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luv Chilchuck

simple as
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Cute child
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This is a middle aged divorcee
Not surprising kek
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I mean he's still a good guy and a chad by half-foot standards, he was just too private
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if you can foster the right desires within him then there's a chance you might fix him
someone else already posted the same pic so i wanted to clear the clutter :(
i stand by what i said though
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image did not attach! terrible fortune
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cute oyaji
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Can't wait until pedo Twitter finds out he's divorced middle aged man with three young adult children.
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Something I had saved from around the time of the manga finishing.
I haven't watched the show yet, but his character design screams "1,000 year old loli," but just reverse the gender. Still cute though.
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rabu chucky
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Chilchuck's detecting Laios naughty time with his superb hearing. Made by ppatta2 in fanbox, originally nsfw so gotta crop it aha
but at least the fact that its his race being a halfling that makes sense unlike the le dragon excuse. they're like hobbits
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>le shota
There are adults that look like babyfaced short teens in real life you know
Nobody ever calls any other actual teenage anime character that looks similarly aged a shota
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Chilchuck looks like a shota and it's even addressed in the manga how he looks like a child due to being a half-foot
Chilchuck is everything
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I need him
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the fanart explosion is the only good thing about dm blowing up
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Would pick up in a bar
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Human!Chilchuck would top Laios.
[spoiler]There's not enough of him
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Wish this ship was more popular. Choco-vanilla swirl ships are supremo.
Chil doesn't even act like a kid, none of the halflings do. They just happen to be little guys but are otherwise normal.
Also ironically they only live to like 50-60 in canon.
it will be when they get more screen time together
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Need more evil Laios...
Who? I watched the first season and a bit of the second before I got bored and I don't remember this character.
Too cute. I want to nuzzle his tummy.
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I love Thistle so much
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Animeonly here. Who is this semen demon and when will he be in the anime?
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I don't want to spoil anything but he is an elf with little emotion who should appear in maybe next season
I fucking wish halflings were this cute in the vRPGs of this genre.
Baldur's Gate 3 halflings make me want to vomit. Even male wood elves are way too beefy, despite having installed a femboy head mod.
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What’s his name?
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Now we're talking...
'mirin his fit, that's one stylish old man
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>Ywn be as cool as the Chuckster.
Chuckie reminds me of that one Russian man with that growth disorder that's thirty something but looks 12
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The artist draws all her characters so frustratingly cute
Even the dwarf is cute, like an Ewok
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He looks like he fucks tallmen
He does (he's the top)
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Extremely based
He tiny
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His ears are so loose, used holes got gaped.
he will show up in the episode after the next one.
(polite sage)
I love the brown psycho twink.
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how are the subtitles for this anime? apparently they are localised and use the same translation that is used for the dub.
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No? I haven't watched the dub, but from clips I have seen they have different translations since dubs have to account for the lip flaps to get the same point across. The subs aren't much different from Yen Press' translation.
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Labru is the worst ship
I heard from someone its not popular shipping in Japan either. Said they don't like Kabru being a bottom
Well yeah, nips prefer kbms by a mile. My beef is that it's the most basic "two guys stood next to each other, they're in love" cringe shit that only westoid fandoms could concoct
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Which means that in human terms he's past middle age.
Yep. He's a jaded, bitter deadbeat father of three, and we love him for it.
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Chilchuck my absolute beloved
Let's be honest, the thought bubbles should be switched
>hairy legs
I'd lick them
I'm more interested in licking >>3897317 's legs
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That's why Kabru should be on top.
I guess from Japanese fandom's perspective Kabru is giving a bottom energy when paired with Laios...
No wonder Kabru-Mithurn pair sells so well
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There are japanese Labru shippers. They use kablai (カブライ) as the ship name.
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Nah it's just that people typically prefer the hotter man to bottom, which in this case is a waste.
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i bet kabru's skin combined with his sweat tastes like salted caramel
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Need chilchuck bf
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We all do.
I'd call him daddy
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>chuck feet
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Chuck is a freak in bed <3
I wonder what part of him tastes best
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Fetishize the elf
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