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The shota manga thread >>3734757 has hit the bump limit and is currently on page 10, so we need a new one, with a place for all kinds of cute boys. I'll start.

The Summer Hikaru Died is probably my favourite currently running manga. It's a horror manga where the protagonist's friend gets replaced by a monster that (almost) perfectly mimics his looks and personality, but isn't quite right. It's full of gay subtext and apparently it's supposed to be an analogy to growing up gay in the countryside.

If you like it, you can also read the 10 page oneshot by the author (mokmok_len) called "Period".
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From the same author as the last one comes A Boy's Scar, in which an extremely shy vampire boy gets adopted by a woman in her mid-twenties. The protagonist is 8-years-old and can't go anywhere without his insanely cute oversized frog plushie.
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Coming back to BL, Umibe no Étranger and its sequel, Harukaze no Étranger. The protags are both cute boys, who fall in love with one another and end up living together with the older boy's family, sharing a whole host of cute and funny (and sometimes sexy) moments. Do note that the official English release has localised both as "Seaside Stranger" and, since Umibe only has 1 volume, volume 1 of Harukaze is volume 2 of Seaside Stranger.
Pandora Hearts is a shounen, but similarly to Kemono Jihen, it's full of cute boys. The protagonist is a shota boy named Oz who gets transported into the future and is cursed to eventually become an uncontrollable monster. Between the fight scenes, there are lots of cute scenes between him and his former (before timeskip) servant Gilbert, who is now a full grown Onii-san. I haven't read this one since I was a teenager, but my PC is still full of pictures of Oz and Gilbert from back then. Every handful of months I'd go with my friends to the local bookstore, we'd pool our money together and read the newest volume together. For the final few volumes I had to go alone though, as my friends had all "outgrown" manga... ;-;
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And finally, Boy meets Maria. The brown haired boy Taiga falls in love at first sight with a girl named Maria, only to find out she's actually a boy named Arima. It's only 1 volume long, but it's a story I haven't been able to forget these past 3 years. Taiga is really energetic and optimistic, while Arima is cold and has a traumatic past. Sadly, the author died in an accident 3 years ago, before the manga was even published in English, and her other (incomplete) manga has neither been scanlated, nor gotten an English release. Also, EXTREME trigger warning for chapter 4. It's really gross and almost made me want to quit reading the manga the first (and only) time I read the chapter. If you're reading the scanlation by FTS, there is a warning at the start of the chapter.

So that's it. I've posted my 6 images and hope this thread flourishes with great manga and cute boys!!
you ruined my 6 image streak....

Oh well, here's another image from The Tiger won't eat the Dragon Yet
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Oh, and if anyone is interested, I've made a "voice comic" video of this scene from chapter 4, using the unofficial (but endorsed by the author) audio from the Ace Comic's Channel. https://youtu.be/UOCDJ0g-Y1o

Have another cute Hikaru!
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Vol 2 is already on nyaa.
So is the SasaMiya anthology.
Welp, it seems like this series has been dropped by the current scanlation team. Hopefully someone pics it back up and it doesn't stay in untranslated limbo, like so many other series.
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I don’t think these people actually knew Japanese
Those are not from the "Can You Do The Clam-Clam" scanlation "team", which was the one that had been translating this manga since chapter 5. The manga image is from page 22 of chapter 2, that was translated by "Phobinous Scanlations", which did chapters 1-3, and the discord chat is from "Rei's Most Likely R18 Scans", which only did chapter 4.
Best straight yaoi/BL recs?
What do they mean? I hope the shota gets raped.
Dude, it’s straight shota shit, do you honestly expect the author to be brave enough to show the shota getting raped? It’s probably just girl rape.
>non-ugly straight shotadom
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No, not yet, and imo probably not until very close to the end, if at all. Except for a few joking remarks, there's no mention of BL at all. It's all subtext and will probably remain that way, but they've had a lot of great, intimate moments together. Hikaru even [spoiler]gave Yoshiki half of his (implied) heart!!! If that's not the gayest thing ever, I don't know what is.[/spoiler]
Sounds boring.
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What's up with spoilers not working here on /cm/? They seem to work everywhere else I've used them.
only works on narrative content boards like /a/ and /v/
here at /cm/ we are against censorship of any kind
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It's definitely not just subtext.
Based horse scene
>it's supposed to be an analogy to growing up gay in the countryside.
Is it though, like officially?
I've only read that on the /a/ threads, and well we could say those are biased, though I agree it does fit very well
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They are back!
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I think somebody mentioned this manga on the previous thread, it's nice though it has lots of girl characters too.
Dancing in the Evening Lull With My Ribbon
Only 2 chapters more need translating to finish the manga.
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the story is pretty melodramatic and silly, but damn that boy is adorable, and I really like how the author always has him in short shorts
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Speaking of short manga, Honya no Yagi-kun is really cute!
Any manga with evil shos in main roles?
I some times think the Male ballarina genre is NOT used enough
top class, just finished reading it
so fucking good
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Why does every cute BL manga have to include rape or grooming on some way, whether it happens to a character in the story or part of their sad backstory?

Like, I'm honestly so sick of it. You can have a sad backstory without the character being groomed or raped but it's like the first thing on the fucking list
Isn't that common only on BL manga made by women?
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these two boys in blue period are never explictly shown to be gay for eachother but they so obviously are.
Thanks for these recommendations, just read them both and finished now. They were really nice
Is Harukaze no Étranger still publishing? Ch 20 is from 2020 and it didn't really feel like an ending
The fan translators dropped the project three years ago since it got officially licensed. The 2020 volume has just been released in English, and the 2022 volume will be released in English in early Spring 2024. Hopefully that volume will be leaked online. Alternatively, if you are so inclined, you can purchase the physical volume once it's out.
I see, another reason to practice my Japanese then
Worst case I could buy the physical and scan it if an digital english one doesn't leak when it releases
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>Putting naked shota on volume cover
Based mangaka
btw it's Kemono Jihen for anyone interested
I started this recently, has a cute shota.

Poco's udon world
God I hope not
I'm just tired of isekai slop, plus the /ss/ trope is almost as tiresome as isekai
Because of this >>3853636. The BL genre wasn't created to represent actual gay relationships. Even today, most BL present relationships that are more similar to straight relationships than to typical gay relationships and one of the most common tropes in female erotic literature is attempted sexual assault or even full-on rape. It's kind of the female equivalent of a male character losing a sword fight (or smth) in male-centric literature: a trope that makes the reader instantly sympathize with the character and creates an easy villain for the story.

TL;DR most women are terrible at writing conflict and probably also homophobic.

You should also check for it in your local language, if you're European. We often get translations into French and German quicker than into English. Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu will release Volume 3 in German next week, while Americans will have to wait until April. All the Étranger volumes have already been released in German as well.

Kemono Jihen is really cute, I recommend it as well. It's a "shounen" like Pandora Hearts, in that it's a story for boys, but with plenty of cute shots and obviously aiming for that female audioence.
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>most women are homophobic
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From what I read on the latest chapter it is pretty much confirmed Yoshiki was gay for Hikaru.
Haven't read the new chapter yet, but like that was confirmed a while ago.
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Shonen Tantei Mei Shiro no Kigi

Apparently this is a boy? Maybe someone can confirm that it's not a reverse trap.
The first 3 chapters are free. There is an onsen scene but I'm not sure.
Kemono jihen is amazing
Picture certainly looks boyish
You just know that if she was allowed, the artist would definitely draw his pp
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It is certainly a boy, though too trapish for my liking
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Can anyone recommend some really good shota manga without having explicit sex scenes? Think of boys kissing, cuddling, bath scenes, that sorta thing. Cute stuff.
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New (translated) chapter has more naked Kabane
This one was of the best I've read in a long while. Thank you for the recommendation
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>"Time warp to the ancient Olympics"
>Author: Motojiro
I wish someone would scan this book and even better we get a translation. And I'm pretty sure the author is a shotacon.
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ive been reading a bunch of queer furfag stuff lately, and since im a massive fucking faggot ive been enjoying them. recently read monotone blue and enjoyed it, even though it has zero real substance or artistic merit. any recs, or does furshit hold no place on this board?
>does furshit hold no place on this board?
Probably it does, but not on this thread unless it is kemoshota/cub stuff
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Anonies recommendies me some goodies mango pleaseee > <
You need to wait until April 16, I'll photocopy it.
That guy's other stuff is pretty good too. You should check out "Dog House Inu to Kuma." It's a nice slice of life manga.

Recommend me something too lol
Oh also I liked Tooboe bookmark a lot
dear lord /cm/ is so comforting. May the gods never let this board change.
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So I just saw this on Twitter
Apparently it's from a manga called Kowameshi (「こわメシ」)
me on the far left
thanks, it's really adorable
are you still reading it, has it been good. the second they did the "welp i just explained my nature to the group and they have no hard feelings, lets do-" i lost it. that part was like 90% of what interested me in it, the fear and confusion and suddenly they are just cool with it?
And how said "typical gay relationships" even are?
Cute demon boys doing cute things

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I really like this, thanks a lot!!!!
A very comfy SoL, really brings me back my childhood memories. It's about everydays life through the lens of a children..

This is comfy
wait until you read the last chapter
I found a new manga by the author of the "I'm totally not gay for my cute tanned trap shota cousin" manga.
It's about a guy who finds a stray shota in the streets and picks him as a maid for his mansion because the boy reminded him of his old dog. Compared to the artist's previous work, this shota is way more bratty and messy in a really innocent way (just like a dog lol).
Fuuuuuuckkkk I didn't expect that ending. I'm glad turned out well for everyone, but it still made me a bit sad :<
This could be good if it lost the trap aspect
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At least this time the trap aspect is justified.
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Thanks for the recommendation, i've been loving it so far
There was a new chapter released recently, anons from /a/ usually translate new chapters and dump them on a thread there
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i got these on mangadex, i supposed 4chan is the source since its labeled as /a/nonymous
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>anon is conflicted between getting traumatized or pleased
I missed the chapter thread, but I just wanna say it's disappointing that is probably gonna to end soon. The start was good, but it declined quickly and the latest chapters have a lot of lore dumps. Also, the snail pace doesn't help it all. I guess the artist planned more stuff but got bored, was unsatisfied with the work at some point ot her timing was off, so she decided to end it prematurely.
yurifags wish they could eat this good
almost the same name of that song about a teacher falling in love with her students
>Why does every cute BL manga have to include rape or grooming on some way
I know this post is old but wtf are you even reading? There are like 1m of shit vanilla BL
WHOLESOME AND CUTE...!! I just wish its a bit longer
yup, the main sho got raped by his mother (or a female pretending to be his mother)
It wasnt graphic by any means tho
looking for more shota x shota doujins if possible or any artist that focus on that. Just recently discovered orukoa's works. this one is about a sho who wants to become more masculine and all the boys in his class say he should try "male hormones" to get to that. he is completely oblivious to what these "male hormones" are and how it's just a ploy for his classmates to toss him around lol. (image slightly altered to censor some naughty bits in the corner panel)
he's so cute and dumb, no wonder why the other boys were having so much fun manipulating him
I remember liking Arai Yoshimi's works but she seems to have disappeared and has no recent release.
I'm doing a presentation on the history of male/male relationships in manga (from early shonen-ai, to yaoi, to modern BL), and want to cover a wide variety of early/influential works (SFW and NSFW). Any suggestions? I've already read Tōma no Shinzō and Kaze to Ki no Uta
Boku no Pico.
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Marginal. It's a sci-fi story where humans fucked up the world so much that most of the planet became inhabitable, all women became extinct (except for one who "magically" gives birth to everyone's children and is idolized like a God), and all men have developed an ancient greek-like pederast society. The actual plot (which I don't want to spoiler) is even more fucked up than the premise.
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Started reading this one recently and it's pretty comfy
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Haven't read this one in a long time. Have the shota and the older boy kissed yet?
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People on twt are saying there's a possibility of Hikaru getting an anime for next year. I wonder if it will be true.
Just a kiss on the neck. But tsubaki's ero dreams are getting wild and last time he forced an onigiri on him
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Anybody read this? Never thought I'd unironically visit the cute male board but here I am. Normally I'm a huge yurifag but I figured this was just yuri with dicks so why not. Read it twice now, unironically becoming one of my favorite romance manga ever. Ryo without his makeup is so cute, I've just been opening up the manga (imported the raws) and flipping to his no makeup pages every now and then randomly. I am seriously opening up to the idea of a boywife if he were actually that cute. And, completely unironically, no homo.

Anyway I still haven't been able to find anything else like this., Is this really the only manga that is a genuinely good femboy romance for straight male readers? I'm fine with a premise where they're not crossdressing too, as long as everyone's a boy and sufficiently girly/cute.
dude, let it go. so fucking what if you're a little gay? so what if you're the faggiest fag that ever fagged? it's fine either way, just don't bullshit yourself saying silly shit like this.
Anime was pretty good, I will get to reading it one day.
>Is this really the only manga that is a genuinely good femboy romance for straight male readers?
Okaeri Alice
Did it start getting translated again? Last I checked, the scanlations stopped before where the anime leaves off.
We are the main characters of the demon world! is a comedy manga with some cute shota. Not very funny though but I really like the MC
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The latest chapter of Maou Evelogia was so good! Gozu and Eve are solidifying themselves as one of the best couples. This is why we need more long-running BL series.
A boy named Eve?
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I found a new manga (Favela no Mangaka) the other day. It's about a failed mangaka named Hiroto who travels to Brazil to forget about his previous life but instead meets a really cute slum boy named Joao that wishes to be a successful mangaka.
>Favela no Mangaka
Looks really good, put this one on my waiting list

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