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Always enjoy these threads, it's not even so much as I find any of the characters cute, I just really like seeing fan art of them.
same, this game is based, ive been meaning to go back and beat it
Man, this scene was wild.
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i love kim kitsuragi.
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Like a gem to the coal, your conscience sticks to it. The limbed and headed machine of pain and undignified suffering is firing up again. It wants to walk the desert. Hurting. Longing. Dancing to soundtracks by Nintendo.
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Nice, we haven't got a DE thread in a while.
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The thumbnail looked like frozen lasagna.
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lmao that's quite fitting for harry I suppose
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Fellas what is it about the old men yaoi
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I was always disgusted by old man yaoi until I played this game. now I want Harry and Kim to get married
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so happy thet you get converted anon
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I need a Kim in my life.
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Goddamn this fandom produces some good art.
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I need Kim Kitsuragi in my bed. I need to wake up to him every morning and have passionate sex every night. I need us to light each other cigarretes while standing at the balcony of some shitty motel they send us to. And nothing would matter because we have each other in our private little world.
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cock carousel
I finally started this game and while Im not looking at anything too hard in case of spoilers Im really happy to see theres a lot of Kim in general hes so great. I cant wait to fully enjoy the yaoi in 50 hours.
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Enjoy your first playthrough anon, there's nothing like it
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I really had fun with the game, they made Kim and Harrys relationship too good, some end game dream parts and past relationships have less impact for me since (like everyone else by that point) I really want Harry to be able move on but with the addition of Kim.
Ill never be able to be an asshole to him in a future replay.
I like to look this guy up and imagine the fanart is actually Heinrich Himmler.
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