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steak and shake has joined popeyes chicken and will now be frying in beef tallow
meaningless fad or good decision?
Good fad because it filters Indians, who are the worst when it comes to customer service.
Vegans utterly btfo
We are healing
Thank You President elect Trump
wtf i love chuds now?
Don't believe it until we see all the asterisks.
>*Impossible Beef™ Tallow Product made from 100% soy sourced from Canadian state-mandated suicide cadavers
They just shut down like 25% of their restaurants. Whats the move to tallow going to do?
The actual industrial production of beef is far more evil than your partisan science fiction.
Steak n Shake had an Indian CEO named Sardar Biglari who ran the company into the ground and stole a lot of money. No kidding they want to make a comeback.
Tasty but not healthy lol
ahh s0iChads, our response?
Odd how often that happens when outsiders come in, I wonder why?
Oh fuck off. He's not responsible for anything happening.
Make those still open cost more money.
God morning sir
Just the way burgers should be you little pantywaist.
quint dubs of truth, you're wrong
they've been monitoring social media (/ck/ in particular; every fast food corporation has an entire department dedicated to this board) and are trying to market to the schizophrenic chud who will go try "beef tallow" fries and then go screech on twitter how much better tallow is than sneed oils and everyone should go try their fries right now
i have beef tallow and potatoes at home why would i go to a shitty restaurant
because you're poor
>entire department dedicated to /ck/
Hyper malding
There is apparently not a single "Steak 'n Shake" restaurant within 10 hours of me. If you Google nearby locations, it's just
>Location closed
>Location closed
>Location closed
>Location closed
And not just for cities, but entire states. Because they failed fucking decades ago. So I fail to see how this "literally who" of goyslop merits discussion on my goyslop board. 100% of zero is still zero.
Steak n Shake really dropped off in the past 10 years or so. Maybe I'll start going back. Culver's arguably has the better burger patty, but Steak n Shake's onions and pickles are far superior. >>21111214
They were a staple here in Peoria during the 90s and 2000s. It wasn't until about a decade ago that they started sucking.
lmfao take a hike loser
Who cares? It's a cow.
Alright, guess I'm going to steak n shake for the first time in half a decade. Stopped going after they got rid of the 4 for 4 menu.
What burger should I get to pair with shoestrings fired in beef tallow? I used to alternate the garlic burger and the original double steak burger with all the fixins, but I don't remember what I got last.
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I didn't realize my own power all this time...
Still not eating
You should not, ever, under any conditions be eating fast food so often that the "healthiness" of the food should concern you. If you disagree you are a culinary and economic illiterate. Ergo the association between excess fast food restaurant visitation, poverty and retardation.
ever since I've gone to steaknshake their frisco melt by itself was more expensive than a doublecheese with fries by about $2~
i wonder why
>Because they failed fucking decades ago.
they got bought out by a VC firm that tried the classic cut-costs-make-product-worse-post-profit-sell trick
that shit doesn't work anymore unless you've got a hostage market
Folks stopped using it because of the fat-free campaigns in the 80s. Turns out it's not so bad for you, at least not as bad as the sugar most fat was replaced with, so its not surprising to see a reemergence. It's a good deepfry fat.
>the original double steak burger with all the fixins
that is what i always get, same for five guys too
That's nice, too bad that the nearest one to me involves a ~12 mile drive that takes 20-35 minutes depending on traffic, and I can get better food from half a dozen places within a couple miles of my house. I suppose it'll be nice when I stop there on my way to visit my brother, though the experience isn't the same. Not only did they get rid of the wait staff, you can only order from a kiosk, and to use the fountain machine you have to scan a QR code that prints out with your receipt to turn it on, which it sometimes doesn't.

>Steak n Shake had an Indian CEO named Sardar Biglari who ran the company into the ground and stole a lot of money.
Hmmm... Boston Market got bought out by some rich Pajeet who drove the company into the ground (by not paying suppliers, or employees, and even not paying Colorado state income tax, which got their headquarters seized). I'm noticing a trend here...
twice is just a coincidence
Buffalo Wild Wings also uses tallow for their fries
RFK jr
Why would you put a fucking HINDU in charge of a fucking BOVINE BURGER restaurant? Like they can understand or even begin to fathom the American freedom essence of the holy cheese burger.
Who cares? You're a pleb.
>implying da'qaun'la'von'de'martuvius washington III and shaneequa can figure out how to use beef tallow
Popeyes is not going to use 100% beef tallow.
A lot of restaurants already use solid vegetable shortening rather than liquid oil.
Restaurants. Not gas station fast food chains.
If you believe cows are dogs based on 3 webms, but they really aren't. They are absurdly dumb NPC animals. What you think is evil isn't even perceived by them. There's dozens of videos of farmers shooting cow after cow in the middle of the herd and the only thing they actually react to is the thud of another cow falling, they don't fear the farmer or his gun or fight back. I'm pretty sure cows don't even have a conscious sensitivity to pain and perceive having a hole in their abdomen as an itch and will happily live like that until they die.

These are all traits that are selected for among prey animals, and they were dramatically enhanced by domestication.

The term cattle carries its connotations for a reason. There is also a reason all the vegans and ARAs are in the city, and farmers are happily killing animals. I would take an endless cow holocaust over a few homeless bums dying to spare all the worlds cows. They are that dumb. You'd need to up it to a few hundred white bums for me to take an endless dog holocaust, to contrast.
Cows still get stressed from poor conditions and get sick from being on an unnatural diet of grain. Not only does beef from these cows taste worse it's actually less healthy for you. There is actual evidence for this.

People don't have as much of an issue with animals being treated properly and slaughtered when someone needs food. Industrial farming is not that.
Cope faggot.
first they took the triple steakburger off the 4 for 4, then they increased the cost to make it in line with other restaurants and finally I'm certain they've shrunk the size of the burgers. They are still really good though.
What was it
"stressed" for an animal is not "suffering" tho, so calling it evil is retarded. they legit have a lesser consciousness. things that would make you suffer make them sorta uncomfortable.

now pigs. we could talk about pigs. pigs, dogs, and humans all get depressed and become mentally ill not because of overloaded competition instincts like when chickens peck the shit out of each other because their programming says to peck other chickens for being too close to food, but because they hate their lives. an intelligent and civilized people would not eat pork at all. some would eat you, but all the pigs that ate people for taking a nap were farmed pigs, not pet pigs. if you don't eat dog you shouldn't eat pig and it's not as big of a stretch as you think to say that pork eaters should be ok with some manifestations of cannibalism and consumption of great apes and highly intelligent cetaceans.
>things that would make you suffer make them sorta uncomfortable.

this theory was tested and proved in unit 731
>things that would make you suffer make them sorta uncomfortable.
I think it should still be avoided even if this is true. Obviously extent of suffering matters in some cases but I think inflicting anything negative on another should be avoided as much as possible.

>and it's not as big of a stretch as you think to say that pork eaters should be ok with some manifestations of cannibalism
Think we're getting a bit silly here.
Good move but we don't have a Steak n Shake around here anymore, we used to have two.
rent free faggot
You gaywads brought him up. You're voting against your own economic best interests. Ignorant cunt.
popeyes chicken in america has never stopped using beef tallow
popeyes in canada switched to canada rapeseed oil, also known as CANola oil
>it is in your economic best interests to set year after year records of illegal aliens flooding across the border
I didn't know Affirming the Papacy (Pope? Yes!) used tallow now. Since when?
fad, its probly cheaper
good, it's time people stop bowing to the whims of a sub minority of whiny little bitches. why do we need to make food that only about 5 percent of the population might MIGHT eat.
So Popeyes is now safe for me to get fried chicken without worrying about it being saturated in rancid canola oil? I might actually go there and deal with their horrible employees to get one of their actual good chicken sandwiches now.
Shit like this is being posted by seed oil schizos who think that animal fat is a longevity superfood
a simple google search tells me he's iranian, I won't lie though he turned steak n' shake away from its sit down model to more of a fast food shithole
Okay Muhammad
Why always tallow?
What's wrong with lard?
you can buy lard cheap at that cheap shop, and fry your own potatoes a lot
Got a block of the stuff and I've been using it. It's nothing special. Haven't found anything I'd use it in favor of.
Sounds tasty. I wish faggots wouldn't inject their politics into culinary decisions, but I guess that's the fucking world we live in now.

Are you inventing new insults on the fly?
Thanks think I might make the trip to Popeyes tonight
>bake the cake bigot
was almost 15 years ago anon
It was a Jew who made restaurants stop using tallow
Total domination of lesser species is the duty of Man.
It's meant to be a treat, not a staple of your diet. If you're dumb enough to eat it every day, you deserve the consequences.
i worked for an old school super club long ago
we did all our fried food in lard
if you use anything other than lard/tallow you are a jew
simple as
tallow is kosher tho
quite possibly the most jewish post i have ever seen, congratulations moshestein
beef tallow has been known to cause schizophrenia
i would not make carnitas in tallow over lard
but that is literally the only thing i can think of
Oh man. I hope the price doesn’t go up too much.
america consumes 15 billion pounds of seed oils per year
but the entire slaughter of cows and steers only makes 1.5 billion pounds of tallow a year
however, tallow can be reused dozens of times, seed oils go rancid
Because tallow used to be a waste product of the beef industry, so restaurants bought it because it was the cheapest grease they could get. When vegetable oil got cheaper, they switched to that. Lard has always been a desired culinary grease, and so is more expensive.
So their fries are going to be better then?
lard's cheaper in my country but our government also doesn't give huge subsidies to the beef industry
man fuck you, i'd try ape meat
Beef industry psy-op wins again.
It’s so obvious each board is completely shelled out to advertising and shills now
Ever since Kamala lost they’ve gotten really seething and desperate
Said the Reddit fag
Nice try heebie jeebie
Tastes better. Also some of the studies on seed oils are compelling. It's probably not killing you, but good chance seed oils high in omega-6 are causing IBD flareups and diarrhea for some people.
>t. doing the needful
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