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>...But he's a guy.
Cute and male
So glad /cm/ doesn't discriminate and allows transgirls (see also Bridget, Astolfo, Hideri, Chihiro, etc...)
So glad anons discriminate and can't think someone can be feminine without wanting to chop off their dick. So much for gender equality
Anon... she canonically wants to be a girl. She wanted to go back in time to be a girl.
>inb4 "that was because the guy *he* likes is straight"
No. He's bi. The anime, the manga, the VN joke about his sexuality.
I don't know about the rest as I've never really watched their shows and just find them cute. I know for a fact though Chihiro never wanted to be a girl. He just saw it as his easiest out from being bullied for being weak
Woah Steins gate is based?
How much plot relevancy does he have? Also does he really have a dick or is it another disappointment like onimai?
>I don't know about the rest as I've never really watched their shows
Then you don't get a say on the matter <3
She's trans >>3873474
they retconned her story in the end...
>I know for a fact though Chihiro never wanted to be a girl.
She only said that in a non-canon route. She was based on a transmisogynistic trope.
Fuck off troll.
you never read the vn
he’s not a tranny, he says this because he’s gay and wants to be with a man but the man he likes isn’t gay
chihiro bridget astolfo etc also arent trans
obvious tranny troll is obvious
>No. He's bi. The anime, the manga, the VN joke about his sexuality.
No they don't retard, fuck off
She's just a salty ftm fujoshit from lolcow making shit up because we don't have jannies and she gets away with her mental illness
sounds like a future rape victim
we have jannies, it just needs to be reported. the one time she did it in the other trap threads she got banned for it. don’t feed into her shitposting by arguing though.
they make jokes about liking luka being gay, but yeah she’s making up shit seeing as danganronpa only has one canon route and optional scenes where chihiro alludes to being embarrassed about his femininity before the rest of the events
I would say past one
You sound like fake Steins;Gate and Danganronpa fans
don't reply to her
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He was the first guy I caught feelings for.
thats not a bra
what is it then
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In the official art he wears one.
Which makes me wonder, did they ever release any official wall scrolls/posters with him?
a bikini top nigga
who the fuck wears a bra outside
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literally just a girl with a flat chest
shit yourself roastie~
im not the fujoshitskin though, i just like traps when theyre androgynous and not draw girl call boy
Cute pits
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The artist refers to them as their correct gender (female)
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nobody cares go to a thread for that
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Seems like the only artist that still draws him.
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go back to twitter you insufferable troon, kys while you're at it, no one will miss you
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too normal/wide frame. femboys like him have ethereally narrow frames. okabe even comments on his narrowness, at least in the annime
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Older Ruka is hott
that's cute but why are the eyes grey
That's from SG Zero, the apocalyptic future timeline, guess that's connected
Or just an artist's mistake
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