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post ranfren boys
What's up with it suddently getting popular in Japan?
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This thread was literally made for me. Amazing.
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Unsure, but it also got really popular in Russia too for some reason.
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The virus is spreading
Is this from a webcomic?
Whats it called?
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You're welcome, anon.

buckle up.
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I'm magic.
got something for nightshift
Hehehe no problem….
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Never let this thread die ...
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Legends never die!!!
cutie patootie
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So true!
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hehehe cute pets
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Nice, a ranfren thread! Got into this series a few months ago and it's an absolute trove of fetish fuel. A real dream come true for horrorkink connoisseurs.

Requesting ageswapRandal/Satoru, LutherSebastian, hard sub Nyen, and any 17 Randals you've got.

Favorite Lucids? Ships? AUs?

I believe it blew up post-Satoru introduction as it leaned heavier into the comic's anime inspo, SatoRan being a more stereotypical and easily consumed kind of pseudocanon BL ship (even though the catmen are in an explicit M/s relationship with Luther, but aren't drawn as 'cute'), and the heavy sh themes of his character which is a much more common kink in East Asia. Though Howdie writes already in such strange syntax for native English speakers to understand, that it feels like it would be even less accessible to ESLs, and a lot of the style and cultural references are likely lost in translation. But if by 'suddenly' you really mean within the past half year or so, then I really have no idea because it does really seem to have come out of the blue. I only became aware of it recently myself from JP fanart.
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love this thread so much already....
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Same. Just try not to act so underage about it.
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artist @?
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They draw the best Satoru I've seen so far. Perfect blend of cute, handsome, and increasingly unhinged.
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I want to give him kittens (if anyone has the full res og howdie pic, please share)
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IVORYCEST IVORYCEST IVORYCEST IVORYCEST IVORYCEST IVORYCEST (But, I also want Nyen to fuck Randal, so there's that).
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Good ship (are there any in ranfren that aren't, truly?). My favorite flavor of ivorycest is ageswap AU Luther/Randal, in that order.

NyenRandal is okay, but RandalNyon is even better.

(Also if this is who I think it is, I finally finished reading all your fic drabbles and now don't know what to do with my life)
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Huh, this is the only sfw NyenRan I have. A bit strange since they're the fandom's biggest heartthrobs from what I've seen, so you'd expect then to be shipped together more if not for that reason alone.
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How long have you been in the fandom, anon?
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so glad this thread exists, never noticed it though damn
rat boys love... especially Michael...
Oh no... I've been recognized! Well, I have a few standalone fics also published anonymously. One of them is getting a chapter 2 in the near future, so look out for that.
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I mean, yeah, you'd think that - Plus the fact that Randal's such a horny bastard. They have an interesting dynamic but people get so assmad about shipping it's insane.
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Howdie retweeting feels very charged teasing in a way I don't need to explain

Crossing my fingers for the Nyen character comics
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About 3.5 months

The only people who would be upset about shipping in a comic where fetish is a central theme and all the characters have various explicit shades of BDSM relationships/interests are just blatantly virtue signaling in an embarrassingly obvious way, and not worth anyone's time thinking about.
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Good taste. The ratmen are fun and add a lot of interesting world building. I hope we get to see Robert again sometime.

For me, it's unlucky #4.
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*retweeting this
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Based Luther poster
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Plss more luther
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I wish Luther was my Dom.
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I KNOWWWW RIGHT ivorycest needs more love asap
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can I have 1 unhinged weirdo ginger boy to go please
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Here you go
(I wish this site had the option to post multiple pictures in threads and comments)
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well thank you very much!!!!
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1 (one) birthday boy for you
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eeee hes so handsome here >//////<
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Anon... did you delete your fic?
Robert my husband PLEASE COMe BACK
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omg i want to ride his eyes
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he makes me feel things i never felt before
oh my god thats so hot
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ikeda ren my beloved......!!
something shot out of me
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Watch your timestamps next time, moron.
Just read through a bunch of these. I don't even know if I got them all since the site is a nightmare.
I'm not sure what to think, but I think I like it.
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Seeing this is sending me for a loop. A few years ago I bought a set of stickers from Howdie and got a fun lil sketch on my envelope that's been loving on my fridge for years. I had no idea Ranfrens had blown up until this exact moment. Now I feel neat. Enjoy
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holy shit you're so lucky!! i managed to buy his two zines but i really wish he went back to selling that handmade stuff again. don't think it will happen any time soon though
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The store on the official site has been set to "Under Construction" and I hope we'll get more stuff like stickers in the future.
Also am I the only one that thinks Howdie's recent art had gotten... worse lately? Just more scribbly as opposed to cleaner older art. And I wish there was more on-model fanart of Sebastian...
yah, i see it. i think howdie is focusing on different things, but i might be wrong
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@RandalsAngel on twitter
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@Kiow_sheepbaa on tiwtter
>be redditfag
>occasional 4chan gooner
>devour Ranfren comics one random day
>"Oh shit, haven't simped for femboys in a while"
>open 4chan
>see Ranfren boys
Thank you OP for opening such a beautiful thread
I'm glad we've made your day (or night) better, anon!

Might be the callout drama stuff/people digging up dirt on him getting to him... or maybe just laziness considering random scribbles get him instant 5K likes on xitter. And to think he used to be better in early-to-mid 2023 when I rediscovered Ranfren and started engaging with the fandom.
To be honest? I think the kids calling Howdie problematic and shit are often too sensitive for Ranfren anyways
I've got a weakness for skinny red heads with freckles
Based taste.
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Found this one on Tumblr a while ago, but sadly I don't remember the artist's username. By the way, it sucks that Cap's Tumblr hasn't been active since September/October 2023. Does anyone know what could have happened to it?
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lolup04 on twitter

i imagine his askbox is probably filled to the brim with the most insane shit known to man, so i suppose he's just avoiding tumblr on purpose. loll
Agreed, considering the shit some Twitter weirdos type in replies to his tweets.
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i liked the rat and satoru
I think Satoru is overrated but at the same time based taste for Ratmen. My personal favorite of them is Ratman 3 aka the glasses guy.
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Posting Michael because of the lack of Ratmen in the thread
The only ones who like the ratmen are underage 14 year olds with anorexia who cut themselves.
honestly, most can't handle the most simple of dead dove. it could be the constant sexual harassment from fans though
I think you have a point, considering many of the the Ratmen fans I've met either match your assumption or are just horny little bitches.
not anorexic, more bulimic or wannarexic
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Spherical Nyon
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maybe I just never paid attention but captain has always seemed like another random ftm avant garde tumblr fujoshi that was just hyper dedicated to their one self made comic/world.. am I far off the mark? how did something so personal and weird like this blow up, word of mouth, fanart, and links to their site was that strong?
i think it was the fujobait that really got it going
so ranfren fans
I fucking love Ranfren.
mew ranfren pics!!
OP here, I fucking hate ranfren.
i feel like everyone that has posted on this thread is below the age of 15
There are no ranfren fans that can legally consume alcohol.

There are no male ranfren fans either, only ugly underage dykes.
I hate randal, and I feel like I’m the only one who hates him. Everything about that fag pisses me off.
no, theres like one male
t. moid
TIL there's a niche Japanese ranfren fandom. Seems like it blew up there sometime in late 2023, wonder why.

Links if anyone is curious
Translation masterlink: x.com/9SKMELTDOWN/status/1762128905337708634
Translation google drive:
Japanese Chatgpt ans on where to read it kek:
Early Japanese post asking what its about: detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q10285535430
Niconico: sp.nicovideo.jp/tag/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%95%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3?sort=h&order=d&f_range=0&l_range=0&genre=

Seems like its got a following on bilibili (Chinese youtube) too
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have some ivorycest in these trying times
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Hello ran friends.
Randal gets arrested as an adult. What would his crime be?
I know for sure he wouldn't be a criminal who quickly gets caught by the nature of the crime (like a mass shooter or a rapist who rapes one person one time). But I don't think he'd be some sort of serial killer either. Maybe he'd be a tax evader or a money launderer.
Wish I had people to talk about ranfren with. Most ranfren fands are unfunny 13 year old lesbians.
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Don't know who made this one, I found it on the account of someone who reposts other people's art.
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I really like this one
Just saw some art of randal with a used period pad on his face, day genuinely ruined. I'll post more tomorrow.
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randal you are already cute!
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