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Post the best Dangan to ever Ronpa
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thats a girl
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I can't blame you for thinking that when he's better than all the actual girls in the game.
I'm doing my part
You're a girl
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I loved his free time and school mode events. He deserved a happy ending
I remember doing a school mode playthrough where I only spent time with Chihiro. He said he wanted to spend as much time with me as possible, so I did.
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chihiro the best without doubt
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Happy late Valentine's!
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This was a commission from @homeron1026
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here have a random draw request I got on /vg/ like 5 years ago. Though I don't know how much people here would care about RWBY
It's Chihiro's birthday! Happy Birthday, Chihiro!
Best boy(male)!!!
at least he gets to have an a.i. that does important stuff. truly an unsung hero.
She is best Danganronpa girl! A shame her entire existence was based on a transmisogynistic trope
you will never be male fujobitch
You will never beat twink death
Swing and a miss, but your yeasty fish gash smells through the screen.
none of these words are in the bible
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I like both of their shoes a lot
I want to give him deep loving creampies everyday until he agrees to marry me.
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kys troon
Wasn’t Chihiro’s entire story about wanting to become a more masculine guy?
yea, that anon is a shitty troll that spams up all the femboy and bara threads here and on /y/ don't pay her any mind
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what are hideyoshi and bridget thinking
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I wish she could have lived to become a girl
ywnb your desired sex freakazoid, lol
You will always be a virgin, Chihiro-denier
Cute canon transgirls
Just ignore and report, it's off-topic garbage and the mods usually ban the heshe.
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Biggest example of
>Draw a girl
>Call it a guy
you'd call any shota with long hair a girl
Weird way of saying men.
Except they also gave him a massive cock.
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If he were allowed to live he would’ve gotten shredded and turned into the beefiest ambush.
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based, he'd top mondo too

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