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For it's tea sans sugar, fuck stinky coffee.
>with crashes
Can't relate
>jittery focus
Can't relate
>acidity may upset the gut
Can't relate

Maybe you just have a poor constitution. I prefer tea to coffee but I don't see the point in making them go head to head
>Can't relate
That just means you've built up a resistance anon
I chugged like 800mg of caffeine in coffee and energy drink form until I turned about 28. Once day I started shaking like a junkie after my morning coffee and it gave me horrible anxiety. Now I cant drink more than like 50mg of caffeine at once or it'll ruin the next 4 hours of my day.
>is decaffeinated in youre path
>Can't relate
That just means you drink coffee professionally.
I can still have my morning coffee, but I know the feel.
used to drink 1-2 pots a day and then at 29 some switch flipped and I can't have more than 1 cup a day.
Never liked energy drinks much.
It sucks for me because caffeine was my antidepressant from 17 to 28 and now I've turned to alcohol. what a stupid monkey body I inhabit.
>with crashes
I've never experienced this
even espresso is still hydrating
>stimulated, jittery focus
ad hominem, not an argument
>acidity may upset the gut
Nothing we consume habitually is anywhere near as acidic as stomach acid; if anything the gut wants more acid than we tent to give it. Look at how when you ferment something the pH drops significantly; good microbes love acid.
I say all this as someone who still prefers tea. It's a stupid image.
Don't people in South Korea have the highest rates of stomach cancer because they eat too much of that shit? Coffee gives me acid reflux now, maybe it isn't the acidity but it's something
ga ga goo goo stinky coffee
Tea causes diarrhea. I have better things to do than spend the entire day on the toilet.
I'll stick to coffee thanks.
Theanine is great but you're allowed to drink both.
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Why forgo the fact that coffee is highly addicting?

>Be coffee slurping normie
>Have to reach out for it every morning when you wake up
>If you don't take your dose in a timely manner you WILL suffer the consequences ie. brain fog, headaches, irritability
>The dopamine that releases every time you get your dose makes you erroneously believe that this bitter bean juice is somehow tasty and it must be an acquired taste
>"But anon, i actually do prefer my coffee black" isn't a thing to take pride in and only goes to show the level of your addiction

Tea and botanicals may as well be water sloppas, but at least they're fragrant and tasty unlike coffee
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>water sloppas
Please take a break from the internet man. Not /ck/, not 4chan, the internet as a whole. "Rain is reddit weather" tier
is that an undertale reference?! holy freaking poggers!
>Better Than Coffee
Congratulations. In your jittery haste to play beverage politics, you've failed to properly label your own party.
Try switching to decaf, it might help with your lack of focus.
You don't know how stomachs work.
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>sans sugar
I know a bitch dehydrated herself to death drinking tea don't bullshit me

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