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Previous thread >>3843479
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More Geto please, I can't get enough of him
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Choso a cute
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Wasted trips on a retarded crackship. Disgusting.
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Yuji is adorable
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I don't know what it is about Yuji that makes me so obsessed with him, I have never felt the same way about any shonen MC before
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>was looking forward to Mahito eating shit
>his downfall is so pathetic that I feel bad for him
I'm so conflicted.
Well he's a kid
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thread needs more Sukuna
I want Sukuna/Gojo but there's next to no art outside the manga.
When will people adapt?
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Hopefully soon. It's canon that Sukuna fucked Gojo.
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>fujos whining about yet another Sukuna/Gojo plushie set
Kek alright people not adapting is funny to see too
is that a megumikuna plush? already?
saving all my laughs for when that short frame gets animated in 10 years
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>is that a megumikuna plush? already?
Anon, it's the 2nd
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saw this posted on /a/, I wish I was on twitter when S1 aired to save all these extras the animators did, so hard to find source
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I want these, so cute
Gojo looks like that one cat
I love how smug that Gojo looks
I wish I'd have gotten one of those XXL plushies, the HI Geto one looked funny
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They're cute
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Happy birthday, king.
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pls more Yuta
It's amazing how much better written he is compared to Yuji.
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love this
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What other extras are there?
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Sex with Toji
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Toji breeding his son...
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I've learned that sometimes the animators who work on episodes would draw something other than anime frames and post it on twitter
I saw some of these posted a lot of the /a/ threads
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As a father should.
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It is important for fathers to teach their sons about safe sex by having sex with them.
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Drop some classic fanfic recs, any ship is fine, spoilers also fine.
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I got nothing.
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That's okay, nice art
*deeply inhales son smell*
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My fav sukuita fic is still the 10 years and a day series by evilpeaches. https://archiveofourown.org/series/2263070
Though in retrospect, they have arguably better stuff for the pairing. I like how they depict Yuji in it though as he comes of age of sorts. It is a dark fic though, not the darkest I've ever read, but I'd still recommend glancing at the tags first.
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Thanks for the rec I enjoyed that fic a lot
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Np! It's a good fic for them.
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Any art of mutated Junpei?
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I need one of Sukuna sitting on his throne
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What makes geto so breedable?
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Im so jealous of gojo
Source? I can't find it with saucenao or yandex.
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d'aww he's so cute!
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I only came to this damn board for pictures of him. I'm not gay, but I would suck Yuta's penis. Best JJK bro.
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Cute, post more. They would have been good friends at that age
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New Akutamu's just style ruined his appearance...

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