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File: GCu7S35X0AAsFxR.jpg (75 KB, 846x1200)
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previous >>3820739

MXTX, MDZS, TGCF, SVSSS, 2HA, other Chinese BL
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I fucking love Hualian so much bros
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Age swap
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cute lesbians
It’s funny when your gays look like women
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Beautiful, I'm glad some still know how the best men look like
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Dear Sirs/Madames, what is the name of the boy on the right? He is just my type
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That'd be Shen Yuan before he gets transmigrated.
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recent drama with tgcf manhua it sounds like starember may not be returning(?) not sure if a nothing burger manufactured by twatter but still remains that tgcf fandom has been overtaken by idiots
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Russian cover for SVSSS first volume
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