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what can i do with this stuff
smear it on yourself while you masturbate
there's loads of stuff you can do with this but why not try something new? like a smoothie
eat it
i dont masturbate
a smoothie?
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Braise pork and sausage in it. Fresh is much better than canned
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You can make it part of a Polish feast.
lotta brapping
big fan of this one
eating food is for fat people
gross, no wonder they have trouble screwing in lightbulbs
Sneak some into your wife's doody hole without her noticing so the next time she takes a shit and looks at it she'll think she has tapeworms.
prove it
Unless it has live bacterial cultures (most of it doesn't) then it's not particularly healthy. It is tasty though.
Heat and eat with any sausage, make in sandwhich, eat by itself, pastrami rye jew melt sandwich.
One time I made a bowtie and beef pasta with it with white sauce and wine and vodka. The vodka probably wasn't necessary, but Holy fuck it was good.

It's just pickled cabbage, it doesn't have specific use and you can put it in everything.

Also great in omelets.
It’s so fucking good EAT IT NIGGA
It's a veg
cabbage needs to be braised for days on end with wild mushrooms and gamey meats to really taste good
OR fresh cabbage can be cut up, basted with olive oil, sprinkled with salt, and put in an air fryer fo 6 minutes. Orgasmic experience, that
Throw it the fuck away and get some real cabbage for fucks sake.
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Sear some sliced kielbasa with a chuck of butter, add your kraut, little bit of s&p and caraway seeds. Simmer that bich for about eight hours, or put it in a slow cooker. The kraut tastes like sausage, the sausage is softened from the acids and is super tender. Eat it with rye bread. Thank me later, or now if you want.
Forgot to mention, it's not done until the kraut looks like >>21110696 at the bottom. Don't know why poles eat their sausage raw, maybe the stove went up and all their handymen were working on screwing in a lightbulb.
Yes, reminds me of breakfast z babcia.

I used to come home and rip the most heinous farts and my family couldn't stand it, but man was it good.

Miss you babcia!
make reubens
Because it's smoked and cured, and Polish people don't like to spend money on things like cooking fuel.

They make fresh sausage also which requires cooking, but you already knew that, didn't you?
>canned sauerkraut
OP you need to be getting the refrigerated kind, this doesn't do anything
Throw it in the trash
My grandmother made this for us all the time, and I always think of her when I make it. Rest in peace, Mimi, you crazy old bat.
u can do this with sliced bratwurst instead of kielbasa then at the end thro some croutons and mustard in the bowl with it and u have a bratwurst bowl!
My gut reaction was to call you a retard who should be beaten with a nightstick if you came within 50 feet of a stove, but after giving it some thought, I would probably eat that. I would just make up a name with a bunch of w's, j's, and z's, and people would understand.
I understand the sausage in the pic is edible, and that Poland produces sausages which aren't cured. What I don't understand is a cured uncooked sausage is eaten with cooked food. Sure, cured sausage is fine cold on a cracker, buterbrod, sandwich, whatever. But if you're putting it on a plate, to be eaten with a fork, put a sear on it.
So why don't you just have a bunch of people over and enlighten them with this idea/technique and help spread the word of seared cured sausage.

I take kabanos and dip it straight into a jar of mustard and eat it like the heathen I am. No shame in my sausage game.
Why does every goofy post have pics of Great Value crap?
She was the best, always loved to see us, give us candy to rot our teeth and feed us till we were about to burst. I'm glad you had a similar experience/memory.
Who the fuck would put kraut in a smoothie? I've seen some dumb shit on this board, but that's the dumbest I've seen in a while.
That gołąbki looks fantastic. Would eat, did you make it?
>why don't you just have a bunch of people over and enlighten them with this idea/technique and help spread the word of seared cured sausage

see >>21111200
Don't be a dumbass. I enjoy your cuisine, don't see why you need to be a buttblasted baby about it.
Agreed, make it yourself or get the wild brine version. I like to throw a little pimenton in mine sometimes.
Same to you brother, I hope our babcia and mimi are happy to see us after all this, and we can both cook her something wonderful.
I didn't realize that was your pic, looks great. I just don't understand what your gripe is. Let people live.

We used to grill your standard smoked kielbasa typically, but would have kabanos, swojska and some other stuff in the fridge and Kosciusko mustard, but would also get bratwurst and stuff like that from the German butcher.

All the Polish Delis by me are closing because the people are all dying, and probably lack of patronage. Enjoy them while you can.
>slop german
It's really really nice with Schnitzel, I usually have it any time I'm having Hanchen Schnitzel. It's pretty great with basically anything sausage or chicken to be fair, but ESPECIALLY chicken.
Do you have a good recipe for Jaeger schnitzel?
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They have no trouble as long as there's at least 2 guys to pick up the ladder.
I'm genuinely sorry that traditional Poland is dying off. I'm murrican of polish descent, if you couldn't guess, and I am sure there are a million applications of smoked sausage. All I'm arguing is that if one has a plate of boiled or steamed veggies with toasted bread, then cold sliced sausage is unacceptable.
Fine, you're granted consistent temperature on a plate, just don't force it on us untermensch.
Stick about tablespoon and a half of butter in a pan and put in some diced onion (1/2 - 1 depending on the size of the onion, I usually just use a single small onion) and fry them off for about 5 minutes, just until they're soft. Put around 300g of diced mushrooms and cook again for a few minutes until the mushrooms are softened. If needed a little bit of flour, like 1/2 teaspoons give or take, to soak it up some of the excess butter and help it thicken a bit. Add about half a cup of white wine (you can substitute for white wine stock or watered down white wine vinegar, the vinegar wont taste 100% the same but still makes a good substitute since you'll be cooking out the vinegar taste during the next simmer) and about half a cup of beef stock and deglaze the pan, then leave it to simmer for 5 mins. Then all you have to do is add some cream (double/heavy, only need about 1/4 a cup) and give it a good mix. You can also add a little bit of flour at the end to thicken it up but make sure you give it an extra minute on the heat to cook out the flour taste, realistically you're better off just running the recipe without it until you figure out how much flour in the first step addition works for you, I like mine quite thick. Some people add a drop of tomato paste when they add the stock and white wine but it's fine with or without it, my girlfriend prefers with. That's it, sauce is done, you can literally just set it aside while you cook your Schnitzel. I'm not giving you a recipe for the actual schnitzel because I'm too lazy to keep typing but hope this helped anyway. It's great with Schweine schnitzel and in my opinion it's the best way to have it. It's okay with Wiener Schnitzel too, but I prefer to go lighter when having Veal (I.E some combination of lemon juice, basic seasoning, fresh herbs and some pickled vegetable).
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The temperature balance WILL be inforced
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Awesome, your contribution made OPs low effort Walmart post all worth it.
Fuck off nazi, it's Gdansk, not Danzig.
>put a g in the name
>don't pronounce it
I'll never understand polish. Growing up I had a friend whose last name was sczcepanilk. Pronounced Sapanick. I don't get it
Maybe try to learn some other Eastern European languages while you're at it and understand how different they all are from English.

I think it stems from the fact that all other alphabets were anglicized probably in the 1800s sometime. Russian is actually far easier to read because all the characters translate to a specific sound without all these letter Latin letter combinations.

Polish doesn't have a "w", "c" is actually "tsuh" and l with a slash is a "wuh" sound.

The grammar is fucked too, you conjugate nouns, there's different tenses for numbers based on the gender of the noun you're describing. It's really something.

Dwa długopisy - two pens
Dwie kanapki - two sandwiches
Stuck it between your buttcheeks..nice and slow
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Mix it in with mash with a big smoked sausage on the side
>simmering sauerkraut in cast iron
Goodbye seasoning.
The heat of the acid cooks the seasoning
I would eat the shit out of this.
There is no shit in that dish, despite the looks.
Get ome polska kielbasa, cook the polska kielbasa in the sauerkraut, put it in a brat bun with some extra kraut and some brown mustard and prepare to pay the toilet a visit in 10-15 minutes.
I think he was talking about his older brothers crotch area in general not the food.
literally just a dirty pan
>Simmer that bich for about eight hours
8 hour simmer of sausage? Wtf are you thinking?
Simmer sausage for 45 mins max or else it dries out and turns into wet cardboard.
Fry up some potatoes and mix it in after
Put it on a hot dog
>simmer for 8 hours
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Fools, the both of you. Once the sausage is seared and the kraut is in, you set your stove to its lowest setting and stir every half hour, and add water as needed. The sausage gets softened to just this side of a pate, and all the flavors meld beautifully. What about what I just said results in wet cardboard, exactly?

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