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Love him
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Its difficult to find Percy Jackson content without Annabeth in it...
I want to lick his armpit
Book/Comics Percy is black for european patterns
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My husband is mesmerizing
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You are the only one posting here, kid, nobody cares about "your husband"
Go fuck yourself, retard
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I love shotas
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I love it when the creator and the fans disagree on how hot the character is supposed to be.
Reminds me of Harry Potter and the fact that they got Daniel Radcliffe to play him.
This is one of the worst photos in this thread.
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They made him handsome in the spanish covers
Imagining this in like the strongest Polish accent
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Fuckin lol at Brendan Fraser there holy shit
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He eventually realised he'd made them all too ugly [spoiler]especially Nico[/spoiler] and let a fanartist redesign them
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I don't even understand why he did it the way he did, though, like, I get the relatability of characters who don't look like teen models, but would kids be able to relate to a guy who looks less like a teen and more like he shouldn't be allowed 20ft near a playground
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>twink feet; hairy twink legs; hot
He's quite niche, isn't he?
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Sry for the repost
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Do you have a quest for Percy?
French kiss me and tame the Great Snake (my dick)
T. Nico
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Walker Scobell Percy is so qt
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If he's Percy then who's Will Solace?
high hopes for the show

will solace sucks ass kek i hope he never shows up in the tv show
In the show, some random nigger probably
this kids cute, idec i want him
Not since the show came out. Every body wants to fuck Walker Scobell now
He is 14 nigga
Let's hope he's better in bed than on screen, his show is terrible.
You think thats stopping anyone? look up his name online. People calling him fine and making horny fancams of him
I'd happily test that ngl
This why book and tv universe should be different.
I find it interesting they went with a kid for Percy that looks like a shoe in for Will Solace, right down to the green flannel.
Gotta keep those producers interested
I'd leave my wife and spend the rest of my life in jail to french kiss him and get a blowjob from him hmmm
i would teach that kid things even chiron couldnt show him
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Does have the potential to make the "you're not my type" scene funny as fuck
Imagine if they cast Will as a black haired green eyed boy now
I'll always be vaguely confused why he didn't just let Jason and Nico start dating. There's an attractive blond main character with actually useful powers who's quite close to Nico that you're about to make single and kill off.
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More often than not, it's not the actors' fault, it's the writers and directors when the acting looks bad
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I like the casting, actually. I've always found the canonical ex-fan design for Percy too Abercrombie and Fitch for a protagonist that the author designed to have a similar effect to picrel.
Daniel Radcliffe is really attractive, but that's not solely because of his face, which is nice, but far from DiCaprio or Gigi Hadid. He can easily pass as homely.
Someone who'd accurately capture canon ascended fan design Percy would look like he could have been in One Direction: irritatingly pretty.
The actual Will Solace is like Percy, supermodel good looks, but Scobell is not the actual Will Solace. Scobell's the kind of good-looking that's on the level of kids sitcom secondary character, i.e., Ariana Grande before the new chin. Pretty, but not unattainably pretty
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No dying yet.

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