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Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Devilman thread?
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Cyborg 009 crossover Ryo is a bad. bitch.
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Akira a cute
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Will we ever get anything after Crybaby?
I want to move past that travesty.
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>emotionless egg ryo will one day usurp og cute crackhead ryo in the public consciousness
Truly the worst timeline
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>lanky e-boy Akira will one day usurp cute bara power bottom Akira in the public consciousness
It's over bros
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Crackhead Ryo invented a whole archetype, love this man.
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>power bottom
I don't think you know what that means...
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So, bottom bottom...?
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Either that or a sub top
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Oh, you right.
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Does anyone have links to some twitter artists?
I hate that website and hate that it's become an artist platform with no reliable way to search for anything.
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Man they're so fucking hot, boys kissing is so hot
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Finally a Devilman thread
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OVA Akira before he gets possessed by Amon is such a cutie
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tfw no ryo bf
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Delinquent Ryo made my ROCKS go OFF
As a Griffithfag, I am paying my respects.
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Payin' respects to the master, the one who created the archetype.
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Do you think Johan and Dr Tenma are also inspired by them?
Absolutely, and also Johan's sister as the "female half". You might also say that Tenma's ex-fiancé is a Sirene expy
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Thoughts on crybaby Akira?
He's cute but kind of generic. I like how the manga version of him was smart enough to figure out Ryo's plan before the sabbath, but loved Ryo enough to go along with it anyway despite being such a coward. And he was able to figure out Ryo's true identity on his own, you really got a sense of how well he understands Ryo. Meanwhile Crybaby Akira seemed like he was only going along with Ryo's plans because he was too stupid/naive to know any better.
Another thing is the complete overhaul of Miki's character and her relationship with Akira. Everyone always blames Ryo for indirectly causing Miki's death, but if you read the manga you see Akira constantly abandoning her for Ryo without a second thought. This is emphasized in Shin Devilman, where each chapter ends with the death of a woman who could have been saved. This is something that none of the anime or manga spinoffs get: If manga Akira had loved and cherished Miki as much as he did in Crybaby, then he wouldn't have wasted so much time going over Ryo's words and actions in his head before suddenly remembering her existence. He would have gone to her immediately after killing those scientists and he would have protected her. In Crybaby, you get the sense that even without Miki's death he still would never have even considered siding with Satan, he was just too heroic.
Sorry, this is getting too long. I just love analyzing my boys.
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I thought it was a neat idea to have Akira's look as a human change after becoming a devilman, but I found his initial anime design and manga design more attractive than his main anime design (not a fan of the pointy cleft chin and stretched-out low-bodyfat look)
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This thread needs more demon boys
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Based demon enjoyer
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OVA Ryo's eyelashes could stab someone
Why can't we have this art style in anime anymore
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Bro didn't deserve THIS
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Holy crap, Lois! It's Russell Adler from Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War!
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I pray every day for another bubble.
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I'm probably alone on this but i think pre becoming devilman Akira was way cuter in crybaby than in the 80s OVAs
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I don't get it
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