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I can't believe this series isn't more popular on this board; it has so many cute boys
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Edgebros are CUTE!!!
Also SinJa is perfect
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But Aladdin will always be the best and the cutest boy.
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I love Ja'far so fucking much you have no idea.
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Mai waifu
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He is Killua-coded. I don't think I need to explain.
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I love the red string that he keeps wrapped around his limbs at all times
I love the sexy incisions running up the insides of his legs (I wonder how high the go)
I love how he canonically can transform into a giant snake, and hate that we didn't get to see it (I wonder if he's still hiding scales under those baggy clothes)
I love how he can switch from congenial, put-upon secretary to cold-blooded assassin like the flip of a switch

He's perfect. I love Ja'far!
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Oh, and of course I love his cute little freckles! And the way his pupils become slit-like an reptilian when he's upset.
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Everybody should read the Legend of Sinbad. It's so good. And fuck the way the OG manga left things with these two. I expect a sequel someday.
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I said Aladdin was best boy earlier but after reading SnB I think I might like Ja'far more now, and yeah the spinoff is fantastic even with that super rushed ending
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Actually you know what I fucking love him too, he's so cute and pretty. I would commit crimes far worse than Sinbad ever did to acquire a boywife like Ja'far
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Still love Aladdin, though
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Based Ja'far convert, welcome to the fold!
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Ah, to collect shota like Sinbad.
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Living the dream
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Sinbad has the perfect harem
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OP I will sink a dozen threads for you if you allow me. I love Magi boys and I have so many pictures.
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I welcome it, I'm just glad to know there are other Magi fans on this board
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I wish more people would watch Magi. I have mixed feelings on the franchise as a whole, but there are so many good boys in it. Maybe someday they'll make a season 3, or a SnB season 2.
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Koumei also a qt. Maybe I just have a thing for freckles.
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Zuko definitely got the two coolest djinn equipts
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SnB s2 would be fun since that's where the mindbreaking starts
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It is pretty disappointing that the anime ended right before the best arc.
Why did they draw him so sexy as a mindbroken slave
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I feel like you have answered your own question.
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Any Kouen lovers here?
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Always anon.
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Aaand last one because I love these dummies too
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Oops forgot the scib
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Not enough people talk about how sexy most of magi’s male characters are.

I want him to inseminate me at least 100 times over.

Tfw no s3

I want him to inseminate me at least 100 times over.

Tfw no s3
I really want more seasons of magi, but after seeing the fate of sequels of certain anime, I don't have faith that they would be good. Doesn't help that it has been 10 years.
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Pre or post timeskip, which Sinbad outfit do you prefer? I prefer the latter because it makes Sinbad sexier than he already is.
Flirting with Hakuryuu!
Inviting Hakuryuu out for dinner!
Getting to know Hakuryuu!
Walking Hakuryuu home!
Lending Hakuryuu my coat to keep him warm!
Comforting Hakuryuu over his family issues
Holding hands with Hakuryuu!
Kissing Hakuryuu on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Hakuryuu!
Juddar please
I think they’re both fine. Ohtaka’s artstyle took a nosedive after the timeskip though, everyone looked way younger and derpier.
I would commit crimes that would put Arba to shame if it meant having Sinbad and Kouen fucking me every night.
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His birthday suit was the only outfit that ever mattered.
I want to have endless sex with Hakuryuu and give him at least 10 babies.
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I want to impregnate Jafar
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I will never forgive S*nbad for his treatment of Ja’far in the final arc.
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Can’t agree about the art getting worse, the final arc had some good panels like that morgiana wedding dress and some sinbad panels. If you wanna see actual art deterioration, look no further than Owari no Seraph.
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I haven't watched this show but this character is really fucking hot
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I despise Sinbad (he keeps getting hotter) but I really want his dick in me. Is this weird?
gross nobody wants to imagine you getting your vag filled
He's a whore who pleasures men for money
I love when he act like he's Sinbad wife
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Kouen is such a sexy bastard.
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he's an evil poopyhead!!
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Aladdin should've stayed a shota
The best

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