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>in 2001, metal gear solid 2 releases, everybody makes fun of raiden for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
>in 2024, raiden gets added to the fortnite store, everybody makes fun of him for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
Time really is a flat circle.
MGR Raiden is fine but I'd prefer you'd poast MGS2 Raiden :^)
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The obligatory PSM image.
Does he still have a cock after becoming a cyborg? Can it be installed back onto him?
No, but I can install one in to him.
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> Oh sorry, I thought you where someone else.
> Common mistake.
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I don't think people know what twink means because he looks like a regular 30something dude with long hair.
Twink is just a young male with a slim body. He is a twink (in mgs2 at least. He's probably more of a twunk in mgr)
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What they mean by this?
Raiden's got a fat ass made for BSC (Big Snake Cock)
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That’s not what twink means either. gay culture becoming “mainstream” has been a disaster for gay culture.
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Raiden sexo ooouuuugggghh
Was that even a culture beyond le sikrit club
>skin fang
There was a time, not very long ago, in western cultures, where being gay was necessarily transgressive and avant gardé, because normal culture was just *that* straight laced.
Gay culture was a very real thing, very much its own thing, very creative when it came to arts and music, leading mainstream culture by the nose in many ways (almost the entire electronic dance scene, and mainstream pop music by extension, can be traced to gay club music artists in the 70’s), but now being gay has been “claimed” by mainstream culture through corporate media: to the point where most modern gays are just another breed of normalfag.
Actual gay culture still exists, and is still underground. If you consider that a “secret club” you’re probably right, and you’re probably not invited.
>having sex with underage callboys behind your wives back and getting HIV was like... so avant garde and transgressive bro
Unironicaly yes.
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His Fortnite skin nerfed his giant bulge. . .
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for reference
I think I'm Achillean for Griffith...
*I think I'm Achillean for Raiden.
FTFM; Force of habit. God, I love androgynous men with hair...
Wow that's... Weirdly hot.
...is there a word for futa but opposite. chick with a dick vs man with a clam
Cuntboy but as you could guess is not a japanese word
I admire Kojima's will to live
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>barely any new raiden fanart
it's over
yea it means guy that looks underage xDd fuck off
You fuck off, normalfag
MGS2 Raiden had the face of a man even if his body was androgynous, Raiden now is literally just a woman without boobs.
What's a PSM?
How many regular 30 year old men that look like women without boobs have you come across?
>words words words that don't mean anything aside from "muh sikrit klob is not sikrit anymore and it's LE VERY VERY BAD"
Grow up and stop being a poser.
>That’s not what twink means either
what does it mean then?
i played mgs2 when it first came out as a 12 year old i never once thought that raiden was a girl
what is a woman?
You will never be part of the club
is it gay if im a guy and i like raiden
Wow that's fucking awful. I know it's a game for children but do we really need to act like males don't gave bulges. What's next, flat cheated woman characters? heaven forbid we allude to the existence of breasts
Even has a clamshell design to prevent slippage
happy belated 4/30 OP

I'll dump all the raiden pics I have
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Wtf are you talking about
>"MGS2 Raiden had the face of a man even if his body was androgynous, Raiden now is literally just a woman without boobs"
this legitimately is peak boy body, even if it is not real
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>Raiden now is literally just a woman without boobs
Wtf are you on? He's buff as fuck in mgr
Bad taste
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the soviet foe
Funny that Kojimbo made this character to make fun of Raiden after all the hate he got from fans in MGS2 and now everyone loves Raiden thanks to MGR
i think I may have misread the initial thing I was quoting
Seething fujoshit
>The intrinsically male taste that makes fujos livid
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No, futanari means herm and there is male futanari in japanese. Cuntboy is different.
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it's カントボーイ for cuntboy, literal translation
it's been used since 2009 at least lol https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/4643742
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I know I’m just saying it’s different than newhalfs which is what that anon seems to be describing when he says futa.
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Oh ok.
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hot but the waist is too small
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Sex with Maj. Raikov

Also Raiden was intentionally meant to annoy/troll fans expecting to play as Snake again and instead being bait and switched into playing as a whiny femboy. The major plot of MSG2 is about him going from a pouty twink in a sneaking suit to a memetic equal to solid snake. Raikov was Kojima's 12 year old sense of humor about Raiden being girly and him shitposting fans again.
that's not entirely true

raiden had already served as a child soldier and was already a badass when mgs2 started, he just wasnt as big a badass as snake
if only i could find this in better resolution
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shitty photopea hack job to remove the tranny scar and save a beautiful picture
based, love takato yamamato's style
Pissing on raiden
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>Sex with Maj. Raikov
>Pissing on raiden
Yes to both actually
That part where raiden got pissed on by a soldier awoke something in me
i want raiden to choke me with his thunder thighs while my face is in his bulge
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Oh wow, I had no idea he drew Raiden before. That's awesome.
Puts into perspective how contemporary he is - he nails the "18th century woodblock artist" aesthetic so well that I just assumed he was much older.
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i need raiden bouncing and moaning on it
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If we get a mgs2 remake will Raiden look the same as Raikov will in the mgs3 remake?
I'd pinch his cheeks
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Need Raiden's bulge on my face...

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