot her this sort of cooking, that's what you do for your siblings, you show an interest in their passions. What a weird post. Bringing up sex between siblings obviously says a lot more about you than it does me.
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You zesty nigguh
My post calling asians retards got deleted, the mods on this board are reddit tier.

I mean its not even racism, if you cant invent a fork and you spend 2k years banging sticks together youre definitely retarded
Before you go praising Europeans for inventing the fork, consider that for centuries during the Middle Ages they were considered unfit as an eating utensil because they looked like the tool farmhands used to shovel manure out of horse stables.
Ah yes the spork era
esl moment

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