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Jannies nuking the thread edition >>3757128
(why tho)
Jannies too busy sucking tranny cocks and forgetting who's king of shotas and /cm/
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need very much
Can't wait for anime
Not too long left thankfully
I wish 9S was a sweet boy like Emil and not batshit crazy. I appreciate Taro's range of shota preferences though, he has something for everyone.
Personally, I think insanity is more interesting.
9s is crazy? ive never played the game
he’s fine for most of the game, but towards the end he gets sad and then he gets mad. Idk if I’d call him competely crazy though? I felt like I understood him even when he was big mad

"... to begin with ... neither we nor others know the evil of our own nature; it only appears with the motives, and only in time do the motives appear in knowledge.

... we come to know ourselves as quite different from what 'a priori' we reckoned ourselves to be, and then we are often terrified at ourselves. "
You only think this way if you don't understand nier.
Nines is literally the only character who isn't crazy
I bet you haven't even played Drakengard.
Damn that's crazy
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I am a bit disappointed with the way he is drawn in the anime. He doesn't look as cute as in game.
I like the detailed lip design to be fair
I don't. I think having just a detailed lower lip looks weird.
Look at the silver lining. More fanart will come as a result of the anime
I hope so
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I miss him. China needs to fix its shit.
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Last episode was very well done.
He was so cute throughout the episode.
True true, and Emil stuff were also cool to see. I hope they'll show more there.
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no NO not like this, 9s is for loves and cuddles and 2B's body.
9s is JEWISH?
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what about other Nier boys?
Emil is such a qt! I'd go as far to say he's far cuter than 9s plus it's canon that he's gay which makes him even better.
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Came to the series for the 9s, stayed to constantly hunt new cute drawings of Emil
But is this Nier in the room with us?
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He is in the wedding chapel, with Emil
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what did Yoko Taro mean in DoD3 when he informed us that Emil canonically sniffs Nier's underwear
it is a necessary story element that gives deeper insight into the character. While also staying truthfull to the core theme and message of the story.
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The universal nature of his storytelling really shines. Who could say they haven't desired to get a long whiff at the end of one of his long days mutton hunting
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Kaine's shade could be a cute male too.. if anyone drew him
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he's so cute and handsome
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holy moly
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gay marriage.
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>sexy boy retyurns to Crunchyroll with 4 new episodes
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Can someone provide a source on this?!
>when he informed us that Emil canonically sniffs Nier's underwear
Wait that? Is this true?
How come Nier has a canonically gay adorable boy in it and there's barely any fan-art of him and pretty much no lewds anywhere?
There are plenty, you just didnt look hard enough.
Where should I be looking
almost as often as your mom shaves her upper lip
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Happy holidays!
What would 9S want for Christmas?
>inb4 2B's panties
My love...
Tfw 9S will never tie you up and fuck you while pretending you're 2B
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Which one /cm/?
I much prefer Emil.
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Desire for boy
I will perish
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Best boy fuckin post him ToT
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With boys.
Cute hacker boi
bump don't let this thread die
What a cute boy, would kiss him.
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