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1. Perfect to marinate.
2. No need to worry about getting it medium-rare...just cook it until it falls apart off your fork.
3. It's fatty and won't burn in your pan or on your grill.
4. Is dirt cheap because half of the population can't eat it.

Give me one reason for why I shouldn't continue to eat it?
Ever notice that the more thirdie a country is the more pork they have in their diet? For example Spain. Why is that, is it just that pigs will eat literally anything and convert it to cheap protein?

>half the population
Not even in majority Muslim countries.
Pork is extremely popular in every real European country. Especially before they were infected with scum.
pork is the most popular meat in western europe.
>is it just that pigs will eat literally anything and convert it to cheap protein?
That is probably a factor, but I think the main thing is that pork is just fucking tasty
That's only because you don't have the land or agricultural infrastructure to raise cattle.
It's not the 19th century anymore...
Yeah, you now have even less arable land thanks to heavy urbanization. Did you know Europe used to have forests?
Yes, pigs lived there but not cows.
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You're really dump, aren't you?
Best meat imo, when it comes to beef it's ribeye or bust. Leaner cuts are gay.
>Muttmericans having a meltdown in every pork(1st worlders choice of meat) thread
>half of the population can't eat it
maybe if you live in the middle east
Yeah it seems that way. Probably indoctrinated by their Jewish overlords, probably voluntarily got circumcised because "eww foreskin". I know their game and it's a sad one.
I have like 6 frozen pork tenderloins. What should I do with them

>inb4 cram
Make a shitload of BBQ pulled pork tenderloin
Made some lazy souvlaki under the broiler insread of grilling lately with pork filet.
Don't forget, riddled with parasites
Yes I would
The USA is the third top producer of pork products and exports
I make this with loin roast, but it would work with tenderloins, too. Comes out great, every time.
>The USA is the third top producer of pork products and exports
Quantity is not the same as quality.
And I don't know where they export it to . . . .Euros won't touch American meat, it's bland and full of nasty things.
Wow the goalposts really hit the ground running
The anon never moved any goalposts, he gave an answer to your comment.

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