Do you actively try to reduce your microplastic consumption?I read this article and the effects MPs have on fertility and metabolic health is frightening to say the least...
>>21114164If you heard it on the news it is most definitely a Psyop.
>>21114291I heard it from the voices in my brain while eating out of wrappers and drinking out of styrofoam
>microplastic consumptionis this some new psyop after the millennium bug, 2012 world end and the coof?
What's up with people that don't have kids and being obsessed with fertility?
>>21114363Easier than talking to girls.
>>21114363I use micro plastics and big food psyops hurting my fertility to justify why girls won't talk to me.
>>21114164propaganda is for stupid people. microplastics is propaganda.
No, because I am not scared of tiny little pieces of plastic. Stop being a pussy. We all eat a barrel of dirt before we die. Fucking kids these days are more prissy and feminine than ever.
>>21114550>Fucking kids these days are more prissy and feminine than ever.Yeah because of microplastics, duh
>>21114570No, it's because of prissy sheltered idiots who toss good food if a fly lands on it or shriek in terror if a bug gets on your skin and they wash their hands with antibacterial soap 10 times a day. Stop being a pussy. Stop falling for bs that does nothing but work people up and make things cost more.
>>21114363planning to have kids, you silly goober. You literally bespoke the reason
I grew up in an old house with lead pipes AND ingested loads of microplastics
>>21114644how many fingers does your son have?