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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Does anyone else’s moms have “cooking competitions” with their friends? My mom has 2 other good friends that hang out all the time for some sort of “happy hour” and they always find some sort of “recipe of the week” to try. I’m always the scape goat when it comes to trying them and deciding which one is best.

I’ll label them mom A, B and C for ease. My mom is B. B is always in the middle, A is always too bland, like it’s okay but not great. It’s comforting, but not something you’d serve in a restaurant. B, my mom, is always smack dab in the middle. Just enough that you’d say “hey this is a good meal”. C always blows them both out of the water (she’s Asian) and has the perfect seasoning and everything. I’ve been scapegoating this for 40 years now.
save your weird harem fantasies for your wattpad, bro
>scape goat
that's not what that means
>a bunch of people use you as a person to throw under the bus for the satisfaction of every one
Think it’s pretty much the universal idea of it, so shut the fuck up
the animal you are looking for is guinea pig anon, hope this helps
I saved the best part for last too, but might hold back if everyone else is gonna be a huge faggot. I’m gonna take their bean soups and inject them into my ass.
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Forgot pic
op casually bragging about having a harem of his mom and her friends
the fuck? just post a pic of the moms already
The moms are all old and haggard. If you’re on 4chan and don’t expect a dude putting things up their ass go back to ribbit
I'm glad someone said this.
if you dont expect me to list after your haggard old witch of a mom go eat shit
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Had to modify a little
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Go ahead. If you faggots really don’t want me to put this up my ass go kys.
you wont post any actual proof, coward
Do they ever take a shower together? I won't lie to you, I'm gently stroking rn
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Hey man you do you. I don’t think of my mom that way but her one friend is kinda momhot
This soup is kinda mild, not a lot of internal stimuli. More liquidy
Soup A (sorry for the lack of pics) is way too mild, basically just a water enema
anon is a 30 something turbovirgin still living with his mom
Best thread on /ck/ right now
op is fucking his milf mom and her hot friends daily you retard
My mother's had me make things for her to pretend she made them. Honestly I don't care. Women are such capricious animals.
>My mother's had me make things for her to pretend she made them
how does that conversation go? does she make it clear that she wants to deceive people?
>"I have to eat 3 home cooked meals from hot milfs and this makes me a victim somehow"
Lucky you to be well fed with home cooked food
>pea and ham soup
one of the nice things about christmas. I always make sure I get the ham hock as leftovers from whatever family events happen.
Best thread on the board right now. Post some pics of you squirting the soup up your ass.

Anyway, forty years is a long time, even older than me. How did this scape goating all start? have you ever told A how much she sucks? Does C know she's the best and secretly lord it over the rest of them? How drunk do they get during happy hour? Who's the hottest?
Do the losers eat the soup from your ass? Or at least from each others' asses? I need something OP my dick is getting soft
"OP" is a "faggot"
lol gay
I asked you if they ever fucking shower together. Answer the fucking question.
Nah, she always just says she's 'too busy' even though she works the same job as her work friends she does everything with. Whenever I get feedback I just get told they 'really liked it' but occasionally she slipped that her friends consider her to be a really good cook.
at least people eat your food. everyone in my family insists on cooking for themselves

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