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Double the degeneracy edition
Previous >>3788489

>Suicide Boy
English: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/suicideboy_en
Korean: https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/suicideboy

>High School Boy

Parkgee @ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ch960116
Parkgee @ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Parkgee
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Elf Hooni gives rub-and-tug a whole different meaning.
Protect him from heteronormativity!
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havent read suicide boy since [spoiler]Hooni's friend showed up [/spoiler]. What is new? Have boys kissed yet?

Also whats this new comic about?
I got the zip from his Gumroad that had a bunch of shit from 2017 to 2019, has that been shared before? Could throw up on Mega or something
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Il-tak is for...
Where the fuck can i read the new comic in Spanish?
There was a link on the last thread but it's down now
Is this new one yaoi? does he have tits?? Where in English
it just became searlialized so there isn't any official English release yet. best to hope a fan translation group to pick it up. and yes the main guy has boobs because of a hormonal issue. it's mostly a gag fetish BL comic because of course parkgee would do that
I wish i knew someone as cute as Hoonie irl :(
don't think it was shared recently but sure it would be cool if you uploaded it
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nevermind, one search on fireden and i found the link in seconds
obvious nsfw warning, this has just about everything
Yeah it's the Patreon.zip contained in there, some things in there that haven't been reuploaded anywhere it seems like
is it uploaded in mega?
I still don't get why Parkgee ended Suicide Boy with het if he's going to keep drawing gay fanart of Hooni.
Nothing gay about drawing a womans hips and saying its a dude
Where's the gay fanart she is drawings?
He's a sellout.

He knows Soorim and Hooni is the favorite ship of the majority of his readers but instead Hooni gets a g*rl and Soorim, well, ig he'll end up with that psycho jailbait mangaka character.

And so his fandom has to pay to get the imagery they want, most of the gay fanart are paid commissions.
Pic rel
A lot of the others are weird fetish stuff
Forgot to say where, i cant tell if he stopped using Twitter but that's usually where it was from.
did he actually end it or is he just still on "hiatus"
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official leezhin site has it down as being in hiatus. he's working on his new comic at the moment
I think >>3859955
Was meant for you.

The last chapter was the ending of volume 2.5
Volume 3 is the last one, and it will follow up on the ending of volume 2.
It hasn't ended yet but yeah. It's pretty bizarre, the fanart, the Cinderella spinoff, the fact Sorrim, for no reason, imagined Hoon jerking off using a dildo.
It all points out to it being BL
Ig Sana has a crush on Sorim but I cant not see Sana as a girl.
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What are some /cm/ recommendations of BL that have a cute artstyle like suicide boy instead of the "handsome"/"sexy" look most of them have?
where are you supposed to input that code
Not a similar artstyle but I really like anything by the artist Kanna Kii.

It's rare BL manga to get big budget manga movies. Highly recommended for cute bois..
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Ahh, yes, I've watched this. It was very good.
This is the kinda artstyle I like, where the characters are made very cute.
I might check the manga, thx anon
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Sure hope someone translates Highschool Boy soon. I'm not gonna study gochujang-runes for this
Same. There is apparently a spanish translation but I cant find it for the life of me.

So fucking retarded to try searching for a comic called fucking "high school boy". Searching it with park-gee's name in it makes it so only suicide boy shows up since "high school boy" shows up in its description.
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Those were the 2022 beta chapters. They were all up in one archive before it got deleted. The individual chapters are still on the ES Discord but it's hardly even worth it when the official release should be caught up in a few months.

Here're the raws from DCinside for anyone interested:

Ch. 1: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629271
Ch. 2: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629360
Ch. 3: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view?id=cartoon&no=629433
Ch. 4: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629591
Interlude - Hong Iltak's Drug Treatment: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629643
Ch. 5: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629681
Ch. 6: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=629887
Ch. 7: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=630324
Ch. 8: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=631831
Ch. 9: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=631983
Interlude - Prequel: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=630590
Interlude - Hong Iltak of Daemun Boys' High School: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=630690
Interlude - Beach Cafe Part-time Job: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=631373
Interlude - Thanks: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=630748
Interlude - Enough: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=632351
Ch. 10 (+TOC): https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=dcbest&no=60411
Ch. 11: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=635644
Ch. 12: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=643093
Interlude - Iljinhoe meeting: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=644135
Ch. 14: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=644706
Interlude - 18 years old: any advice on hiding pelvic triangle?: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=633644
Final Update: https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=cartoon&no=644751
A win for femcels WORLDWIDE
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You wouldn't do this to Hooni, right?
No, he is for love and protects.
The only things I would force him to do is to stop crying and to play vidya.

we must turn the cinderella spin-off canon...
Femcels will pay

Only if he wanted me to and only because he's legal age. I'd love to absolutely wreck Hooni's hole after going down on him, or let him wreck mine, or make really gentle love if that was what he wanted, but only with his consent, and only because he's legal. I wouldn't even try though until I got him to stop being depressed, that'd be my #1 priority.
Okay, so suicide boy was malnourished and that's why he was so small
But why is high school boy clearly a massive fruit? Is the premise here just that he's gay and he's got a fat ass
He has a hormonal disease that made him not grow and look feminine.
He used to be one of "the cool kids", a delinquent; but now he is helpless and frail, a total push-over for his normal-bodied classmates (he is in an all male school so they are all horny for the closest thing to a female they have at their disposal)

His solution to this problem is to befriend the strongest guy in class (he sees the school as a hierarchy and that guy as being at the top) so he is no longer bullied and abused.
The strong guy has a crush on him though, so he is constantly trying to avoid him, and constantly giving signals that he hates the mc.

They prob gonna be really gay at some point tho since it's a BL story.
it seems weird and somewhat sexist to assume that a person with a hormonal disease would automatically be helplessly weak and frail compared to his male classmates
Maybe so. It is a definitely just Parkgee shameless fetishized comic where he is a blond little femboy in highschool. Character even has gyno just like parkgee.
Dark haired twinky boys who cut themselves
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Literally cannot compete
>writes suicide boy after brain tumor
>writes high school boy after gynecomastia
>writes centurion after idk
>did he publish anything
Dude who asked how I survived exsanguination in the last thread, I basically got prompt buddy aid from close family and was transported to more definitive care. Yeah, anticlimactic, I know.
Love you filthy degenerates, btw. Hope you guys had a good Christmas and etc.
nice armpits and tummy
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Hi guys, I'm doing a High School Boy Translation with a friend. There's the first chapter. Please, tell me if you consider it a decent translation.

High School Boy , Chapter 01: Daemun High School
some of the wording does come off a bit unatural sounding, but other than that it's looking pretty good!
Yeah, sorry. It was double translated from kor-spanish / Spanish-English. So that's maybe
afraid to start this after the hooni ending up with a chick betrayal
you must earn my trust back parkgee...
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The only complication is that Il-tak's sister is a brocon. She's pleased with him being gay, which is why she's trying to get him to hook up with Hyun-woo, but she won't accept him with another girl. Other than that (or maybe because of it) I think we're safe.
Damn, how old is he?
Check naver to confirm but 28
Still have 10 years to reach him...
What does he think of his western fans?
Easy money and moralfags probably
It's ovah
Why does Park hate having actual BL content?
I think he will actually do this time
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Yep, that's his sister.
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Next translation when? Looks decent so far. Although I prefer Suicide Boy over low-testo boy.
Does Anyone have access to the full high school boy comic in Korean?
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Recent news on Parkgee's life if anyone cares. He's graduated art school and finally introduced his family to his gf of 9 years.
This is kinda confusing to me. Is he a tranny now or what?
No, just has a condition from a side effect of some medicine he took for a surgery
source: my korean friend
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he has hyperprolactinemia, basically excessively high amounts of prolactin in his body which in return can give you gyno if you're male. this can be caused by certain medications and he mentioned in his past streams this started happening after some plastic surgery procedure he got. so like what the other anon is saying, a side effect from meds probably caused it.

despite how unfortunate it is, he likes dressing feminine so it weirdly works out in his favor.
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Unfortunately, Suicide Boy is now officially on indefinite hiatus. It turns out adding R-18 content had the added side effect of making it unprofitable: it has bled readership, not increased it.

This should, however, probably come as little surprise to those who were already aware of Parkgee's decision to make High School Boy a paid comic.
solid translation
Reminder that it’s a WIN for femcels WORLDWIDE!!!! Hooni belongs to the unwashed female masses. Nevar4get
>It turns out adding R-18 content had the added side effect of making it unprofitable: it has bled readership, not increased it.
That's not what bled the readership, Parkgee just shat on Hooni's story and character and it pissed everyone who'd been reading since the beginning off. Now he's trotting out some feminized tittyboy to try and win back the mutants that bailed on Hooni.
Suicide Boy ended on the first arc.
Gf gf or gf (male)
where can I find more translated high school boy chapters??
>Parkgee just shat on Hooni's story and character and it pissed everyone who'd been reading since the beginning off
i've not read it, qrd?
this but unironically
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Without irony from the start my man
Also https://buhitter.com/search?q=%EC%9E%90%EC%82%B4%EC%86%8C%EB%85%84
It should have ended here, I felt very connected with hooni during the first act.
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Hi guys, sorry for the delay. I need someone that can translate Spanish-English so I can bring the chapters faster. If someone wants to help, my discord tag is ketchup_789

High School Boy , Chapter 02: The boss, Lee Hyunwoo
Why not do it here? I and maybe someone else can.
>gf of 9 years
>9 years
I can :3 eth_shadow_
Shut the fuck up you femoid trash, hooni belongs to hairy men
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he's been with his girlfriend for 9 years
Hooni belongs to me an tall handsome early 20s man who works out and is kind and loving and sweet
Does high school boy get lewd at all?
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There's nothing R18 in it yet but it is severely horny.
>There's nothing R18 in it yet but it is severely horny
Good, one of the things that ruined Suicide Boy was that.
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new parkgee kino just dropped on twitter
so it's ecchi then?
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that's still gyno regardless retard. he's posting another photo album soon and this time it's gonna be lewd and (possibly) expose his chest for the first time. maybe buy it or wait till someone leaks it to decide then
>>3869966 (Checked)
>another photo album soon and this time it's gonna be lewd and (possibly) expose his chest for the first time
Based niggas like me and others don’t know anything about your incel tranny shit so please save it for your chud discord
Suicide boy was ruined when the characters were "aged up"
Even parkgee got bored of it lmao
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She aged the high school boy characters up
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100% facts. Hooni looks weird and too feminine, Soorim looks like a jock/bully, and Jaehoon is a fucking tank.
LF that image of sana at his desk by a fan getting served a plate with ice tea thanks
Poor guy :(
In retrospect Hooni was a shota, Soorim a twink and Jaehoon was built like a hunk or bara character.
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If I had a boyfriend to make me come 17 times in one night, I honestly would not give a shit. They just need to come out of the closet already, is all.
Yep. Don't forget about Sana either. The new version of them look like fucking aliens it makes me uncomfortable, welp, I'll just read and re read the old design chapters when I can. If I can when I get the time I'll make art of them with their old designs :3 with their shota-esque forms.
PARKGEE ruined his shit since ages ago
no idea what any of these words mean. I rarely use discord. But anyways I'm more interested in his life than the story he pumps out. I follow up on his twitter and streams. A lot of people enjoy him for his looks over his comics and of course his photo album will sell out again. people are even more excited because they may see his moobs.
not officially. this is an AU drawing. what point of it being called "High School Boy" if he decided to make them collage students all of a sudden
Niggas really go to the cute anime boy board and say “I don’t really care about the cute anime boys”
yes but only because he has a masochistic humiliation and emasculation fetish and it makes him hard when I bully him
>havent read suicide boy since [spoiler]Hooni's friend showed up [/spoiler]. What is new? Have boys kissed yet?

Parkgee archived Suicide boy...
this thread is about park gee himself and his creations, am I not on topic referring to the creator? Besides. I'm just telling the truth. a lot of knetizens are more interested in his looks than his art but there are plenty of people to where its 50/50
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Heyy, here's a new High School Boy chapter.
Thanks to eth_shadow_ for helping with the translation!!

High School Boy ,Chapter 03: Changing to Daemun High School
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I could never do it myself. I used to be pretty firmly in the not-for-bullying camp until Parkgee created the ultimate bully for him, who could not only do all those things, but also power bottom for him. Too bad he's in a completely different comic. Maybe he should've been in SB first, and then have HSB as a spin-off.
desu there's a huge difference between consensual bullying/teasing and just being mean
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donut hit hooni
where do you input this shit
Actually there is a board for irl guys and it’s not this one…. sooooooooo…..
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Another new character with their own unnecessary arc in SB? No, thank you. Had enough of that shit with Harim and Sana. That's what ruined SB in the first place.
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it's his characters but the thread includes his name as well. Not even posting irl pics of him, just talking about him. regardless he has tons of fanart of his irl self and persona so what's the issue as long as it stays 2D
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i want a boyfriend who looks like this. alas, in the real world we have liberals...
>i want a short kawai femboy that's shy but i also want him to be a based redpilled conservative
me too bro, i'll settle for a cute troon atleast
this belongs in y or something dude
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Need Sana bf :3
these words are not in the bible, I just want a cute gay twink
>i'll settle for a troon atleast
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just got this comm in, love the cutie
High School Boy, Chapter 04: Power
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I forgot to add a pic for last translation update.
could you please give me the previous chapters?
High School Boy , Chapter 01: Daemun High School

High School Boy , Chapter 02: The boss, Lee Hyunwoo

High School Boy ,Chapter 03: Changing to Daemun High School

High School Boy, Chapter 04: Power
Thank you so much for your work! i've been looking forward to an english translation for the longest time
decided to mirror it to mega for people who don't want to download the whole thing or have no idea what to do with that funny little string of numbers and letters
once again nsfw stuff but you're into that, what you should be wary of is the straight nigga shit, if you don't like that don't let me know because i don't care enough to pick each image one by one and remove straggot
*Remove cute boy from burger*
So anyway, I started licking...
Pls upload to mediafire or somewhere else
Hooni adjacent discord server
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Relationship ended with HOONI
Now PUNI is my boyfriend
>Make hooni adorable
>End with him being straight
Why parkgee a hack?
because it’s funny watching you squirm?
he also didn’t make them show their feet every 25 seconds, so he at least has some sense of restraint.

anon if they’re just clearly his fantasy instead of their own characters, it’s not nearly as good of a comic as it would be
and then it wouldn’t be nearly as cute.

you need to understand it’s better if he’s straight now so he can be even cuter when he finds himself with soorim in the future.
>I made him hetero because lol I troll u
He does realize that he WNBAW, right?
anon what are you talking about
>finds himself with soorim in the future.
It is never getting a continuation though
hooni outercourse.....
He doesn't subscribe to trans shit. He's just dressing up as girl "for laffs"
>dressing up as girl "for laffs"
That's how it always starts. He should just skip the rest of the trooning steps and get a noose.
>get a noose
"oof sound"
hooni is arguably a partial self insert pf the creator, and parkgee regardless of how faggy he seems on surface, is a heterosexual man
>parkgee regardless of how faggy he seems on surface, is a heterosexual man
Those are the worst
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a straight man drew this?! (and many other lewd things)
is it gay if im a guy and i like hooni
No. Everyone loves hooni
Everyone loves hooni
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I mean he's been dating one girl for nine years. online he seems more like a fudanshi who's a fan of femboys/traps. that doesn't inherently means he'd like men irl. Plenty of straight guys are into cute boys but only in fiction
Props to parkgee for:
>making a very BL-hinting, very risque comic about a cute boy form highschool.
>Never confirming the BL
>Ending it with a str8 pairing before an indefinite hiatus (Of which the next, and final arc would be about the two characters people think have the most gay towards hooni)
>Make a brand new highschool comedy comic.
>This time it's really BL
>not even 20 chapters in and there is already a weird, str8 incestuous relationship

Really fucking annoying. But I cannot help but admire it. How does he do it.
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>Plenty of straight guys are into cute boys but only in fiction
What is so wrong about part 2?
I have the same opinion but I can never formulate why it's so bad.
Can't be the str8 pairing, part 1 ended with one too...
The slice of life of the first chapters was more imaginative and entertaining than whatever he was doing for the second. Also forced fanservice that came as cringy, the new artstyle that many don't seem to like and weird decisions like why the fuck should Sana x Soorim be canon?
>Sana x Soorim
i tho that was a (bad) attempt at making sana more likable?
i dont know the popular opinion but i always thought sana was just unbearable, but not intentionally so(?)
I love how he is a male straggot for others, and a tranny for some.
Truly he mindbroke everyone.
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It's simply the Asian standard. Where manly men are considered fags and pretty boys are turbo chads.
You give him too much credit. He drew a cute boy.
There's a reason I've never read his shit though, because he seems like a retard and what I've heard of the plot doesn't interest me.
Hooni is cute. Sana is cute too, but that's where the positives end.
soorim is cute
also what are you talking about
idk you just talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded what’s up with that
it's only gay if you're the bottom or if you catch feelings, that's the rule
This so much trans xister aren’t the characters like only 17.999999998 years old?? Like what the fucking fuck is that bullshit??
Go back.
Stay here.
KYS, retard.
im gay
Oh sweaty you really thought you ate with that one huh?
post the rest already
KYS, retard
Oh so you're here too, makes sense.
you'll find them on r9k
There is a translation behind a coin wall at cocomic. Co. Will try to make a ripoff of that site
God speed, king.
Good the discord one is ok but Jesus did they really need to put their URL everywhere??
I'm desperate here. Where can one aquire a cute(smol) hooni bf
Look up tulpas.
like many femboys, he is on estrogen but pretending he just grew tits naturally due to a medical condition (similar to women with obvious cosmetic surgery who pretend to be natural, but with a side of not wanting to take the flak for basically being a tranny).
There is a Spanish translation of high school boy, just search "high school boy manhwa español" and click on the disboard page. It'll take you to the discord server.
Anybody has the chart were male goes through extensive change in diet to look "feminine" without the need of disgusting female hormones?
dump the mega
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No, ignore the schizo talking about estrogen she does this in every thread. He's said he likes being called a male.
dont have it :(
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someone have a upload of all current chapters? really wanna flip through them even if can't read em
Go to discord or anywhere there is young men who are nerdy or depressed
Give them a single shred of affection and attention
You now have one
I want to have sex with Hoonie so bad. I want to cuddle and kiss several spots of his lissom body till you blushes and cums. I want to squeeze his buttocks and press my lips against his.
His legs are also so sexy. I want to lay against them and kiss them, squeeze his thighs and tickle his feet. I want to tease him so much and make him hard.
I must beat Hooni... yes... hitting... YES
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I want to mate with hooni and give him many children by breeding his cute smooth soft Korean bussy
base off the cms i don't think i'll ever read suicide boy but i'm right now like drug addicted to high school boy so the person thats been translating it can you give me your discord server link cus the ones on google drive is not working
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I just want to sniff his smooth butt, feet and thighs then lick his supple smooth skin while prodding his cute girly face and soft lips with my hairy manhood. I just want him to sit on my face suffocating me while giving me a dexterous footjob, is that so much to ask!?
Just bring back shota-esque hooni already
I like Suicide Boy better but it went downhill so fast on the second part that I honestly don't even care too much that it is an eternal hiatus. Highschool Boy being more explicit BL has better chances of not ending up shit.
But honestly if there was BL on Suicide Boy it would have been much better than the new series, because Soora and Hooni, though only friends, felt more genuinely close than the characters in Highschool Boy do.
Sure Hooni is cute and Soora is handsome, but that's not why they bond, Soora is just a great person putting an effort to be nice to Hooni, a clearly troubled kid, so it would feel more earnest if they ended up a couple.
The characters in Highschool boy, including the romantic lead, only care about Il-tak because he looks like a girl, and they seem to hardly get the chance to do anything fun together.
>Plenty of straight guys are into cute boys but only in fiction
that's gay
>no chud twink bf
womp womp
no updates in over a month
Sorry for the delay, here's chapter 5

High School Boy, Chapter 05: The three kingdoms
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Sorry I meant since Chapter 5, read it a month ago
The Mayo Cum bully singing the song from SpongeBob got me
Need Shota Sana bf
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Sana can't cum.
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finally got to read suicide boy and it was eh. writing is bad, then becomes okay, then goes back to being bad. only worth it to see my cutie hooni
high school boy on the other hand is garbage through and through, maybe i can't enjoy it because i'm not a foid
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New HSB chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 06: Wet dreams
>high school boy on the other hand is garbage through and through, maybe i can't enjoy it because i'm not a foid
I'm hoping it gets better at some point.
the characters are what I feel sells SB, and High school boy is totally lacking in that department.
>first actually lewd shot of Il-tak
>It's a str8 incest focused chapter
Parkgee... why...
Why do you read his stuff when he has already cucked you.
I hate that garbage
hackgee does it again
is that a challenge?
I don't like the premise at all anyway so I doubt I'll be following it more
>the characters are what I feel sells SB
this is very true
Based Parkgee once gain pulling the rug under the fags
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New HSB update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 07: A Friendship gift
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New HSB chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 08: Hong Iltak's younger sister
Hate fuck.
the premise and the characters are intertwined in sucking
i think the characters could work but because the premise is: 'oh this guy is so fem that every one just wants to fuck him' the connections between the characters feel really shallow
pretty much >>3894216
how short do you have to be to be towered over by a korean female
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 09: Male Scent
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 10: Geting his number
Ok the condom/Pokemon card switch bit was actually pretty funny
holy crap his sister is a bitch
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 11: I want to be a delinquent -1-
this comic is kinda gay bros
It's one of those tattoos that only comes off with saliva.
plz bump me when new chapter comes out
Do you think that if men had this type of body, homosexuality would be more common and less stigmatized?
Yes, absolutely. Better than the fat fucking hogs that women have become.
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why that sudden zoom in at Iltak's bulge?
i can't remember the name of this manhwa. sauce???
Out of Town by Parkgee himself.
thank you based anon
What if Hooni posted his peepee on the internet
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There's R18 in Suicide Boy?? I'm on around chapter 110 but haven't seen anything like that. Do you see Hooni cum or something?
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You're about to hit it with chapter 117. Enjoy.
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 12: I want to be a delinquent -2-
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 13: Teamwork -1-
Google Docs
thank u for the delivery anun
god im gonna nut
fun read, thanks!
Where can I find more 'legal' shota manhwa like this
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 14: Teamwork -2-
NTA, here's the new chapter

High School Boy, Chapter 15: Hyperprolactimania
Nooo, I didn't post it yet bc translation in server must be one Chapter ahead from translation posted elsewhere. Please, next time let me be the one that posts the chapters.
Uhh I got confuse why the new chap didn't get post here, so i asked their permission and they said ok. sorry ig
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based anon
>wah wah wah im a nigger
His hoe c ISN'T growing
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 15: Hyperprolactinemia
someone please drop chapter 17 who is from the server and is actually donating to these fuckers
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New chapter update!!

High School Boy, Chapter 16: Are you gay? -1-
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High School Boy, Chapter 17: Are you gay? -2-
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 18: Are you gay? -3-
Nothing ever happens in this shit
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>gyno just like parkgee
He has implants dummy
You can almost see his butthole here.
18 chapters in and this is the closest thing we got to some form of character development yet. I swear, there isn't a single likable character in this series. I don't see why I should care about the protagonist, he is just like Sana from SB, a selfish and entitled prick.
his tits look too small to be implants. he still looks flat on stream with certain outfits.

also why did it take HSB for people to realize he can't really write and people only like his comics for the coom
If gyno can magically appear over the span of a week or so then I guess. I've been occasionally watching part of his YT videos for like 5 years now, it was not a gradual process. From my research it only costs a few grand to get it done in worst Korea, it's not really hard to believe.
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 19: Puni-chan
Il Tak is the most awful out of a cast of awful people. Because of that, though, I started to like the guy who bullies him.
>MC once bullied a kid so hard for being gay that he had to move schools.
>MC is now a feminized bitch to be groped by best character.
based agent of karmic justice.
Sadly hackgee is too cringe to realize how based of a story he has at the tip of his fingers.
>why did it take HSB for people to realize he can't really write and people only like his comics for the coom
Because SB actually has a story, it gets bad really fast, but it is STILL there. HSB is coom first, story later, except just like in SB he never actually delivers on the homo hype so there is actually nothing happening in any of the chapters.
He should just go back to SB and make the last arc be about Sorim and hooni making love while including that other guy who is Hooni's friend and make it so Sana dies of covid on some chapter end extra.
Aaaand another dickhead character added to the roster. Perfect, exactly what we needed. This guy has really lost his touch. At least early SB had a point and actual good characters to balance out the grim atmosphere.
>twink vs femboy
Twink wins by long difference.
Harim won. Stop living in denial.
Is entire comic just for parkgee to vent his irl frustrations?
>Because SB actually has a story, it gets bad really fast, but it is STILL there.
This, Suicide Boy felt like it was written by someone who had some level of experience with the emotions being portrayed. Hooni attaining real relationships and reasons to live while still suffering from his own circumstances and view of himself is actually well written. The story should of ended on the arc where he attempts to ask a girl out on a date. Hooni ultimately fails to get a date with his crush, but even getting that far is a testament to how much his life has improved, coming back to his apartment full of friends that care about him. It's realistic and wraps things up nicely. The rest of SB past that arc is mostly slop, infinite filler where nothing happens.
High School Boy is pure shit, just coombait about a hrt femboy who constantly gets groped. There isn't anything of substance, just Parkgee jerking off in the mirror to fantasies about his hormone tits.
Anyone has the link to the Spanish translation discord server please?
I don't get what you guys complain about.
>>HSB has no plot
Not every piece of fiction should have a long dramatic plot. There is a whole genre called sitcom which is supposed to be composed of short, inconsequential plots intended for comedic (and in this case erotic) purposes.
>>Characters are not nice
There is a reason for that. If they where nice you would relate to them, and for many people that would make it too sad to enjoy the sadomasochistic humor and erotica.
Also, not fully true. Love interest guy is a nice character.
>>Baddly written
Not true. It is funny and hot as intended. That's why you're still reading.
I wouldn't say he can't write, but he can only write in a very limited capacity, and he already spent his best efforts on SB, and even then early on, which is why SB feels a lot like it's just walking in circles most of the time anyway. Part of the reason why I like that it ended/went on an indefinite hiatus before it went to shit
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Puni is a sweetheart, you just have to stroke his ego a little.
Wasn't this guy an ugly, wrinkled adult? Or at least in the beta chapters?
not related to SB or HSB, but if you are interested, pre-orders for Parkgee's third photo book is out https://twitter.com/ch960116/status/1814931316829528313

kek at the qrts
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Yes. He's gotten one hell of a glow-up.
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 20: A night with Hyunwoo
this is actually kinda hilarious bros
Shut up it was peak.
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
>I don't get what you guys complain about.
we are mad that SB got replaced by this, that is all.
I also assumed most people expected the story to turn sweeter like SB did and are disappointed that it is, in a way, a darker show than the one with the suicidal boy because every character is just a pos.
first arc might've been a lightning in a bottle scenario. I still can't understand if he was trying to drag or rush things out with the 2nd one but it is clear he didn't have the same love for his creation as before.
I still hope whatever (and whenever) the conclusion is, turns out okay...
>Not every piece of fiction should have a long dramatic plot. There is a whole genre called sitcom which is supposed to be composed of short, inconsequential plots intended for comedic (and in this case erotic) purposes.
you r ignoring how SB was originally a dark sitcom. we expected his second sitcom to also have a story. sue us.
>how SB was originally a dark sitcom
The first. The second readed like a wattpad fiction.
Don't like the new character, but that happened so often in school, not in that way or to that extreme, but a gay guy bullying someone he liked
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New chapter update!

High School Boy, Chapter 21: Do you want to sleepover?

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