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previous one >>3792208
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i miss them
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yay a new eren thread.
I don't care what anyone says, retarded underage rageren is best and sluttiest Eren.
the moment that spawned a whole legion of fujos
Tbh I can't see Eren as a bottom. He had too much top energy by the end of the series.
By the end of the series where he cries like a bitch and admits he was faking the chad persona the whole time?
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tbf, even with that i think he would still fuck Reiner in the ass
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happy new year erensisters
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Built for grooming into being my cocksleeve
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hnnnnnnnnnnngh slut
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i think about fat goth eren at least once a day
Eren probably stinks real good...
maybe if he didnt [spoiler]unalive carla[/spoiler] he would’ve had someone to teach him proper hygiene but as it stands he prolly smells like hot sweaty titan ass 24/7. a shame….
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has science gone too far?
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Still mad over how fucked this series is thanks to the ending
the perfect bitch.
slutty needs cock correction
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I don't really like snk that much and i dislike him as a character, but he's really hot.
I'm exactly like Eren when it comes to personality, I act just like him
you're racist?
And yet you'll never be as remotely attractive as him
He's so retarded and cute, I want to see him get gangraped by a group of burly men and never experience happiness.
hes such a pathetic piece of shit hnnghh the best ending would have been him getting trapped in paths for eternity tied to a chair with a vibrator taped to his cock and forced to watch hot sweaty breeding sex between jean and mikasa. Getting a glimpse into his true nature as gods silliest cuck was hot asf
you guys are disturbing.
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>he doesn't want to brutalize Eren sexually
weak and ngmi
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>ywn hold eren like this
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i wanna hurt eren.
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Fucking Ereh so hard and so often that he suffers rectal prolapse...
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>page 10 in a day
This random bumper is so fucking annoying

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