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Last thread hit the image limit: >>>3811016
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Just made myself sad by thinking of how similar Sika was to Yuu last chapter.
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Apparently there's a "leak" going around on Twitter that OnS is getting another anime season. I don't believe it because the same "leaker" has been claiming a bunch of other wish-fulfillment shit like Noragami getting another season. But I sure hope it's true.
I want to believe, with Black Butler getting another one it does actually sound possible.
Speaking of that, it's wild how the current mini-arc in Black Butler is literally chapter 1 of OnS.
Oh shit, I just started watching this the other week, gonna finish this weekend.
I'm sure there's been threads for it forever but I never paid attention to them until now.
Turned out to be way better than I expected, definitely underrated imo
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Read the manga, too.
Ah yes, the days when Ferid was the biggest obstacle. What a simple days.
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How much further along is it compared to the anime? I see the anime's from 2015, so I imagine it would be way ahead, unless the chapters haven't been coming out consistently or something
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The anime only covers the first 41 chapters. Chapter 129 is coming out in a couple weeks.
It is monthly manga. So it is not that far ahead in terms of chapter count.
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New 11th anniversary cover!
There's nearly four seasons' worth of content at this point
Nah, two seasons at most. If at pace of first two.
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Better quality.
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What a King
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That chapter was a wild ride.
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english translation please bro?
on yaoi.com came out a oneshot...
It's a lovely idea, but I don't think Mika actually has any of Mikaela's soul, at least not yet, for a number of reasons:
>If Mika had half the soul and Yuu had the other half, Sika would have already won a long time ago, rather than spending the whole manga up until now fighting over Mika with Saito/Guren
>When demon Mika in his child form was peering into Yuu's soul, he could go back to the orphanage days just fine, but when he tried to look at a memory with Mikaela's corpse in it, he had to get Eyeball Yuu's permission to enter and was spotted right away by Sika because he wasn't supposed to be there
>In the current flashback arc, Mika never bought into the "Angel Mika" line that Yuu was pushing; at one point, he even said Mikaela reminded him more of Yuu
>Mika couldn't read the words on Sika's monitor, but Yuu could
>Mika was a lot more confused and disoriented than Yuu in general
All of this points to the Mika from today not having been around in any form back then and not having the personal connection to those past events that someone with Mikaela's soul should have. This doesn't mean he isn't important - he's still the first and only successful vessel to be discovered since Yuu himself, the king of the demons, the flashpoint of every major conflict in the series, etc. He's just slightly less of a fucked-up science experiment than Yuu is.
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On top of all this, there's also a very plausible theory that Sika already removed Mikaela's soul from Yuu's body during this ritual shown in chapter 105. This would explain why he was so frantic to prevent Mika from becoming Yuu's demon "too soon." If we take that theory to its logical conclusion, Sika probably has Mikaela's soul now and was planning to insert it into child demon Mika first, then have him become Yuu's demon and possess him, and that's his idea of "reviving Mikaela." But in any case, it was foiled by Yuu himself convincing Mika that the last 17 years they've mostly spent as boyfriends were more important than the previous hundred million years.
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I finally found the raws of the latest chapter. I noticed that when Vessel Yuu starts saying what he's about to say on the second-to-last page, he refers to himself with boku (like Mikaela), but when current Yuu says "I am Mikaela" on the last page, he uses ore. I'm even more convinced that this whole twist isn't what it looks like at face value.
Of course it isnt. It is a cliffhanger. In general people overthink this way too much. As I said before. It is clear as day Twin flame.
Some anon here was saying how the recent miniarc of Black Butler is so much like the first Owari no Seraph arc. But nah, you are wrong anon. It is literally the beginning of Promised Neverland.
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TPN always reminded me of OnS chapter 1 as well.
That is quite debatable. And they certaiy go in widely different directions.
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sooo cute ToT
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I'm glad I never doubted Kagami while so many fans (and trolls) were shouting about "selfcest" and "queerbait" for a month. This chapter just reaffirmed how much Yuu loves Mika.
I can't wait for the Paradise Lost ending now. It is gonna be so kino.
Subtle he needs must be, who could seduce
Based Ferid
So is chapter 42 the place to start after finishing the anime?
You should start from the beginning. Skipping chapters is for losers.
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need this extremely badly bros.
That is for Mika only
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The new volume cover is nice.
is the little floating black eyeball supposed to represent god?
No, it's a long story if you haven't caught up yet, but he's a humonculus/false god.
God is probably going to be the final boss, though.
idk anything about this series, i like the boys though
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Thoughts on this show?
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Wrong show.
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I love soft yuumika/mikayuu so much.
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New art for JumpFesta.
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Clearer image.
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A new chapter when it is already 5th. AAAAA
It's already been out for two days in Japan, but for some stupid reason, the translation got delayed until the 9th.
Damn you Viz. Curse you.
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RIP CrowFerifags, your ship just sank itself into oblivion.
Yoichi cutest boy to me. Also I want to cum in his hair.
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still hoping this to be true
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who dis?
>Lacus is being forgotten
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But he's so cute! Lacus is my favourite character :(
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is Mikayuu canon already? geez this anime makes me feel old
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Been canon for at least 8 years.
The current artstyle is terrible. Nobody in this manga looks attractive anymore.
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