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Miquella’s DLC finally got a trailer and release date.
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Messmer looks cool. Looking forward to seeing some art of him.
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cute miquey
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he can impale me any day
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How hard will he be?
he better be rock fucking solid
serious answer, probably somewhere in between gael and the orphan of kos
>turns into a cute twink
>immediately dies
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I’ve always felt bad for Morgott and even Mohg. If only Godfrey or Godwyn were around maybe they could have had a better upbringing.
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buy the deluxe edition of the dlc and get 46 centimeters of messmer
It's a shame there is literally 0 good fanart of Miquealla.
Everyone just does the basic draw a girl call it a boy trope
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(the original post on Pixiv was removed)
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I don't blame Mogh
Who are these?
The blond boy is Godrick, I'm not sure who the other one is
Wait, the other boy is a grafted scion. Both boys certainly were cuter without all the extra limbs
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Grafted Scion has a very cute face. What a shame.
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that's literally how he looks retard
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Not at all... The game's art portrays Miquella as tiny and long haired, yet boyish kid
I can't explain why, maybe the chubby, boyish arms as opposed to some skinny w*man sticks, he reminds me of Young Link in that regard. Tiny and adorable, and CLEARLY a boy
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Meanwhile in reality
recomend me a name for my new run in elden rin
miquellas simp or similar
Both can pass as boys... Problem is the gross ass girly face dumb artists give him.
Actual in-game art >>3869840 shows a much more boyish face than retarded artists draw for him
I will save him
I really hope we'll get to save him... And not fight him... I don't wanna kill the cute shota femboi ToT
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The cute boys of FromSoftware don’t have a good track record when it comes to surviving their games.

And the men people like from ER like Morgott and Blaidd ended up getting put down by the player.

In the true ending of Sekiro, Kuro does die but his soul lives on inside of the Divine Child. This is probably the most optimistic ending in a Soulsborne game so it’s possible a similarly bittersweet end could be given to Miquella (though you may need to do a specific list of esoteric tasks to get it).
Miquella is also saint Trina, who's description literally says people were confused weather they were male or female, something tells me he's pretty feminine if people can't tell by looking at him.

"St. Trina is described as a young individual of ambiguous gender, described variously as a young girl, or a young boy." sorry shotafag, he's a pretty femboy 100%
"sorry shotafag" - Anon says in denial as he confirms a boy is a boy
Stop fighting. Miquella will be cute regardless of how feminine they make him.
i love cute boys so much its unreal
im 160cm but im so fucking hairy its unreal laser removal its expensive af i want to be railed so hard and eat cock every single day and night so bad anons ahjahahahaha
miquella is an empyrean, like marika/radagon. so technically he is both genders at the same time (and he is also the product of selfcest between his parents).
Marika/Radagon is literally the only instance in the game where an empyrean has done that genderbender crap, the claim that it is a normal thing is unfounded
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Only way I'm killing him is with headpats and hugs. He's suffered enough
would rape his bussy
I could never. His softness inspires me to be more gentle with him.

[spoiler]Though, if he wants it rough, I can't decline him.[/spoiler]
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I wonder if Messmer will be the true challenge of the DLC, or if there’s someone else we haven’t seen yet who will be the Orphan of ER.
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They didn't show Orphan or Gael/Midir in their DLC trailers, so there's a pattern of the superboss being the guy they don't tell you about. He'll probably be the Maria (very strong but not the strongest, and the cause of an unquenchable thirst in the playerbase).
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Same. Glad I'm not the only one.
What do the snakes mean?
that they can jerk off more people at once, obviously
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Mohg did nothing wrong.

Do you guys have a character ready to go for the dlc? Feel free to post a catbox link if you do. Here’s mine:



INT build with curved swords.
why level 131
There is absolutely no difference between the image you posted and a female child except a penis that supposedly is there.
>the chubby, boyish arms as opposed to some skinny w*man sticks
most healthy kids that size regardless of sex have chubby arms
the pic you posted looks like a realistic rendition of a chubby little girl. you're so retarded and delusional. there's nothing 'clearly a boy' about him and you're not a gay man for liking little boys with long hair just because you call him masculine out of insecurity
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he may be the head of the magic gestapo or something, but he can still get it
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He did nothing wrong
He wanted to found a dynasty based on the worship of a sadistic rotting blood god.
Even if Miquella didn't charm him into being a gay pedophile he'd still be bad.
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Miquella is a whore
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I mean, good for Mohg, beating the statutory rape charges and all, but this is all so goddamn stupid.
>Radahn added not because he has any special connection with Miquella but because he’s Reddit’s favorite meme badass character

Let-down of the century. They might as well have put the Let Me Solo Her guy as the final boss.

If they were going to bring back a boss from the old game, why not Mohg? What if Miquella was in cahoots with him all along? Radahn is just a meathead who likes his horse.
Well now he's Miquella's dildo
doing the ol' auto-naruto-eye-grab all by yourself, handsome?
>no fanart of radahn x miquella exists at all
weird that they would put those two together
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It seems pretty random but I guess they realized they needed an explanation why Maleina attacked Radahn's territory or something.
They already had an explanation, though. They were fighting for the seat of Elden Lord, same as everyone else in the Shattering, and Malenia went to the trouble of invading Caelid to get to Radahn because he was the last major player remaining. Doesn't really add anything that was missing from the scene, just adds additional retardation.
Miquella x Mohg >>>>>>> Miquella x Radahn
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the only thing I like about this development is the implication that Radahn can be nonconned. Rather it be by someone else though.
why do you think he was added because of Reddit? Radahn and Malenia's fight was the focus from the very first trailer of the game. The DLC puts a new perspective on that fight while letting you fight him at full power.
yeah in retrospect why did I bother writing that post
Yeah I wish it was just Mohg divested of flesh or something and became a mutual thing. Miquella mindfucking Mohg into taking his body from the tree was always my headcanon so I feel vindicated by that at least. At least it's still gay.
Mohg/Miquella was so vastly superior, why did they have to ruin it?
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because muh heckin epic Starscourge, btw did you know he learned gravity magic to ride his horse Leanord? so wholesome!!!
[youhavenopowerhere]I'm at least 65% sure FROM originally planned for Godwyn to be Miquella's desired consort, they just find+replaced it to Radahn midway through development for some ungodly reason[/spoilerstheblack]
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never 4get
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It's Miyazaki's ship. Even their official boss name in the files is written like a ship
Godwyn would have been so much more interesting, since the dude has his own death god stuff happening, and he's entirely absent from the world otherwise. Can't believe there's more Radahn fight in this.

Very funny to make the dude fan favorite character homo though.
Is Radahn even homo? Does he have any say in this or is he basically a mindless zombie puppet?
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Radahn fanboys are trying to spin it like he's being forced, but all we really know from the game is that:
1. Radahn made a promise to Miquella too
2. The promise had two sides to it, one that Radahn held up and one that the twins held up
3. Freyja was more than happy to go along with everything when she found out about it

If Radahn was being mind controlled, why would there be a need for the convoluted Mohg plot and Caelid?
Anyone that watches the mid fight cutscene and doesn't see the explicit mind control fails basic media literacy and needs to be sent to summer school.
>Miquella: Please become my consort.
>Radahn: Over my dead body.
>Miquella: It's a promise then. Malenia please kill Radahn so he can be my consort.
>Malenia jobs, only half-kills him.
>Miquella charms Mohg to take him his body underground so he can enter the Land of Shadow to become a God where Marika did.
>Then he waits for the player to finish of Radahn and kill Mohg so he can take Radahn's soul and stuff it in Mohg's body.
>Radahn, now without his Great Rune thanks to us, is suceptible to Miquella's charm.
>All just for the player to shield poke his ass to death or delete him by spraying perfume on his feet.
Silly DLC. Where the hell is my Promised Bishonen Godwyn?
>>Radahn: Over my dead body.
source? radahn literally agrees to it
masochistic rotting blood god get it right
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He did nothing wrong
Anyone claiming they know either way is full of shit. It is completely ambiguous as to whether Radahn was willing or not. All we do know is that it involved some promise and Malenia fighting Radahn probably was part of that promise.
>When Malenia, Blade of Miquella, let the rotflower blossom in Aeonia, Radahn heard a murmur in his ear— "Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort." - Young Lion's armor set
Freja approves so maybe Radahn did want this. But she also says Radahn's right-hand man, Jerren, would not approve so maybe he didn't want this. The incantation Light of Miquella says
>Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be, but found one that refused to be embraced.
which some claim is about Radahn, and others claim is just about the player. Radahn does not speak at all during the boss fight and just grunts and roars the same way he did in Caelid. This could be due to him being unwillingly mind-controlled like people think, or it could just be because FromSoft was too lazy/cheap to record new voice lines for him.
nah it's pretty obvious radahn is being mind-controlled. the only people who don't get it are the ones who always need everything spelled out for them word-for-word
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there's more to this set but they are unsettling, just reverse image search if you want to find them (you probably don't)
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and the dlc can go fuck itself, as far as i care it's not cannon
mohg and miquella are cute together and that's what matters
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I just want Radahn to bottom
They call Miquella 007
>0 unique remembrance
>0 useful great rune effects
>7 restraining orders from his relatives
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Based, something about a shunned, ugly bastard (though I think Mohg is cute in a pug dog kind of way) kidnapping a beautiful femboy to breed him is so kino compared to whatever the fuck is going on with Radahn.
I just wish they would have explained the Eclipse shit more in the dlc. Is Miq trying to put souls back into the mausoleum demigods, or is it just for Godwyn? Who the fuck knows.
it reminds me of me and my ex who was like twenty years older than me, mohg just has that like "at least he's trying" vibe that's so heartwarming
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He's so pretty
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not enough love for Thiollier
>finally get a cool shota dom charecter
>everyone still makes him a bottom
I'm disgusted but not surprised,
Miquella is for taking dick, cope and seethe
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They've won me over
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nah, Radahn the bottom. Why else would another man be riding him?
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He told me he hates me...
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don't stay upset with him, he's just weak as a kitten and thick as two planks
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Miquella being a villain is so very upsetting to me...
Image limit hit, move along...

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