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Previous thread: >>3843826
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I made this quick Ikki sketch
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Actually masculine Bachira...
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Save me, masculine Bachira
I unironically believe Bachira will win Blue Lock
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>it's a Bachira, Reo or Chigiri get hit by the uwufication beam fanart
Even Isagi remains his boyish charm in his cutesy fanart the bar is in hell
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Cute ;-;
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I'm gonna force him to eat soap
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boys are gay
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Kitty kats are epic>>3861992
Yes :3
Unrelated but what's your guys opinion on Tokimitsu
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am I extra faggy for wanting a Twisted Wonderland-esque game where our MC gets to befriend the Blue Lock boys and get special friendship events?

I don't give a fuck if some spin-off manga makes MC a girl, the Twisted Wonderland manga has made a point of the MC being pretty much anything you can think of since the MC is different in each "Chapter".
Is Banpresto the only one making BL figures?

I wish someone made Bath Figures with the boys in tiny towels. hehe.
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Kurona's voice actor has already been revealed, it's Kobayashi Chiaki! His other notable roles are Mash (Mashle), Stark (Frieren), Langa, (SK8), Sako (WBK), to name a few.
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<3 all the pics
Boys make me ToT
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