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Your supposed to cook the oats you fucking idiot
nutritious aloysius
Nah just heat up the water in the kettle and pour it over them.
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John Harvey Kellogg’s theory that the consumption of oats and other grain products tend toward the elevation of man’s mental and spiritual faculties holds water.

But don’t say that to the 24/7 vitalists and worshippers of the steppe that never was.
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Pretty close to my go to. Muesli with sliced banana and walnuts with milk.
Kellog was a quack doctor that would routinely show his literal shit to other human beings.
Sure he did Moishe
I'm almost sure Kellogg was responsible for pushing circumcision on the USA,your comment makes no sense
NTA tho
Ok well your “almost sure” falls quite flat.

> A common myth in popular culture states that Kellogg is responsible for the widespread prevalence of circumcision in the United States. This is not accurate, as Kellogg never promoted routine circumcision of all males in his writings. Rather, only men who were chronically addicted to masturbation. Additionally, Kellogg’s suggestions were not taken seriously by mainstream medical professionals at the time.

> However, it’s a common intactivist lie that circumcision was introduced into modern society by Dr. Kellogg in the mid-1800s to prevent masturbation. In reality, no medical text anywhere repeated his theory and the circumcision rates didn’t change after he proposed his theory.


Now provide an actual source for your claim that Kellogg routinely showed his shit to other people and not just hearsay you heard on 4chan, Moishe.
Ooh, well that's why i wrote "almost sure" dude...
>Now provide an actual source on Kellogg shit
Don't You know what NTA means? I'M NOT THAT ANON
This is my first experience with “NTA” so you can understand the miscommunication.
the heat of the bananas cooks the oats
lol gottem
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>snacking at night
kys fat faggot
lurk moar
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you see this? ya? every night at 9pm I eat this, hungry or not.
LOL. Sugar = nutritious.
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Cry about it numbnuts.
good thing fruit and grains aren't just sugar and there are nuts in there too!

guess where some nuts are going to be next!

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