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Squid jerky
>thinking pho wasn't already all the rage 20 years ago
What the fuck does pho have to do with Japanese food?
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid piece of shit?
Takoyaki with sausage instead of octopus.
We already have those, they're called sausage rolls.
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>>21127989 (OP)

It is similar to miso soup, but tastes better with more ingredients.
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Okonomiyaki. Personally though, the first thing I want to eat when I go to Japan is a big serving of unagidon
chicken noodle soup mogs all of this bullshit
>>21127989 (OP)
The heat from the ramen melts the butter.
There's really nothing else left that westerners would be interested in except their packaged slop. For example, I saw Tokyo Bananas for sale here back in November.
I'm thinking izikaya style meat skewers, but none of the organ meat/offal varieties that actual jap salarymen love
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>>21127989 (OP)
Can we get yakisoba-pan popularized? It's a tasty carb boost and right now the only place I can get it is at Japanese grocery stores in my city, and then only sometimes.
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I wish sukiyaki were both more popular and easier to get individual servings of, since I don't eat with other people generally
I hope sashimi becomes more than sushi. Kawaii!
>>21127989 (OP)
street foods/peasant foods/"home-cooking" type foods: inarizushi, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, nikujaga, maybe omurice. these are my predictions
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You need to try Japanese candied sweet potato fries (Daigaku imo)
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In the future, butter-soy flavored food will be in vogue.
>>21127989 (OP)
>>21127989 (OP)
>>21127989 (OP)
honestly surprised that kushikatsu hasnt taken off.
its cheap as fuck and easy to do.
but knowing the West they'll fuck it up by making it 5x the price for no reason and designing the restaurants wrong.
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>>21127989 (OP)
Hoshi imo(dried sweet potatoes)
corn doesn't work with ramen. ive tried it it's not a good flavor/texture combination with ramen broth
I buy these from walmart and feed them to my dog. They usually come wrapped in chicken jerky.
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In Japan, dried sweet potatoes are relatively expensive and are not fed to dogs.
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Cheese beef bowl
>>21127989 (OP)
instant ramen restaurant/cafes where you buy the bowl and condiments and pour the hot water yourself...
forgot pic.
>>21127989 (OP)
Wish there were more donburi places around.
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>tfw we will never have instant ramen vending machines be popular here
I bet you're wrong. I would totally give some of those to my dog.
In Japan, real ramen is more popular than instant ramen.
Instant ramen is for busy people or those without money.
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At least in Japan, we don't usually feed relatively expensive dried sweet potatoes to dogs!
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Squid jerky is great, but not strictly Japanese
I buy it a Russian store
this is in the US for those without a lot of money
I think Hamburg Steak could be it as some sort of reinvention of the Salisbury Steak.
I've been making burgers for a local bar based on a Hamburg steak style, and they go fast when I make them.

Pretty cheap to make them big from cheap ground beef with panko, worcestershire sauce, and eggs makes them savory. I also add a dollop of greek yogurt, diced shallots, and smoked paprika from foodwishes.com wiiiiiittthhh

I usually top them with mushrooms, bit of horseradish, and melted swiss between two toasted sourdough slices. Most people like the patties with standard burg toppings tho
Im poor and no way would I ever pay $8 for dressed up instant ramen.
This mentality inspires me to support socioeconomic pressures such that ramen noodles themselves are $8 for single pack and are considered a steal because the ramen store is $25 at cheapest.
Like really if $8 was cheap and you still wouldn't buy it due to a commitment to a particular numeric valuation I'd be impressed in a way.
You do you but it sounds like you are shooting yourself in the foot out of spite for your own best interest.
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>>21127989 (OP)
Reason: Onigiri are appealing because they are quick and easy to carry. They can be eaten as casually as a sandwich, making them ideal for the busy American lifestyle.

Examples of arrangements:
American favorite fillings such as spicy tuna and teriyaki chicken.
Health-conscious versions using whole grain or brown rice.
Vegetarian-friendly (avocado or pickled vegetables).
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Dashimaki Tamago (egg) Sandwich
Why: This Japanese-style sandwich with a fluffy dashimaki egg is already gaining popularity in Asian bakeries.

How it's made :
A premium version with truffles and cheese.
Vegetarian variation with added vegetables.
is that literally noodles in bread
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This is K*rean slop, not Japanese.
Likely this, they even started selling it in the US with American packaging. The “hangover cure” meme is strong coupled with the funny name.
I wish, but a lot of people I know won’t eat it.
to non japanese pho and ramen are basically the same thing since no one eats chunky noodles/dry ramen except high schoolers in japan or turbo obese neets
it doesn't work for the normie. japanese people don't understand why it sounds stupid - if i'm playing sports sweat is the last thing i wanna taste coz there's likely already sweat trickling into my mouth.
the association is too strong. it's funny as a meme but i wouldn't wanna see the word sweat every time i open my fucking backpack/fridge
i save chicken soup for when i'm sick, don't wanna be nauseated by it when i'm dehydrated from the flu coz i'll need to suck it down
did you miss "the ocky way" memes? they already did noodles in bread in 2022
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I’ve turned several people onto it since I came back to the states, it’s nice that there’s a fantastic Asian market that sells it, and it’s cheaper than pedialyte.

That’s also how I know squid jerky won’t catch on, too. No one seems to like it.
>to non japanese pho and ramen are basically the same thing s
They literally have nothing in common what the fuck?!!?
>thing :/
>thing japan :0
Its the same fucking thing you cretinous weeb
I hate you so fucking much.
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place near me already jumping on the bandwagon, these are okonomiyaki tater tots
Too basic. They need toppings.
No. Stop being an American with absolutely fried tastebuds and stop being addicted to huge giant heeping slop piles topped with sauces made of high fructose corn syrup and deep fried double fried everything.
This is a simple dish to showcase the high quality and subtle flavors of good noodles.
You add the wasabi, sometmes daikon radish and green onions into a concentrated tsuyu sauce on the side.
I won't eat carbs without prot.
>these noodle soups have nothing in common
Shamefur dispray. You no good-a a weeb.
>>21127989 (OP)
Soy Sauce Butter Fusion Cooking

Rationale: The soy butter flavor is familiar to Americans and can be used in a variety of dishes such as pasta and popcorn.

Examples of arrangements:
Soy Sauce Butter Pasta.
Soy Sauce Butter Rice Bowl (serve with avocado or poached egg).
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Seafood Donburi (Kaisen Don)
Reason: As an extension of the popularity of poke bowls, bowls of rice topped with fresh seafood are gaining acceptance.

Examples of variations:
Variations using spicy sauce or fusion sauce.
A vegan version using chuna (vegetable tuna).
Japan doesn't have anything that's good enough to be internationally competitive and distinct from other foods beyond sushi.
You have no right to humiliate Japan.
Where is your country?
What exactly is the one outstanding food product from your country that is internationally competitive and differentiates it from other foods?
The fact that they are noodle soups is where the similarities end and that is quite literally the most basic generic and broad similarity they could possibly share. The ingredients, preperation, and way you eat them are all completely different and have not a single thing in common.
>>21127989 (OP)
I can get this locally.
Unless you live in a major West coast city, you most likely cant. Even NYC has literally one authentic Miso ramen place.
>>21127989 (OP)
I just want to be able to get Japanese sweet potatoes anywhere.
kill yourself amerifat
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>>21127989 (OP)
>>21127989 (OP)
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Reasons: Similar in shape to pizza or pancakes, Okonomiyaki is easy to adapt to and can be topped with a variety of toppings.

Examples of arrangements:
Western-style arrangement with cheese and bacon.
Gluten-free version (using rice flour).
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>>21127989 (OP)
>>21127989 (OP)
>>21127989 (OP)
This looks so satisfying to bite into.
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Grilled chicken yakitori bowls
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I was surprised to learn that soy-sauce flavored popcorn is minor in the West. It is delicious.
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Interestingly, there is also a cake named “Sweet Potato(スイートポテト)”.
the heat from the tray cooks the bowl
Sweet and savory sweets for adults.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tpa9AYYfnB0 [Embed]
Thats what Im thinking. People love saucy messes.
$10+ for instant ramen, holy fuck
just make hot pot at home?
I bet that taste delicious
I also bet it costs way more than it should
I'm going to make this today because I'm bored and I can.
thanks for the inspiration
University students are consecutively proven to be the most stupid people in the world year on year
No doubt in the US that low effort side dish would cost more than an actual okonomiyaki in Japan
this looks amazing, i love natto
The rice itself would have to be seasoned in some way, plain white rice just doesn't really fit here. Hell, we really don't eat that much rice at all, I think like almost half of what we grow is exported
Japanese rice has a slight sweetness.
There is also a type of rice ball called “salted rice ball.
>>21127989 (OP)
A bar with rooms were you can go cheat on your wife
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I could see curry and fried chicken or pork becoming more common
Why would americans downgrade to japanese curry when most of them have already had real curry?
>real curry
>americanised version of anything
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Menu utilizing fermented foods
Reason: With the ongoing boom in intestinal activity in the U.S., fermented foods such as miso, nukazuke (pickles), and amazake (sweet sake) are attracting attention.

Examples of arrangements:
Miso dip (for vegetable sticks).
Amazake smoothies.
Americanised curry? Like what
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>>21127989 (OP)
>Inexpensive food ingredients
>Easy to cook
are you going to be okay anon?
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The popularity of fake curry is probably due to the fact that few people can reproduce and cook real curry.
>>21127989 (OP)
bacon bits + mac and cheese deep fried onigiris
it'll just be deep fried rice balls
>japs cut the crust off like children
There are a lot of crazy people in this thread who need to put down Japanese people and Japanese things.
I feel sorry for Japanese people.
you are japanese. its very easy to tell from the way you type your replies. i do agree with you though
My guess is that samgak gimbap, the Korean version of onigiri would be more popular here since it comes with all kinds of meat fillings and seasoned rice.
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They also take food that originated in Japan.
Do not take a crack at the tuna mayo onigiri.
Japanese onigiri have seasoned rice, and some have meat in them.
Japanese onigiri are rich in variety.
Do not be fooled by Koreans.
It is really quite pathetic and evil that Koreans are trying so hard to steal Japanese culture.
My hippie mom had a Japanese exchange student in the 90s who taught her about okonomiyaki so my white scandinavian-american family has been making it every Christmas morning as a tradition for the last 30 years.
When I was a kid, my big brother told me the reason the fish flakes move on top of it is because they were still alive, which made me sad so I would always pick them off and say "I'm sowwy".
>I would always pick them off and say "I'm sowwy".
Thats so cute
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I am trying okonomiyaki and Takoyaki when I head to japan. I never tried curry, what's the recommended curry for first timers?
Pho being like ramen because they both have noodles is like saying a hamburger and ham sandwich are the same thing because they're meat and bread
>corn in a soup
Pho is literally just overpriced ramen in a faux fancy bowl.
>completely different noodles (rice vs wheat)
>completely different type of broth (beef vs pork)
>completely different ingredients (star anise, fish sauce, cilantro, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom vs soy sauce, sake, mirin)

Exactly the same
>>21127989 (OP)
I can't wait for Japan to learn about the Maillard reaction though. Other than sushi, japs just eat boiled meats soup and noodles.
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Tonkatsu - Aoki's Katsu Curry

Matsunoya's Katsu Curry

Unfortunately, it's closed.
>Mighty's Katsu Curry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuDQOV0t9Oo [Embed]
Already happening, normal supermarkets have the Japanese roux blocks in their Asian sections these days, at least where I am ("west coast" but 4 hours from the ocean in a 100k city with almost no Asians) and I think katsu curry rice is a good candidate for the US market, breaded and fried meat in mildly spiced gravy is about the most accessible Japanese thing I can think of for the American palate.
imagine paying 12 dollars + tip for this when you could get free bread at an italian restaurant instead
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>12 dollars + tip
In Japan.
That's why you order it with a side of katsu.
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February 2 is Setsubun. Today, there are several food-related customs in Japan.
One of them is to eat Ehomaki sushi without cutting it.
But in my house, we cut the sushi into pieces to be on the safe side.
anon you do realize they got all this shit from the japanese during the colonial period right?
though I do find it funny how many dishes of japanese origin get a pass from people who otherwise hate anything japanese
katsu is definitely becoming more popular, already been blowing up the past couple years on the foodie scene.
japanese curry I'm more skeptical about only because there's so much established competition.
takoyaki is delicious but you're going to be surprised by the unexpected soft texture. you'll either love it or hate it like my mother did.
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Sauce Katsudon
I wish it would be their set breakfasts. Delicious and balanced, but I don't think they have much appeal to Western tastes. Not unless it was retooled to a different meal anyway.
D-dude, what? Holy crap.
You are on the food and cooking board. Of 4chan. A JAPANESE ANIME WEBSITE.
And you think that PHO is anything REMOTELY similar to Ramen?
Holy crap. If this was 15 years ago you would be banned on the spot.
Soup dishes using dashi
Reason: Miso soup is already popular due to the appreciation of dashi's flavor and health benefits. Further evolution of soup menus is expected.

Examples of arrangements: “Pork miso soup” with a lot of ingredients.
Pork miso soup” with a lot of ingredients.
Vegan dashi soup using kombu and shiitake mushrooms.
Vegan and Japanese Cuisine
Reason: As veganism is on the rise, Japanese cuisine using tofu, miso, kombu dashi, etc. is attracting attention.
Examples of arrangements:
Vegan ramen (soup without animal products).
A set of small bowls of vegetarian-style dishes.
>vegan ramen
Just say somen/soba it’s already the blandest noodle you can make.
Produce is expensive in Japan because you maintain high tarrifs on to protect the LDP's voter base in the agricultural sector.
I still don't understand what's so good about this.
I've had it a few times and it tastes like water with sugar in it. And it has an almost unpleasant thickness to it.
Pocari Sweat is a beverage suitable for replenishing water and ions (electrolytes) lost through sweating.
With an ion balance close to that of body fluids, it is also useful for preventing dehydration and providing nutritional support when feeling unwell.
It tastes great when you drink it when you sweat.
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>Make soup but instead of mixing the ingredients in just throw them all on top for some reason
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Is this the same thing as chirashi?
As opposed to Japanese curry?
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Chirashi-zushi and Kaisen-don are similar, but differ in the following ways

Definition: a type of sushi, consisting of sushi rice decorated with a variety of seafood and vegetables scattered over a bed of vinegared rice.
Vinegared rice: Rice that has been brushed with vinegar.
Ingredients: A variety of ingredients such as raw fish, shrimp, salmon roe, kanpyo (dried gourd-shaped fish cake), and egg rolls are sprinkled on top of the rice.
Arrangement: The dish is characterized by a colorful and artistic arrangement, with an emphasis on visual appeal.
Form: Usually served in one large bowl, but sometimes served in smaller individual containers.

Definition: A type of bowl of rice topped with raw seafood.
Consists of
Rice: Regular white rice or rice with a little vinegar added, but not necessarily vinegared rice.
Ingredients: Mostly fresh seafood such as tuna, salmon, squid, and shrimp. It is usually seasoned with tare or soy sauce.
Arrangement: Seafood is placed directly on top of the rice, so it is not as decorative as chirashizushi, but it is still presented in a pleasing manner.
Form of serving: The fish is usually served in a single bowl, and is then mixed together when eaten.

Points of difference
Sushi rice: Chirashi-zushi always uses sushi rice, but kaisen-don is not necessarily made with sushi rice, but often with plain rice.
Variety and arrangement of ingredients: Chirashi-zushi uses a variety of ingredients, and the emphasis is on the appearance of the dish. Kaisendon is mainly seafood, and the arrangement is simple.
Seasoning: Kaisen-don requires seasoning, often with soy sauce or a special sauce. In chirashi-zushi, each ingredient is individually seasoned.
Cultural context: Chirashizushi is often prepared for celebrations and events, while Kaisen-don is more popular as an everyday meal.

Due to these differences, chirashi-zushi and kaisen-don are enjoyed in different food cultures and situations.
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Zarusoba is great. I love this shit in summer.
>>21127989 (OP)
we've had that for awhile.
god damn I love negitoro, I hate that it's so uncommon in the US, basically have to go to a place that's part of a real Japanese chain (like Kura) to find it
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>>21127989 (OP)
corn on the cob and roast pork with gravy
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Japanese-style desserts
Reasons: Healthy and fresh flavors are easily accepted.

Examples of arrangements:
Matcha Tiramisu or Matcha parfait.
Toast with red bean paste butter.
Mitarashi dango or Hoji-cha ice cream.
>le magical nippon food
kill yourself.
Pho is literally ramen made with more expensive ingredients.
ramen is just noodles and water, pho is meat and water. retarded comparison.
OP is correct
My local Mexican market carries Japanese curry blocks and they are regularly restocked.
We Tried Japanese Food in Canada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6LTQKo00EY [Embed]
The following are possible Japanese dishes that may increase in popularity in the U.S. in the future.

Katsu Sandwich (Tonkatsu Sandwich)
Katsusandwich (pork cutlet sandwich), which has recently become a hot topic on SNS, is a sandwich made with plenty of crispy tonkatsu (deep-fried pork cutlets). While casual on the outside, the ones served inside the restaurant are characterized by a luxurious finish that incorporates special sauces, bread, and seasonal vegetables. Because they are also Instagram-worthy, they are likely to attract attention, especially from younger customers.

Health-conscious tofu cuisine
As health consciousness continues to grow in the U.S., there is a trend to actively incorporate plant-based proteins. Healthy and nutritionally balanced dishes such as Japanese-style salads using tofu, tofu hamburgers, and dishes fused with Asian flavors are likely to become popular.

Kappo-style creative cuisine
Kappo-style restaurants that offer creative cuisine based on traditional Japanese ingredients and cooking methods, but adapted to local ingredients and tastes, will be a fresh experience for the gourmet crowd. The simple flavors combined with sophisticated techniques and presentation will attract attention not only to the food, but also to the culinary culture.

Casual Food on the Izakaya Menu
Izakaya style food such as takoyaki, karaage, and yakitori are easily accepted in the American youth, food truck, and casual dining scene. By taking advantage of their easy-to-handle and shareable size, and the sauces and toppings that can be arranged, these dishes can appeal to a wide range of people.
Noodles (soba, udon, ramen) through a fusion of tradition and modernity
Ramen already enjoys a certain level of popularity, but more sophisticated soba and udon offerings can be expected. For example, creative soba dishes using seasonal ingredients and local vegetables, or low-calorie, high-nutrition noodle dishes that match today's health consciousness while still preserving traditional methods, are possible variations.

These menus could attract even more attention in the future as innovations are added to suit American tastes and lifestyles (health-conscious, easy to prepare, social networking, etc.). As each restaurant and chef adds their own twist to incorporate local culture and trends, Japanese cuisine will become even more appealing and pervasive.
>Traditional buckwheat noodles
It will be quite difficult to make because it is a method that requires experience among Japanese foods.
If you were to make a real one, you would need to fold soba noodles 10,000 times.
If I were to serve it in America, I think it would be a low-quality product that is mass-produced by a pasta machine.
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LCFUs8a9 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoO2sLjt8Lgco [Embed]
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>>21127989 (OP)
The Japanese love Tabasco with Italian food. Let's see if we can get that normalized here.
Whether or not Tabasco is used in Italian cuisine in Japan is a matter of taste.
Some Japanese use Tabasco, while others use cheese powder.
But that is the case in relatively inexpensive Italian restaurants.
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buckwheat noodles with edible wild vegetables
no, most americans prefer fried rice over white
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Looks like he's been practicing for years.
However, the difficult part of making buckwheat noodles is that even he makes mistakes.

His mentor makes a good one, despite his muscles deteriorating with age.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21nb0Ot5LAA [Embed]
Nobody gives a shit about diarrhea inducing seanigger food, this is a Japanese food thread.
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>>21127989 (OP)
Idk, maybe roasted doggo? Hear they love it down there
You mean the USA?
Japanese have never eaten dog or cat. Every other Asian does though, so it is interesting Japan never took to the habit.

'Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization'.
- Theodore Roosevelt
There are still references to people eating wild dogs in Japan, but that was probably just a time when food was scarce.
I was born in Japan and have never seen dog meat until now.
Naturally. Even in Europe, dog was eaten in the old days. It was a cheap meat though, few desired it specifically.
The non-Japanese Asians are just inherently un-civilised, since they enjoy eating dogs and cats. Still, again, I find it interesting that all Asians (not counting Indians or Arabs and the like) enjoy dog/cat meat except Japan, despite Japan being culturally connected to Asia.
Theodore Roosevelt was president before 1940, idiota.
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Yukari Onigiri
So edgy
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Chirashi-zushi or scattering sushi (chirashi-zushi) is a type of sushi made by combining vinegared rice with many different ingredients.

The word (chirashi) literally means “scattering” various ingredients in or on top of sushi rice, and is sometimes simply called “chirashi.
Japanese cuisine is for women, almost all of its ingredients are rich in estrogen
The only exception is Genghis Khan grill
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Whats so special about jap fried foods vs westerm fried food. I ordered chicken katsu last year and it didnt taste any different than any of the fried cutlet tortas I've been eating for years.
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>>21127989 (OP)
At some point we've gotta get hipsters trying to replicate yakitori at small bars, with the special grills, and the special charcoal, and the ambiance of the tiny space with the grillman turning the chicken. It's so easy and comfy, you can do it at home, so it seems natural that someone would try transplanting it to an urban space with exposed brick walls, string lights, black gloves, and 25% tips on the payment tablet.
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I want unagi to be more popular.
Stop digging through my garbage you raccoon
There are chicken skewer dishes all over the world, what’s special about this one?
in america 1 of these in a bar would be 10 bucks. Fuck that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKL8W-2bfvI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy3NZ-FfP6E [Embed]
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>>21127989 (OP)
>Pho and spaghetti are basically the same thing
It's Japanese. That's literally it, except you also get to express your buyfag gear autism because special grills and special charcoal. I'm sure there's also something about Japanese wagyu chicken and turning the skewer every 2.9 seconds just like in the Meiji era.
You sure are butthurt about Japan.
Must be jealous.
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personally i think yakiniku could catch on. korean bbq already seems popular, and yakiniku trades out the 50,000 kinds of kimchi that most americans don't like anyways for a larger focus on that sweet, yummy grilled meat

chigyu detected

man i wish donburi would catch on here. i think in general most of the country is just too landlocked to have access to the fresh seafood that makes it work.
>this thread
how did the Japanese scam the world into believing their cuisine is good? Anime?
If it were true, you would be a source of income for the OP!
The text in this thread will be a falsified Japanese translation of the text, and will be articles and videos that will please some Japanese with low IQs.
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Hot soba noodles
The NY Ramen scene is fucking grim these days
$20 and it doesn't even come with any meat, that's a $6 add on

I miss 15 years ago when wh*tes never heard of this and I'd get the week day lunch special for $8 and it came with a side of dumplings
I miss old-school Japanese places in general. I remember 15-20 years ago there were tons of places serving more traditional cooked dishes like various donburi, bento, grilled fish, udon and soba, etc. and when you found a ramen place it was cheap and served more traditional styles like shoyu, shio, or miso ramen. Now it's all either sushi or ramen places and the vast majority of ramen places specialize in really heavy tonkotsu ramen and can't make decent versions of any of the lighter styles unless you go to one of the few places like Torrance that have a significant Japanese expat community.
the decline became highly noticeable in around 2011 when all the sushi turned into those inside out rolls and when the restaurants started putting mango in them I knew we had crossed the rubicon

in many ways I'm happy korean food is becoming popular because their entire cuisine is post war westernized processed overly sweet/spicy/cheesy slop as it is
no need to ruin the classics anymore
i miss these i was stationed in korea for a year and drank them once a day, that and soju
>>21127989 (OP)
>What will be the next popular Japanese food in the United States?
Matsusaka wagyu ribeye steaks
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yaki imo, it’s warm and perfect for events that take place in cities in the colder months, quick and easy to roast on a foodtruck too
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fuck off bot
>>21127989 (OP)
>that green shit
>whatever that vile looking shit between the corn and the meat is
this is never catching on lmao
>$20 and it doesn't even come with any meat, that's a $6 add on
NYC prices have been grim for decades, Anon.
>>21127989 (OP)
so, soup?
Sweat potato fries are already catching on here.
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...I could actually make this right now with what I have at home. Nice.
Maybe you're just retarded, even my boomer mom knows the difference between pho and ramen
Based big brother Devilman Crybaby'd you
This except pepperoni or something equally disgusting
Also this, I could totally see this Americanized with some fatass cheeseburger type shit, probably replace the mayo with ranch or "burger sauce" (thousand island)
Chigyu ass nigga foh
Stupid motherfuckers paying $11 + tip for $2 of food. Boil a fucking egg
>real curry
Requires me to deal with Indians
>japanese curry
Requires me to dump tasty stock cubes out of a box
That looks amazing
Doesn't work for the American palate, they need things sickeningly HFCS sweet
NTA but if he's American we have Maccas
Sake and Shochu
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Keep seething, rasheesh
> My hippie mom had a Japanese exchange student in the 90s
he fucked her btw
>rasheesh this corn syrup bussin fr
>>21127989 (OP)
Romen is played out. Boomer grandmas eat fancy romens now with thier karen daughters. It peaked in 08.
Isn't this just Gatorade?
>Isn't this just Gatorade?
It says "Pocari Sweat" on the bottle, so I would say it is NOT Gatorade
Is that a Vtuber?
My slav dad made this and it was delicious and I dislike most omeletes. Gonna make my own this week.
for a moment I thought this was some v-tubers bottled sweat
Yeah but less sweet.
Sushiro - Hong Kong, China
Chinese who leave only rice.
What do you all think?
Do you think it is OK to do anything as long as you pay for it?
Chinese people are not familiar with cold rice and vinegared rice, so it can't be helped.
americans don't even eat curry
Then why not just not eat sushi?
It is a nuisance to the restaurant.
Chinese people don't know such things, do they?
They should just eat sashimi at other Japanese restaurants.
That kind of eating is bad manners and a vile way to eat. Chinese people who think only of their own interests would not understand it.
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Natto, white rice, raw egg and soy sauce.
The heat of the cum beans cooks the egg

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