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Post artwork of muscular femboys.
literally me.
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Androgyny is commonly associated with divinity.
This is straight yaoi
Oh my god you could grind meat on those abs!
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Is it still straight yaoi when ithe androgynous man tops?
>straight gay porn
go away you retarded foid
>Yes I am vegan. Yes I eat meat.
I'm a male tho

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Is this muscular enough?
the ideal male
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so just transvestites
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No, they don't necessarily have to be crossdressing, but a cute feminine face is required
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>a cute feminine face

so just an anime face

the term is bishounen
>Androgyny is commonly associated with divinity.
Oh, like Satan from Devilman, although that's more hermaproditism.
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I don't know if this is muscular enough but I had this saved on my folder
Kureha Shinogi? Is that you???
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And last one
[spoiler]God I wish I had a bf built like this ;_;[/spoiler]
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These are all really cute, I want to strive look like this
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>>3867555 (Checked)
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Is there a difference between this and an ambush?
ambush means what it implies, they are too masculine to fool anyone and are buff enough to take it by force
Nobody believes that lmao.
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I have the overwhelming urge to punch him in the abs until he folds and starts crying. Sisters, is this a normal way to show affection to moids?
go back
I mean.. yea gyakuryona is pretty based I guess
go back holy shit
Would wrestle with (him).
Stop spamming electionfag memes you underage troon, you don't fit in.
why are you melting?
these are literally the most female aggression posts i have ever seen on here, it's funny how they always accuse men of being one of them as an insult like they know they're filth
gyakuryona is based ywnam kys troon
Calm down bitches, don't shit up the thread.
Thank you for sharing the set anon
>9 pics
So close to be a calendar, I guess I can fill the rest with more artworks from this artist, I wonder if he accepts commissions, his name is Leopardtiger btw:
I presume, he probably does, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out if you’re actually willing to pay him
>ai slop
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He is so erotic
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>Muscular Bridget
Made to be stripped nude and touched like a marble statue.
cor his knob must be tiny
>he doesn't know
my dick is bigger than yours you reddit tourist retard
seethe harder schizo troon
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make way bitches
>>3881181 ambush thread I made without realising there was already a buff femboy thread
Literally me
They're fairly different things so it's fine
this thread is racist and makes me very angry.
Cope nigger
same here
I'd let Kureha have his way with me
Literally me.
damn they actually made astolfo halfway attractive finally
Stop being a contrarian and just jerk off like the rest of us
Don't reply to her.
cute tummy and abs
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>sweat outlines
Link must have been working that pole something fierce.
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see picrel
Hot but...
>dick gets tinier
It’s Accurate, roids do that
I think he got taller and wider but like anon said steroids shrink ya dink.
I like how he showcases his abs like
>"They aren't gonna lick themselves, Anon."
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Not, just the balls
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how is that possible?
how bout dis one?
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