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Who was in the wrong here?
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there's only one true way to enjoy Fanta
Both are bad for you, one is more bad.
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one is a sparkling orange juice and the other is a man made abomination made of HFCS and despair. I'll let you guess which is which.
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>Ill take the organic free range orange soda please
>orange soda
>europeans make it yellow
what kind of crack are they smoking
USA as always. Europeans wouldn't feed the "food" the FDA approves of to literal animals.
is lemon Fanta yellow instead of white too in the USA?
Orange juice is closer to the Europe one in color than the US one.
You for creating a gay ass thread.
Have you ever squeezed juice from an orange?
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Yes, all the time.
But I prefer Fanta since it doesn't blind me.
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I had this in Greece last summer, it was really good. The liquid's clear, it's just a very blue bottle
Eu Fanta is yellower than orange juice, but US Fanta is oranger...

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