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thread for all Naruto boys because there isn't one
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No Asuma? For shame
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I wish I could the artist for those
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Could what the artist?
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oh oops I meant *find the artist
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It's not @nnn_hsmd?
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it is, thanks anon
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lewd shos
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He is the only reason I watched any of Boruto
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Yes, he's cute. What about it
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thats so cute omh
Elementary school memories thread
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more kimimaro pics pls
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He's so cute and based
Why does he dresses like a slut?
the attention from whoring it up is the only thing that makes him feel alive
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post more akatsuki and sasuke
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im starting to get into kakuhida. sad that they have a fewer amount of fanfics on ao3
the doujin i found though are very beautiful and heartwrenching. praise upon Jashi.
*Jashin aieee take my life now
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Any recs?
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hear me out

itachi is the bottom here . they would make an amazing husband and husband couple.
Didn’t Itachi have a gf
this is the cannon answer. fanfic is chat he worked to hard on his tummy to not show it off
nope that chick wanted itachi but he only had eyes for sasuke and shisui
>hear me out
>itachi is the bottom here
good bye
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he would do anything for sasuke. that means if if he gets morning wood itachi would take care of him. Itachi's dedication to him would make him the better at prepping for sex and he would get off on seeing sasuke enjoying himself so itachi is the bottom
I will never accept this
you know it's true just admit it. itachi is a soft dom bottom
I can accept switching but Sasuke is too cute not to bottom
yes they will switch itachi would make sure sasuke knows all the pleasures in the world including prostate orgasms but itachi will be the primary bottom
uh based
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Deidara looking so bullyable
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underrated akatsuki
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Does anyone have the pic of adult Sasuke in the kitchen holding a pan(?) and with a boner? He still had his pants on so idt it's too hardcore for /cm/, but if it is could you post it in the /y/ thread? Many thanks in advance~
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he deserved better
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Birthday boy
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>none of him yet
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>naruto greets his friends
>and how does gaara react?

>hey, you can't hide there. sorry about this. he's very shy...
>gaara : [cautious]

>naruto : for having such a scary face you sure are a scaredy cat. i'm naruto uzumaki! i'll be your friend!

>gaara : friend... huh.

>gaara : naruto, naruto.

>gaara : look, look the sand-

>gaara : "the sand naruto" jutsu!
>naruto : ahh, amazing

based and cute. ty
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Thanks for translating
glad you appreciate it!
btw, i found a version of it with an extra panel:
>temari : get away from gaara, you pest... he's my little brother
>kankuro : my brother, gaara, never did anything like that for me
I used to love this show as a kid
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>used to
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me too.
but i've recently gone back to it and started rewatching it.
naruto is so good
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>only active threads are from old anime like death note and nardoto
hazbin hotel and genshin aren't old or anime
also there's a new thread >>3893767
bump lol
??? Thread hit image limit and there's another Naruto thread now
link above

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