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Classical/baroque/romantic/neoclassic paintings/sketches/sculptures/prints, etc.

Similar to Historical bishounen: >>3823613 But NO EXPLICIT NUDITY this time you dummies.

Post sources/name of the piece when possible.
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Reposting this rare unknown one in better quality
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"The Secret Police Officer" by Shiskin
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He fapped to this
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>tfw you will never be dominated in battle by a cute Jewish boy
Neither the Aztecs nor the Ancient Greeks are still around actively practicing ritual sacrifice or slavery and pederasty.
The jews are actively abusing their children and arguing, like you, in favor of the abuse of children.
I do have a personal stake in this because jewish tradition ruined my life.

You are choosing to defend and perpetuate evil. This hurts not only you but everyone around you.
Stop. Seek help now.
Although I agree that circumcision is a grave evil, your suffering would almost certainly be reduced if you mitigated your resentment somewhat. You have every right to be angry and enraged, of course, but at the same time it is only harming you and not harming the objects of your anger. This sort of interaction also allows people to unfairly paint anti-circumcision advocates as "crazy" and "obsessed" as well.

The Roman Catholic Church still exists and protects priests who abuse children, but I would want to punch anyone in the head who brought this up just because I say I like Catholic aesthetics, or a Catholic writer, or said something positive about a Catholic priest.
>I recognize that you were abused but man you seem really, like, le resentful and le heckin' obsessed when you speak out against your abusers and child abuse! ick!
Write fewer posts.
Objectively speaking, they did.
Great going, guys...
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One of my favorites by Emile Friant "La Lutte"
I leave for one day and people are talking about racism and medical malpractice
Sebastian was a cute
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One day we won't have to deal with mods
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I found higher res versions of this pic and >>3859084 (name is "The Last Defender" byAndrey Shishkin)
The other pic is too big to be posted here, so I'll leave a catbox link instead:
I also found a higher res version of the pic in the OP of this dead thread https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3858428/
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“William Henry West Betty”, John Opie (1804)

The model for this painting was Master Betty, who would have been 12/13 at the time. He was an extremely popular actor and an early heartthrob with the girls (and men too, I would wager).
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I hope he did not get abused :(
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Andrey is my fav Vatnik
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He attempted suicide later in life so maybe :(

Child stardom has always been dangerous.
just like Macaulay Culkin
Looks as if Freddie Mercury had written Bohemian Rhapsody at 12
> A source of the period recalls how after each performance groups of male fans used to watch admiringly as Master Betty's farther rubbed oil into the boys naked body.

good God what's wrong with people
some people like to fantasize about stuff that never happened you know
I want to protec kids from show business
based. Some will exploit anyone for gain, even the most helpless and vulnerable. Truly despicable behaviour
The helpless are the most vulnerable; people love victims that can't hit back
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Card illustration by Alphonse Mucha from the Sorcerer's Tarot Deck
Ignore my blogpost, but it really just sucks how I love drawing/painting, but I'll never have a job painting cute boys/bishounen. And even if I did it would come with a harsh social stigma attached to it nowadays. It just sucks, man.
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The true David
Thanks, but what part of no explicit nudity you didn't get ya illiteratefag
Better pic: https://files.catbox.moe/k3erqe.jpg
Jesus Christ dude, this is the masterwork bronze sculpture of western civilization. I think that may qualify for an exception.
See https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3858428/
A similar thread was deleted because many of the posts featured young naked boys. Explicit nudity is being avoided to prevent this thread from ending in a similar way.
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Interestingly seems to be based on three different boys
Middle > left > right
kill middle, fuck right, marry left
This one goes hard for some reason, really beautiful
so, anyone here likes "historical bishounen" older than 12, huh?
OP here. You're welcome to post and set up an example instead of bitching like a salty moralcunt.
needs more caravaggio
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Zinaida Serebriakova - Пopтpeт Mишeля / Mиши (Portrait de Michel enfant)
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Eliseu Visconti - O Colegial
John Opie - Portrait of a Young Boy
John Opie - Master William Opie
he malded hard
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hes goat
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Yandex says it was drawn by "Guido Mauas".
because it’s AI generated. look at the lips and nose
No, it's just poorly enhanced, because the one I had was like 300x300 pixels and even at normal size it looked pixelated.
Also... Learn how to read, the post above yours explains why it's real, ya illiteratefag
piss ass Ai enhancing
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surprised it wasn't posted yet. can't blame mishima for going gay after seeing this painting
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Do you want to get this thread nuked for lewdity Anon??
They're sibling, and their story is the sad ones.
All stories set in this world are sad ones, anon; the happiness is in knowing that they're both together in a better world, where they can both share in one another's mutual pleasure and tranquil content.
>They're sibling
That's hot
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Sketch by Owe Zerg
Also... He looks like Hitler youth
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this thread has become an excuse to post hyper realistic children.

First couple posts were good before it got derailed by the nonce :)
I mean... The board is called Cute Male
Kids are the cutest form of male unless "cute" means something sexual to you
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Cute and handsome have clear different connotations anon. The pic you posted is less cute than handsome.
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Owe Zerge - Boy with an Aquarium
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Unknown title, artist is Stephan Quickmann though
Prince Yahya Mirza (Qajar dynasty)
i have next to nothing to contribute, but out of principal i refuse to let us get pushed off the board by all the fucking vivziepop threads
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The Lesson - by Miguel Noreña
A satyr whispering to an adolescent cupid
>excuse to post hyper realistic children.
The one you posted is also a kid, retard.
this one is cool. its so rough, but you can see the cracks in his nails, the dirt on his skin, the wart on his fingers, the bruise on his arm, and the ducts in his nipples
do any of you know of a portrait of a young boy (12-16 y/o) dressed in black velvet standing against a dark background, he has blonde hair and is smiling. descriptive google image searches really took a nosedive since the recent inundation of AI art
ic is strikingly similar, but i found a couple of other portraits of young men in black that dont have me convinced that the one im after doesnt exist
caucasian men make my kokoro dokidoki
top notch stuff
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Jonathan's Token to David, Frederic Leighton
I saw this in a art museum ages ago. Still my favorite painting from the impression it left on me - it's so much more bigger and grander in person.
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>tfw no qt brown shota bf
Thoughts on Frederick the great
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We need to bring back this level of appreciation for male beauty
Peak fun with your buddies as a boy, good times

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