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Post Fire Emblem boys, doesn't matter what game, just post em.
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Dimitri is so cute
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Felix is also cute but Dimitri is the cutest.
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Both is good.
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Luv the Blue Lion boys.
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Longest words strung together by a chimpanzee.
Me marry you, you me, Yuri, me marry, now, give me, Yuri, marry give now, marry
I wanna be Ashe's bitch
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Cute and canon
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Just remembered my Awakening husband, I still want to pound the redditor energy out of that edgy boy
I could never play the game with english va's because his english voice was not cute at all.
He makes me want to buy cindered shadows just for his pretty boy ass.
Have you been paying respects to your rallybots lately?
Holy shit I just wanted to post this image of Soren but this site has become nearly impossible to use
>wait 60s
>mistyped captcha (it was correct though)
>mistyped captcha (it was correct though)
>mistyped captcha (it was correct though)
>post successful!
>post disappeared
>mistyped captcha (still not mistyped)
>this goes on until I change browsers and it lets me through, not before waiting 60s of course
thanks hiroshima...
I've had that happen a few times when dumping, don't know what the new captcha has actually achieved.
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he is so beautiful
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He's a pretty boy.
The Azure Moon warm hands cutscene got me feeling some sort of way.
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Happy Valentine's
All crits.
Sad that the best art I have of these two isn't blue-board compatible.
he looks gay.
Flower boy deserves the world.
I would smooch him.
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It's about time I replay three houses.
Are there any good gay romance options in engage?
The game's got cute boys but none of the support writing is particularly great if you're asking, plus a lot of them are forced platonic and not explicitly romantic.
There are no gay romance options in Fire Emblem
Everyone is bi in Engage but the localization changed most supports to be platonic for characters under 18. There's a femboy but he's 17 so even if you give him the "pact ring" you can only be his super deluxe best friend.
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Those localizers deserve death for what they did to Engage.
Both is good.
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Jugdral boys are cute.
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should've been able to romance him with male byleth
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