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last thread: >>3779052

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turn around and your shit is gone
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bring back tord
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I don't know why Edd owns a wok
Dont be so fucking racist
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no hellbenders?
You wish it were that fair
why they voices in japanese so hot?
dead guy yaoi

necro yaoi
it sounds like generic anime voice acting
I wonder if these threads are mostly men or women? Did anyone ever ask before?
You'd think women given the fandom as a whole is pretty girl-dominated, but this IS 4chan, so not really sure
Didn't Edd groom a girl?
Nothing verified.
One case is of interest, regarding a certain Cal Weir, who used to go by Louise. When Edd passed in 2012, going by the ages on their Facebook and some furry site, Weir was 14.
There is no solid proof that Edd groomed them, just some very strange Tumblr posts from their mutual friend, a certain Stephanie.
We don't have anything solid from Weir, but Stephanie said Edd and Weir dated.
However, Stephanie, who was 18 at the time, described Weir as both her best friend and something of a romantic rival for Edd's affections, which was very strange and makes me question her perception of events. It doesn't disprove anything, though.
A Redditor claims Edd made inappropriate art and message board posts expressing attraction towards Weir and even commissioned a song in that vein, but provides no proof of such things. They seem impassioned about such things being true and intolerant of such similar behavior, but remain actively posting fan content on r/Eddsworld.
They also seem to be in the camp that believes Bing assaulted a woman based on the unsubstantiated testimony of a single person, based on the logic that, since he didn't deny it or even address it, that he must have done it. Weird that these people all seem to be for BLM despite them using the most copshit logic I've ever seen.
It makes sense for him to just ignore the allegations. If they were false, and he came out and denied them, it would only publicize them further, unnecessarily creating a larger contingent of people who would believe that he had done it and no means to disprove such a thing, given that neither party could possibly have definitive proof going one way or the other. Ignoring this lone set of allegations seems to have been the most effective strategy for Bing, whatever the truth is, so you can't definitively say he did or did not do it.
But this person, among many others, is completely certain, which to me, makes them seem even more unreliable.
And they can't exactly condemn the EW crew for sheltering Bing through unsubstantiated allegations when said crew did kick out Spicer-Lewis almost immediately when reliable testimony came out, despite Spicer-Lewis being of a similar standing to Bing.
But returning to the matter at hand, Edd had indeed drawn Weir, but just the two of them hugging in a funny way (funny, as in cartoony, not gross, or at least, not outright gross).
Regardless, a 21 year old hanging out with a child is weird and kinda inappropriate in and of itself, so yeah, it's not impossible that he groomed her, it's just that there's no solid proof from a reliable source, i.e., one who (no offense) doesn't come off as a complete idiot.
Wow, actual analysis. Good job anon.
One could also say that the evidence by default weighs heavier in the accuser's favor since victims rarely have any rational incentive to lie about such things about people who are relatively powerful in their circles, but aren't actually all that famous
... but that hasn't stopped everyone.
And the EW crew's reaction to the Spicer-Lewis situation kinda balances the sides back into equilibrium.
Also, other odd notes: the Redditor I mentioned also thought TomSka was great because he was supposedly unproblematic and supported progressive causes, while condemning Hargreaves despite him tending to have similar convictions because apparently he said some problematic things about Disassociative Identity Disorder in the past?
Again, somewhat strange grade of person. Probably a minor.
Yeah, definitely a minor. Hilarious how he deemed him a "good person" despite facing similar allegations to the rest of Eddsworld along with shit like failing to pay his animators and co-workers.
I fucking hate the eddsworld fanbase for how much they harassed the real tord into nuking his content and leaving the internet entirely.
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Very common misconception.
Tord was not harassed, he just didn't want to be associated only with Eddsworld and a character who's a hentai-obsessed gun nut with sus politics.
I wonder if his art's gotten better. Edd got funnier over time, Eddsworld had become like enjoyably funny when he was dying from cancer, but his art had only gotten slightly better from 2005.

He did? I never heard of any Tomska allegations.
When he was burning every bridge Edd built for him, he at least had the reason of at the time being in a depressive spiral of self-destruction since he clearly couldn't handle working on the series.
I know some people defended his creative decisions, but man, I cannot get over how he made Tord basically representative of Edd's cancer, that's just such a bizarre and insensitive thing to do.
I remember the tiff he got in with Oney, who gets a lot of shit for his admittedly dumb politics (liberal reactionary, very annoying. If you can't care enough about something to do some actual research, Oney, then just shut up).
At least Oney stuck around with Dingdong and Julian when they were being screwed over. Tom meanwhile was the one screwing people over. No amount of inoffensively progressive takes on Twitter can exonerate him from being that insufferable.
>He did? I never heard of any Tomska allegations.
He dated Bing's 15 year old sister. I think it was fine because he was 17 at the time?
Bing got on his ass about it so he responded by shutting them out and deleting every collaboration he did with him, supposedly. It's a dick move.
I'm glad we can all agree that Real Tom's a bitch.
So is Fake Tom, though, which the fans just don't seem to understand: in the fan art and fics, he's never whiny enough!
It's only 75% necro.
They didn't date when she was 15, they met when she was 16 and he was 18, lost contact for a while, then began dating when she was 18 and he was 21. No underage activity at all.
What is it with women and ugly tumblr sexymen
Ah, well he's still a bitch.
I don't think the Eddsworlders count as tumblr sexymen, the vibe is different.
And I honestly have no idea.
Alex Hirsch back in the day had this theory for all the Bill Cipher hornyposting: tweens will find anything charming and non-threatening attractive enough to crush on, even if it's a floating triangle.
Imagine dying of cancer and your most long-lasting legacy is have caricatures of you and your friends shipped. Not dissing this, I just think it's funny, in a dark way.

Nah, I would argue that Edd's actual longest-lasting legacy is Hazbin Hotel.
Eddsworld proved that there was a market for online animated content made by amateurs with stupid dialogue.
>Nah, I would argue that Edd's actual longest-lasting legacy is Hazbin Hotel.
I don't think you can attribute that shit solely or even mainly to Edd's World. I'd say that machinima (as a whole) and well, Machinima proved that way more clearly with Red vs Blue, Sanity Not Included, and whatever other bullshit they roped in.

Keep in mind, I grew up on all of this stuff but Edd's World definitely felt like older Newgrounds stuff where you could tell it was just one guy and had to wait a handful of months for >10 minutes while Sanity Not Included (especially the middle seasons) felt more like an actual show (being made by a couple of dudes.) This point is kind of ill-founded and subjective.

More objectively, however, I do think that Hazbin Hotel isn't the biggest success that web animation has produced, that'd probably be RWBY (R.I.P Rooster Teeth) and Glitch Productions which seems to be consolidating everyone under its label. The Fate of Empires and all that.

[spoiler]Cute boys. [/spoiler]
>attribute that shit solely or even mainly
You're right, I can't, so I won't.
Good points, but I still think Hazbin Hotel is the most analogous to Eddsworld.
While other machinima animations proved that it could be done on the regular, Eddsworld was among the first to get enough mainstream attention to almost get a show made of it. As for Hazbin, it's on Amazon Prime.
Plus, and this is also a highly subjective point, I think that though Eddsworld had a similar appeal and audience as machinima in its early days, as the 2nd series wore on, it began to amass a fanbase that's arguably less like Pogonyuto's or School 13's, and more like Hazbin's (cute boys).
I thought of some other shows/projects (Mondo Studios stuff, Homestar Runner) but I forgot them(?)

But let's just say that non-American countries also had their fair share (Lalala Demacia)

Also, dude, anything is a gay harem if you try hard enough. Just look at LP groups.

I don't see how Hazbin Hotel is the most similar to Eddsworld in general. Eddsworld kind of moved away from the typical Newgrounds fair by being more traditionally silly and cartoony. Hazbin Hotel feels more like the traditional Newgrounds causticity filtered through a (STRONG RUBY RED) Tumblr lens.
>non-American countries
Right, like the one Eddsworld comes from
And right, Homestar Runner, good mention.
I meant in terms of mainstream penetration and recognizability, Hazbin and Eddsworld are analogous, not necessarily similar.
Though in terms of fandom, I think they are outright similar, as both have a large, even majority contingent, of that kind of heavily Tumblr-leaning quasifujo tenderqueer following that you see for a lot of webcomics.
It's strange given its origins as a very straight person's type of elementary shitposting, though it does make sense given that it lost much of its Newgroundsness under TomSka. No more peeping on girls boning for you, Eddie. You're a cinnamon roll, now. And speaking of,
I think the really ironic thing is that TomSka seemed to conceive of Tord, the guy who he IRL never really liked, as being directly in opposition to his character thematically, as iirc, Tord was outright made to represent Edd's cancer. However, all that portrayal seemed to do was solidify Tomtord. It's also funny given how their interactions are so surface in that episode. Tord seems to think of Tom as an inconvenience at best, and Tom expresses zero fondness for him. The character both of them are fixated on is Edd
>Right, like the one Eddsworld comes from
Durrrrrrrr. ;P
Why are you acting like necroyaoi is weird
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its for meeeee
hai this is art made by me. I love Edd gould n I ship tomedd mostly!!
Very cute! He looks kinda Peanuts and kinda Stephen Silver at the same time.
What do you like about Tomedd?
Woaah so nice that you asked anon! Tomedd is my OTP honestly! its the only ship of eddsworld i care about ^^
AAh sorry what i Like about tomedd? I like how they tease each other like any other friend, but Tom is the most... associal of the group to say. he doesn't like Matt and he Hates Tord! but Edd is the only one he never said to dislike. He truly considers Edd his only best friend! And Edd knows him so well, and both live pretty well together! Special friends and i can see them truly having a nice relationshipp!
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Ah, I see!
I've also found that to be their dynamic: without Edd, Tom is alone in the world, and despite Tom's acrid personality and egoistic unhelpfulness, Edd just likes the guy so much that he's one of his 2 best friends (not sure if Matt is a friend so much as a pet).
And it's not like Tom's not a cheeky dick to Edd either, but he's less of a dick to him than anyone else, which means he must like and respect him to some degree. I think that despite his pretense of not caring about anything, he's probably concerned to some degree about Edd's opinion, and what Edd thinks of him, and that's because he needs Edd in a way.
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Oddly enough, I've also found this to be the case with Tord: I don't think anyone likes Tord either. Edd seems to be the only person who's really reached a hand out to him.
But unlike Tom, Tord wouldn't be entirely alone without Edd. He has his co-workers and his org, he has skills that make him of value to others, and ambition that gives his life tangible meaning.
Not sure if those are things Tom has to any degree, so I think he's developed an emotional need for Edd much more so than Tord has. Not entirely sure if that's healthy, and I'm not sure if Edd's able to help either Tom or Tord with their issues besides being a reliable shoulder to lean on.
I wonder what it's like to invite Edd to a party. Everyone seems to love Edd, but he always brings that gloomy alcoholic dick and that gross incel tankie
>Very common misconception.
>Tord was not harassed,
The fuck are you talking about? The harassment was literally confirmed by Tom himself????
well well well
My bad, shouldn't have been so blanket with that statement: I meant that the main reason was less outright harassment (which did happen) and more the association with the character basically defining his existence, and the fans being nosey jerks about it, being unable to separate him from the character
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I'm surprised how these Eddsworld threads still didn't die even though I created the first nearly a year ago, but here we go

artist: squism
Perfect level of shitty
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never liked tom looking too soft or not unfriendly. he is the embodiment of misanthropy

I didn't say at all, I just meant in excess. Like, just look at your pic, the eyes are still a bit lidded and sardonic-looking. Not OOC.

And my general exception is when he's around Edd: that's that tsundere appeal. Not even in a shippy way, I just think Edd is one of the only people Tom can be less Tom-like around
ok yeah i get what you mean

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