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Post boys from a Galaxy far far away. Especially Anakin. NO SEQUELS!
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Fun fact, his character ark right down all the characters around him is basically identical to Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
A very Byronic character
sad that there are people who still call him poorly written to this day. they don't understand my boy
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If I were Anakin, I would groom Luke into being my wife.
The purest form of love.
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#1 Space Dad
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Cute couple
sex with luke
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haha bald anime vader
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I mean, he is. Not in terms of the overall narrative, the prequels don't have an issue in terms of overall narrative, it's all dialogue and plotting and all the little insignificant things that make a show or movie watchable
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need more bald vader
you're retarded but think you're smart, typical prequel hater

In fact, they are better than the originals and so is the dialogue. To not understand the value of the whole "sand" conversation for example one would have to have no sense of symbolism, the way autistic virgins in the presence of their love behave, and so on. Retarded plebs who want dialogue to be as soulless and easily digestible as possible
There are people stupid enough to prefer the fake-anakin of the recent cartoon to the actual movie anakin, they turned him into a stereotypical hot-headed "hero" and lost all nuance and depth, even made his face into a retardo type face to match the personality change.

Lucas is a great artist, his flaw is being too gullible and sensitive to criticism
Sex with Anakin
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wtf I love sand now
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anyone got more of them pls?
Hey, he's cute to me.
Dunno how you feel about Grievous, but I have this one. Just some bros having fun. Fraternity pranks, you know.
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yeeees yeeeees excellent
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where you guys find obi/maul stuff? what terms you search?
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Is Obi-Wan the most shippable man in the galaxy? He may as well have a harem at this point.
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>may as well have
He *already* has
Found another one
A perfect depiction of General Grievous being sexually frustrated at Obi-Wan.
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cute and canon
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My nigga.
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Looked in my likes and couldn't find it again
is there any easy way to see older vers of this thread, I had a load saved but I lost the folder and now I am depressed
archived.moe looks like your best bet for finding old threads.
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I recognize this artist. What was that old drama that ran them off?
I've been staring at this for five minutes and can't figure out who these characters are supposed to be. Are they supposed to be anakin/obi-wan because they look like generic ass teen idols.
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it's reverse padawan au anakin and obi-wan
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Got a few solo Maul
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