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I actually like big California Cabernet Sauvignons. Why do wine snobs shit on them these days?
They're just trendy and unbalanced wines that don't adhere to the stricter sensibilities of old world bottles.

There is world class reds that come out of California, but the super ripe and fruity wines that lack any structure are just not it. Same deal with butter bomb chardonnays
I like a nice French blend. I get a lot of shit from wine snobs but if it's good, it's good.
For what? Most French wines are blends...
Because it's not a cab or merlot, but a mix of 3-5 different types.
And? All first growth Bordeaux is blended. A large percentage of the best wine being made in california is blended. Are you hanging out with a bunch of a faggots or something?
america bad

europe le good
It's only Americans who think blends are bad and are obsessed with varietal wines, before the 1970s blends (often field blends of whatever random grapes were growing on the producer's vineyard) were all people had. Robert Mondiavi invented caring about individual grape varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon.
California is still covered in radiation from the Fukushima disaster, but most people don't know or care
They changed the legal limits of radiation allowed in food to keep the economy from being fucked
Got a source for that?
Kill yourself, frogposting faggot.
Good thing I only drink 2010 vintages and earlier, then.
They inject the radiation through the cork in all old cellared bottles
for me, its the ck mondavi merlot
For me it's whichever box of something red is the cheapest.
>are you hanging out with a bunch of faggots?
>wine snobs
They're pretentious know nothing wine snobs, actually. Some wine snobs are cool guys.
Take the Riesling pill
so what is it?
Is mead /wine/¿
Some of them are alright when you're in the mood. The real enemy is california riesling

Also half the agricultural water is fracking wastewater
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Read up.
Dont they have fires or sum shit?
>the only countries that produce wine are "california" and "yurop"
If you don't care about wine you can just post in another thread you know
Yeah some of the wineries will actually talk up smoke damage as a distinguishing feature of certain vintages and actually, I don't think it's wrong of them to do so. I'm not saying to use grapes that are covered in soot and burned foam insulation but a trace of something isn't the end of the world
Dats dope
tastes like peated whisky?
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My electric rabbit died while opening a bottle. I don't want to pull it, I'm afraid I'll break it.
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pretty sure my girlfriend has an electric rabbit, but it looks completely different and isn't for wine
>the hat
Kek, isn't that leebait from the /qa/ days?
Indeed! Now let's take great care not to summon the angry horse lover from the ether realm. The consequences will be most severe!
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I hate those things. they are supposed to make life easier but they just make you look like an idiot failing an iq test and they break or run out of batteries whenever someone forces you to use them. just use a normal corkscrew, it just werx
That man does not visit this board.
Like all things, it depends on the time and place. Ya dig?
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>a normal corkscrew
but sir, you posted a multitool
These are the worst. I went to a byob pizza place with my (ex)gf once and spend 10 minutes trying to open a bottle with one of these and eventually got mogged by one of the employees opening it for me. Totally emasculating .
I was made to look like a fool with one of these once
>byob pizza place
bring your own bib?
Bring your own broad, I was none too happy having to trawl the streets of Bawlmore for women of the night
as opposed to...?
what the fuck is your post, how do you not know how to use one of those. broccoli headed?
>Screw corkscrew in
>Use leverage to force cork upward
>Pull cork out
Which part confused you?
I understand leverage, I've even used a pen to open a wine bottle. Somehow this stumped me.
bring your own bizza
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is that a wine vape?
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For me, it's the winepisser.
best aeration in the game
So I just had a champagne from champagne again for the first time in like 6 months after drinking about 20 gallons of "methode traditionelle" from other parts of the world and france, and I have to say, I am starting to think the region of champagne may have jumped the shark.

It's still perfectly good wine don't get me wrong, and aside from champagne there are definitely other prestige appellations out there that ARE worth the hype, but this isn't one of them.
Because the overwhelming majority of northern cali cabs are Parkerized jammy fruity oak bombs
By volume maybe but that's just because the cheapest stuff on the market is like that because people who buy cheap wine in 'merica have gutter palate. Just about everywhere can make good wine if price is no object but only a few places on earth can make good inexpensive wine and california is not one of those places.
>a champagne from champagne
>*northern california is not one of those places.
ftfy, paso robles and santa barbara make reasonably priced wines with an identifiable style.
you mistakenly posted the best wine key
switch to english bubbles
I considered it but then I remembered how much I despise perfidious albion, let me know when irish bubbles become a thing
Hi there reddit
hello saar
Sometimes it just be like that. Even the smartest people have retard moments.
Missed cheese
skill issue
who makes a decent new world merlot these days that doesn't cost $900. any chileans?
I'm not drinking any fucking Merlot!
I'm not either, that's why I wanna drink more of it. I've always liked the bordoughs that have a lot of merlot in them and I figure we're like 3 or 4 full fad cycles past sideways at this point so it must be a thing, right? why am I not seeing it then? I can get pure bottles of baco noir more easily than merlot of all things
On a scale from cringed to based, where do I land if I exclusively drink New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs?
It's a joke from the movie Sideways
Hawke's Bay in New Zealand is apparently good for Merlot
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yeah that's why I mentioned sideways. something something cheval blanc, and such

I would say a thing about new zealand wines at this point, but a butthurt australian always hits the report button when I do that, so I'll just say "ok thanks I'll look into it"
Semi-cringe, I too really like that style of sauv blanc but I would recommend recent vintages of some Bordeaux dry whites, some of the best value wine I came across in 2024.
>how to speedrun pushing the cork down the neck and into the bottle
I heard Frogs Leap does a good one
am I still allowed to dunk on or be wary of critter wine or have the hipsters decided that it's cool now?
More the latter but I’d be wary. Do some research or check cellar tracker. Come to think of it, most the critter wines I’ve drank this year haven’t been disgusting
You don't drink old wines?
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Most aged wine that I like is out of my budget and my set up right now doesn’t make sense to seriously collect and age. Picrel is probably the oldest bottle in my collection right now.
He forgot to remove the capsule
the capsules go in your girl's glass.
Or your guy's. I don't judge.
Was this supposed to be funny or something?
You really did a number on that cork, didn't you? Just push it in; it's not like you weren't going to demo it in one go.
collecting "aged rioja" is kind of cheating though because they do all the work for you and you can literally just walk to the store and buy it like that
Maybe I'm spoiled, but I can drive for hours in any directions (literally 24h east or west, more like 2-3 north and south) and every liquor store that isn't just crammed into some barely alive trading post in a dead town will have a vintage wine section, with the ability to order in anything they can actually procure. My evil clone got his ma something that our liquor-control-board overlords had to bid for... probably $800 poorly spent, on a $1000 downpayment that probably didn't need to happen, but she's happy.
that's my point, i'm not really aging wine. out side of the 2015 and '17 brunello and some '16 baroli
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>fine wine shop specializes in burgundy and napa
>vintner clearly has no idea how to price italian and german equivalents of grand cru
>my budget weeknight wines have become consistently as good and maybe better than my weekend more expensive bottles
cheers brehs
in my experience those kinds of store suck, they don't actually have "german equivalents of grand cru" because they think germany is just blue nun and rumple minze, there's an unearned pretentiousness because they think napa and burgundy and bordeaux are the only places that matter so if you ask about anything else they wrinkle their nose and sneer at you like you're a peasant for caring about something that marvin shanken didn't write up in cigar aficionado

luckily they're not very common on the east coast but out west it seems like it's the default non-ghetto wine shop
As someone that grew up on the east coast and now lives on the west coast, I can confirm this. The only exceptions usually being champagne and/or supertuscans, those bottles also never go on sale. These stores are so common out here that they always have one or two gems that disappear within the week because some somm will come and buy out their entire stock and put it on their menu for almost x10 the price.
To be fair, these places sometimes have excellent to outstanding selections from South America.
Fellow anons please stop me from getting into cellaring wine. Doing a bit of research and I could have several dozen bottles of really interesting and ageworthy wines from underappreciated regions for the cost of a nice vacation abroad, and I'd get more pleasure out of the former. I'm this close to buying a 100-odd bottle wine fridge second hand on Ebay and filling it with quality value Riesling and Rioja.
just do it
I’m not aging wine until I feel very comfortable knowing the styles and range of that variety/location or whatever. If you haven’t traveled to Spain and Germany and tasted Riojas and Riesling and aren’t sure if you really got the best of the best, then I would recommend using the money to go do exactly that.
If you can't insure them, plan on using them as an investment you dip into from time to time, or live in a natural-disaster prone zone, don't bother.
Otherwise, give'r.
gonna wwoof on a vineyard in italy this spring and summer i think. thinking piedmont (nebbiolo, grignolino, arneis), tuscany (brunello) or sicily (etna rosso, nero d'avola, grillo).
that's still a thing?

I'd go with piedmont if it was up to me, literally 3 grapes I like vs 4 grapes I could never taste again and I'd be fine with it

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