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Last thread: >>3700113

More of the cutest grimdark boys from 40k, Fantasy, and Age of Sigmar!
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he should've shut him up with his cock
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I'm imagining it's Lion saying this.
>Lion spams VIKINGED on the noosphere to cope with the gay thoughts (he is in denial)
I love them so much...
What are some of your favorite fanfics anons?
This one makes me laugh every time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36409858/chapters/90780658 Modern AU, primarch family reunion for Emps' funeral. seems to have been abandoned after 3 chapters, but what is there is good.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22033396 Cain meets Bobby G. surprisingly good imitation of Sandy Mitchell's style.
TTS-verse, Emps finds out Magnus and Kitten fucked and loses it

I was briefly entertained by some of the Worm crossovers out there, but all are about the quality you'd expect from Wormfic (very bad)
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the big ass old 50k/60k one: Shape of the nightmare to come + age of dusk.

I still consider it cannon.
I NEED some Eldar bussy
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Imagine when he comes back
>implying he'll ever come back
[spoilers]i really hope gw learns to sculpt pretty faces by the time he inevitably does. he and fulgrim deserve to be cute.[dontworkhere]
"waaaaaait a minute... Is that Horus over there ?!"
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This is the true way GW can get more women into the hobby.
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This image made me collect custodes. Is it gay if I salivate and gulp when I paint my dudes?
god i wish that were me
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It's a little gay, yes.
>don't be intimidated horus, just try to imagine him in his underwear
Same here
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good ol angel boy has also a sadistic side, Curze can tell you about that
>guy who voted for the "shove people you don't like out of an airlock" party surprised when he is shoved out of an airlock
oh, to be curze
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Nothing But A List Of Names To Mark His Ascension is good so far (on chapter 20 currently).
Congrats to all Fulgrim enthusiasts tonight
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>30k only
Fulgrim won, but at what cost?
I mean he deserved it for sure, but it was an unsual sadistic moment from the Angel because he flat out told him the Emperor might forgive him before throwing him out of the airlock
Ferrus was a lucky man if you ignore how it ended.
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hmm.. big red titties...
Tossing in some Age of Sigmar
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And Fantasy
So sad her new masterpiece is going behind a paywall
lost all my saved fulgrim/ferrus art in a hard drive crash. thank u for this image to start restoring my collection
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fulgrim... pr... ...etty..
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Ginias has been busy
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I see a pp
Oops, got distracted by the cute Caedos
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i want him carnally
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They're going to be a whole series...
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i could fix him (delusional)
He knows you will try
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Merry Christmas, /cm/
Gray-haired old Russ is the best version of the man, IMO.
shadow wizard money gang
we love casting spells
Cute snek.
Hunting hawks sometimes fall asleep on their master's hand
biker Lion biker Lion

anyway how we feeling about the end and the death part 3 /cm/
Waiting for it to come out so I can read the trilogy together
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I enjoyed the yugioh
This Lucius is going to defeat his opponent by sitting on their face.
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they should kiss
Bro what are you doing on the shota board, bro...
women actually like the primarchs? I have a hard time wrapping my head around a woman actually reading these books
women are mainly into the night lords and emperor's children. take from that what you will.
>women like the most sadistic and cruel men
I already know this
what I'm getting at is that they read stuff like Night Haunter and Reflection Crack'd like it's Fifty Shades of Gray (which the latter basically is, but you get what I mean)
Why would women not be into big, beautiful, dramatic men who make bad decisions?
I've seen a lot of girls or girlish types like Emperor's children and Night Lords. But also Thousand Sons, Blood Angels, Space wolves (if they're a werewolf fan) and Word Bearers.
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Women love Magnus
what are they up to?
Just chaos stuff~
This is now Mechanicus boy thread!
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This is more blackpilled than anything.
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MADE for affectionate nibbling
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Where the Sevatar stans at?
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And some Alastor Rushal.
>my arch-sorcerer of tzeentch can't possibly be this cute!


damn too bad the artist is unsufferable
what do they do?
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archon didn't actually do anything, they just drew a bunch of grimdark twinks [spoiler]and guro[/spoiler], got caught up in a bunch of shit-flinging for it, and left the fandom after a couple months
bishie-fied warhammer is a horrific abomination
The primarchs are supposed to be beautiful...
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This makes me want to fuck both
constantly fantasizes about getting raped, cries about chuds for the custodes pandering

She's demented
>constantly fantasizes about getting raped
everyone in the fandom does this retard. go to /tg/ and see how many greentexts are generated from the idea of a drukhari woman or sister of battle kidnapping and raping you until your dick doesnt work anymore.

we talk about cute boys here, not drama. go back to crying on twitter about femstodes and being the child your mother should have aborted.
Back on topic, which cute boy would you rape/get raped by. For me it's Sanguinius...
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blood angels... aaaaaaaa
literally yaoi fan service chapter its crazy
Magnus. But him as a victim. He always seemed like the most prone to getting victimized or punished for his hubris.
meant by dudes, calm down archon you won Warhamm is pozzed
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Sir, this is a gay board
Sang is absolutely built for ryona (both inflicting and receiving). Pure sex.
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i need him so bad
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Imagine getting sandwiched between these two...
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