What do brains taste like? I know zombies love them and my grandmother used to eat them, but she was born during the great depression and they used to eat all kinds of weird shit back then out of necessity.
>>21110347Well I heard that back in the day that the English and Spanish navies would have a special table with a hole cut out in it and a special stool that went under. So they would restrain a monkey on the stool then put it below the table with the head poking up through the hole then the ship cook would come with a machete and cut off the top of the monkey's skull then poor rum into the cavity with the brain and people would take spoons of it out before the monkey died all the way. Apparently it was a delicacy but that's just what I heard. In some places you can get pig brains at the store.
>>21110357this sell pig brains on Amazon
>>21110357>poor rum into the cavity with the brain and people would take spoons of it out before the monkey died all the waywell that's metal as fuck
Gelbwurst was originally made with brain before adding brain was banned because of mad cow's disease.It's pretty tasty.
>>21110357I to watched faces of death in the 70's.
>>21110357>>21110360>>21110365didn't answer OP's question.
>>21110368don't care
>>21110357My dad would love to do this. He fucking hates monkeys of all kinds, from chimps to the little tiny ones. He's fine with orangutangs and gorillas, but not the rest. And it is like a livid rage whenever he talks about them and what he'd do if he got his hands on one.
>>21110347i ate a bunch of sheep brains and now ive got scrapie
>>21110389ask me how i know you're dad is brazilian
>>21110347Barney Fife ordered brains and snails at a French restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1965.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJROfaeLfvc
>>21110408Nah he's a moon ass white dude. Ain't no one in Brazil as pale as he is.
>>21110409i've had escargot before and its pretty good. the snail meat doesn't really taste like much of anything though, what gives it flavor is that gallon of garlic herb butter sauce its drenched inbut what do brains taste like?
>>21110357>English and Spanish naviesNice try chink.
Going off a memory from 20ish years ago (so take it with a grain of salt). The brain itself doesn't have much flavor at all, it soaks up whatever you pair it with (what I ate was soaked in a red wine and herb sauce).If you aren't eating it on it's own (i.e. ground up with other meat or cooked with veggies) you wouldn't know it was there unless someone told you.
>>21110448that's kinda what i figured
>>21110389based I think everyone has some monkey hate in them desu. Little fuckers
I... don't really know how to describe it... meaty, fatty eggs? But that could just be because we eat them either scrambled with eggs or as an egg-like binder in sausage making. Still, I'm gonna go with meaty/fatty eggs. This is for pork, btw. Never had any other brains
>>21110389>He's fine with orangutangs and gorillas, but not the restterminally BASEDtotal chimp death
>>21110487>meaty, fatty eggswell, i do love bone marrow and that's basically just fat meat butter >scrambled with eggsyeah thats how my grandmom had them, eggs & brains. maybe i'll give them a try if i ever have the chance
>>21110347I've only had them breaded and deep-fried as a sandwich.It's like a creamier tenderloin.I only get them once a year at the Fall Festival.They have a gorillion mG of cholesterol.t.OhioValleyGerman
>>21110498>breaded and deep-fried as a sandwichholy shit thats the most american thing ive ever seen. brain burger kek , i knida want one
I've had them once before it was fully illegalIt was at a local French place ran by a French boomer married couple. It was cooked in a garlic butter and served with crostini. It was good. Very similar to bone marrow but with a little more texture. It was very soft and went well with the garlic and the texture of the crostini. It's not something I'd go out of my way to find again but it was good overall.
>>21110475Every country with a significant monkey presence has a lot of people with a burning hatred of them. We think they're cute, childlike beings when we see them on the telly or on YouTube but they must be an absolute scourge to live around, they are thieving, aggressive, noisy little menaces
>>21110526just like black people
>>21110516>it was fully illegalwhat kind of brains were they, and why were they illegal ?
>>21110498My dad and his family are from Indiana/Illinois and he said he ate fried brain sandwiches so this tracks
>>21110498>I've only had them breaded and deep-fried as a sandwich.>It's like a creamier tenderloin.>I only get them once a year at the Fall Festival.>They have a gorillion mG of cholesterol.>t.AmericanValleyAmericanftfy
>>21110526Y'ain't wrong.I'm euro who lived in SEA as a kid and most people hated monkeys. I explained it to the Americans on /an/ that they're basically like raccoons but even fucking worse. They get into your bins. They get into your house. They're bold and aggressive.. Just awful animals. This is for macaques, btw. idk if other monkeys are more chill or what but macaques are absolute bastards
>>21110546mad cow's
>>21110567Just give them anger management therapy.
>>21110347 its rich, basically all fat, tasty soft texture, do recommend at least once
>>21110347like fat, most of the brain's composition is pure cholesterol. Medications to lower it literally make you retarded because it deprives your brain from its building blocks
>>21110361>>21110357I'd rather feed the monkey it's own brain. Slowly. And then go get a burger.
>>21110389>>21110408theres not even chimps in brazil, the larger monkeys here are tiny compared to chimps
>>21110590to expand on this: I would starve it first and then feed it a tiny little slice, 3 times a day, until it both begged for more and pleaded for no more.
>>21110590>>21110609Why are all you monkey torture youtube video guys not locked up yet?
>>21110612I'm a scientist. Trust me.
>>21110590>>21110609you have a darkness inside of you that is very troubling
>>21110615for you perhaps. I'm pretty chill with it.
>>21110615that's not a monkey, that's a man. And the problem is he is doped up out of his mind. I would want complete coherence of the monkey's mind.
>>21110620for science.
>>21110624and beer money
Or we could have a family dinner.
>>21110655Of monkey brains.
>>21110496>i do love bone marrowI remember being very fond of that when I was young (and having brains once or twice). Then I stopped.It would probably be too rich for me now; my body reckons there's a limit on how much fatty food I should eat at once.
>>21110567They're called Karens now.
>>21110615My dad and the monkey he caught
>>21110526Yeah I see people from the US on here complain about them often.
>>21110614becuase they live in countries too poor to give a shit about someone killing what is basically a rat
A Serbian friend makes icecream with cow brains. He says it's good and very healthy.I haven't had the balls to try making it yet.. some day.
>>21110677You can still indulge in marrow once in a while, just don't slurp it down every day >>21110834>icecream with cow brainsWhy does this give me deja vu
>>21110487brains are mostly fat.
>>21110913So is West Virginia but they're not very brainy
>>21110498>>21110503They’ve been replaced with pig brain. They used to use cow brain https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_brain_sandwich
>>21110347the zombi brain thing is only from the Return series. in general zombies are either attacking out of pure rage or predatory to eat flesh in general.also little BGM for this thread:https://youtu.be/KjbprBmFzJg?si=_-o14mKTc7A7vtXX
>>21110952>trash is taking off her clothes againMOAR BRAINS!
>>21110961man I love classic zombie movies. they really took a townturn in the 2000s-2010s (the 28 series excepted of course) but the Brad Pitt one was stupid and whatever that shitty Jake Jackenjill one was too. I can't wait for 28 Years Later. I'll have a tear in my eye hearing that theme start up in a darkened theaterhttps://youtu.be/0dhURpGFy6g?si=rng2YFoY9LR0T6we
>>21110984You might like Zombie Strippers
>>21110984Day is the GOAT Night remake is good but nothing will ever top Day. Romero's magnum opus without a doubt
>>21110992It's up between Dawn and Day, although Day has a completely oppressive tone that is more relatable to contemporary audiences, and definitely more bleak than the others. The Savini Night is worthwhile, but I still prefer the rough and tumbly original. It was such a unique idea at the time that we just take for granted now and I think it still packs a punch.>>21110989I will have to check that out anon, thanks for the rechttps://youtu.be/3ORuz67bNjU?si=5t4ogUW2JhVuCCfI
>>21111006all this talk of monkey farms and strippers is making me hungry. is there food?
>>21111012I feel like when I finally decide to try brainz I'll be the poor cunt who immediately gets kuru. I generally avoid the central and peripheral nervous systems and offal.
>>21110546They were veal brains. I came back 6 years later and they told me they weren't allowed to do that anymore.
>>21110503it's the only brains Americans get to interact with
>>21110565>macaquesany gibraltar anons here to share their stories of macaque terror
>>21111555they can fucking suck macaque
>>21110590>>21110357>everyone hates small monkeys>everyone loves big ones especially orangutangs can I get a qrd on what orangs are like in person?
>>21110590>>21110609you guys were circumcised werent you?
>>21110389Does he really hate every ape he sees? From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z?
>>21110834I bet he uses Bosnian brains.
>>21110347Yum yum! I love prions!!
>>21111555I'm the guy who posted that. I'll copy paste from desuarchive what I posted on /an/:Never been around apes so I can't say that I hate them but holy shitting fuck of a cunt do I hate monkeys. Well, I've only been around macaques. And they suck. Gosh, do I fucking hate them. Wish they would all FOAD.They get into fucking everything and make a mess. Dustbins. Skips. Doors. Even cars.Don't plant a garden because the little bastards will utterly destroy it. They routinely tip over dustbins, strewing rubbish and faeces about. They shriek an ungodly amount. They smell. They hang out in gangs of literally dozens, just generally fucking shit up, killing pets and attacking children.I already hated monkeys by this point, but when I was a kid, two got in the house. One took a shit in the kitchen while the other stole some food from the table. I don't remember what the food was, but I do recall the fucker breaking the fruit bowl in the process. The family have since switched to woven baskets v ceramic bowls for holding fruit. Oh, and the one that stole food tried to attack my wheelchair-bound brother, who luckily was in arm's reach of a broom and swatted at it.They're horrible, dirty, disease ridden thugs.And that's what I wrote. To be clear, despite my general animosity towards these absolute cunts, the people who torture them should be punished severely for that shit, too. They're monkeys. They don't know what they're doing is "wrong." The torturers absolutely do. They've no excuse. Now, if you want to extirpate them from the area, do so, but don't keep them alive to torture
>>2111034799% of this thread has NEVER eaten Brains. A few people may have and the rest just echoed their comments. Pathetic. Then the rest of the comments just went "Eeww" .. .how sad? OP asked what brains taste like and there is a thread full of idiots. I have eaten Brains, so apart from one or two posters here, I am qualified to answer. The rest of you are just Mutts with no idea of the real world. Many such cases.
>>21112091>I have eaten Brains, so apart from one or two posters here, I am qualified to answer.So why didn't you
>>21112113sorry anon my links are gradually being stamped-downhttps://youtu.be/Qlou7FK4OzA?si=QcwcKJR1UXvgdYwr
>>21112168Because he's a shit eating retard
>>21112075Just lile black people
>>21112168Because his trolling has reaches a high art
>>21112185*an high art
>>21111564If I was it grew back
>>21112075>They're monkeys. They don't know what they're doing is "wrong." You would have to peak into the mind of a monkey to know this. And if there is any conscious malice then a quick death could very well be an injustice to the victims of monkey terror.Justice must be served or it breeds further malice and corruption of self