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Posting the most underappreciated man-thing in Naruto.
>long, black hair
>Chad jawline but also androgynous
>basically just Chris Keller (manipulative sociopath)
Why is Orochimaru so slept on in /cm/?
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Which episode is this from?
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There's a lot of art depicting Orochimaru as a milf with big tits, yet him being the androgynous ladyboy he canonically is gets me way more sexually excited.
He's so fucking pretty.
Also pretty homosexual in so many scenes
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So is the snekman intersex, non-binary or is it a "depends on the host" kind of deal?
I just wish that pussy Kishimoto would reveal him as the homo we all know he is. Seriously, your gaydar is busted if it doesn't pick up Orochimaru's gay signature.
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>that bit in the Naruto epilogue where Orochimaru can be seen wagecuckin it
sing the fucking song wagie
I could fix him and turn him into a housewife
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There's no fixing Orochimaru and, to be frank, whatever's wrong with him is way more erotic to me.
I wish DC Douglas voiced Orochimaru.
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not even a bunnysuit guy but GYATT
>bottom Orochimaru
I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about a dom/top being made into a sub/bottom.
the snek lives in my head rent free
imagine french kissing this guy and he sticks his tongue down your throat like a fucking facehugger's proboscis
Reminder that Orochimaru will never develop genuine affection for you and most likely has the sexual morals of Vern Schillinger.
I just fucking LOVE this manthing's deranged expressions.
I dunno, death seemed to mellow him out a bit...
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>had to genetically engineer his own kid
Is Orochimaru really that unfuckable? You'd think he'd be the kind of serial killer like Ted Bundy who gets fangirls...
Who is the Adebisi of Naruto?
Probably Hidan. Orochimaru is Keller with Schillinger's "proclivities" towards weaker men.
>the Sound Village is basically Raccoon City mixed with Kickassia
You guys think the Nostalgia Critic could conquer Otogakure?
i would let him ruin me
Same. I'd let Orochimaru wreck my ass.
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I love me the kind of fruity, femmy guy who will actually just fucking stab me and leave me for dead.
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the shit I would give to let Orochimaru destroy and defile my ass
>ywn give Orochimaru blowies and handies in a pitiful, yet well-intentioned attempt to take his mind off the hellish pain of his sealed arms
holy shit he'd look so good in Chris Redfield's RE8 outfit
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I know that Orochimaru is responsible for crimes that would make most serial killers grimace, but I physically cannot stay mad at this smile.
Orochimaru's slasher grins awaken the most carnal homolust within me.
Fun fact: Every time Orochimaru smiles with glee, something cute and cuddly dies a violent death.
Did you wish the gay snake man a happy birthday yesterday, /cm/?
the man behind the slaughter
orochi rape faces are my cocaine
Do you guys ever think about what it's like to shag/be shagged by Orochimaru? I think about it a lot.
Between his slasher smiles and rape faces, Orochimaru is a character begging to be drawn by Kouta Hirano.
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Psychopathic enby.
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That's neat.

Technically, shapeshifters and bodysnatchers like Alex Mercer and The Thing are psychopathic enbies.
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If Orochimaru has snake eyes, does that mean he has the vision of a Yautja?
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this smile is so endearing
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why is the evil snek so pretty
do you think he ever rape kabuto and sasuke like he raped kimimaro and anko
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I don't think he raped Kabuto or Sasuke. My theory is that he gave Kimimaro ninja AIDS after fucking him raw and decided against getting too "intimate" with Sasuke as to not damage the goods, so to speak.
nonbinary doesn't exist, no non-traumatized androgynous person who has ever lived has wanted to cut ties with their birthsex in favour of being a problem for anyone who believes in the only 2 proven genders and trans. I'm trans and I was sucked into this ideology when I was a stupid teenager. Wake up.
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Lmao, I believe it,
Man's a bodysnatcher; take it easy.
glad im not the only one who thinks orochimaru is sexy despite him being a bit of a weirdo
For me it's his long black hair. It's like a cascading waterfall of darkness and it reminds me of Sadako.
Why do you like him, Anon? I just think he's hot.
>anorexic androgynous evil goth pedo with the creepiest voice in both sub and dub
and he’s still hot, i would stroke his snakes all day long
would frot with him
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I wanna make out with him so badly
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long tongues are hot
Imagine making out with Orochimaru and he sticks his fucking Smoker tongue down your throat like a Facehugger proboscis...
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Orochimaru strikes me as a bondage enthusiast and a dom. That said, he doesn't strike me as a man with a good aftercare routine.
Why is the gay snake man so scary, /cm/?
>"Every time you smile, a puppy dies somewhere."
How many puppies would Orochimaru kill with his rape face?
>gets away with everything
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Vegeta walked so Orochimaru could get exonerated.
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I love this gay snek so much its unreal
I like this artwork of Orochimaru because it reminds me of Widowmaker for some reason.
>murderous psychopath with long black hair
>manipulative sociopath
>biggest dickrider becomes like him (Tiffany Valentine/Kabuto Yakushi)
>wants to plant his soul in a kid's body (Andy Barclay/Sasuke)
>seemingly deliberate "does this remind you of anything" levels of paedophilic undertones ("I have a date with a six year old boy!"/"It's Sasuke I want~")
>perfectly comfortable possessing women's bodies (Nica/that one host he showed to Sarutobi)
>infiltrates a military academy of sorts during what amounts to war games in order to further his bodysnatching plans (Kent Military Academy/Chunin Exams)
>got called an abomination for his soul transferrence (Dr. Death/Hiruzen Sarutobi)
>has ties to a mythical white snake (Damballa/Orochi)
>has a group of sycophantic followers (The Cult/Otogakure)
>manipulates a kid into being his toadie (Junior Wheeler/Kimimaro)

I would legitimately love to see Kishimoto's film collection, because I just fuckin' know that Child's Play would be in it. Orochimaru is just Charles Lee Ray's apostle form after sacrificing Tiffany to the God Hand, I swear to God.
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gonna tell my kids this was Dr. Stein vs Medusa
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even when i was young it was pretty noticeable how he was effectively a Japanese Disney villain. Comically evil and measurably sassy.
I always figured Orochimaru for a Resident Evil villain because of his whole mad scientist schtick and grandiose plans.
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I haven't been this obsessed with a fictitious hot guy since Griffith.
"Hnnng" indeed, Anon; Orochimaru is pure sex.
>"Get in the robot, Sasuke."
[angry gay noises]
Would you?
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Oro looks better in all-black tactical gear.
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Orochimaru looks kinda bogged as a Fortnite skin.
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my little pedosnake cant be this heckin cuterino
Based OrochimaruAnon.
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Thank you. Aside from Griffith, he's my favourite.
Let's just ignore Boruto. Would you fix him, /cm/?
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Resurrecting this thread...
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I love this gay snake man
shit, I thought I was the only one
Why didn't Orochimaru invest in cloning himself? If M. Bison could create androids like Seth he could dump his soul into, you'd think the gay snake man would too.
He had some smug expressions in the PS2 Naruto games.
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Oh yeah, Orochimaru is 70. Then again, with all the body-stealing he does, it's easy to forget that.
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My first husbando
Do tell, Anon...
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