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Dragon’s Dogma 2 just released their character creator. Have you made any cute male characters yet? Feel free to post created characters others have made or ones from other games as well.

Here’s my cute grumpy catboy arisen and his chad human pawn who always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably.
>mist masculine beastren
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*slaps ur ass*
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Somehow knew this thread would exist.
Here's what I have so far, will probably edit later, I was mostly just testing to see how the creator works.
Can you customise their feet
No real videogame is this based
No, but the foot models are extremely detailed. I'll probably have my arisen run around barefoot if possible
Got any pics anon?
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I'll take some when I get home, I think you can get a good sole angle on the walk cycle (which is also customizable insanely enough)
I like DD1, but something about DD2 is hideous to me. The colors are really strange and muted. Sometimes muted colors look really nice like Shadow of the Colossus or Ico, but DD2 is all barf greens and yellows. Genuinely makes me a bit ill to look at.
>always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably

Cute! CUTE!
Really like these two. God, I love cute boys.
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I think I might change the facial markings, they seem a bit angry...
Might remove the neck tattoo too
alt+f3 my man
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As promised. Pardon the quality, the soles actually have a nice texturing that I don't think this is picking up.
>no arch
crooked toes. low arches. it's over. this is why we need feet and hands customisation so people can create perfect boys.
I still think they're cute. And you have to admit it's leagues better than the vast majority of games with character creators.
Maybe mods will add foot customization for you footfags. I’m sure there will be loli/shota mods on day one (which will get banned on Nexus and uploaded to BasedMods)z
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Apparently you can make a decent shote in DD1, which is currently $5 on most platforms.
I’m trying to play through the main quest of the first game and I’ve managed to reach the dragon at level 35, but I’m doing very little damage to him. Is there a good way to level?
Wander around more, do more side quests. Farm that red drake near Devilfire Grove.
I was able to beat him. Conquerer’s Periapts and Harspud Sauce got me through it.
He gives serious bvll vibes.
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Arisen and pawn
They’re both weirdly tall in game, right?
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For now, yes...
There are already mods being made to unlock the sliders, imagine the possibilities...
That doesn’t look as weird as I thought it would, actually. I guess you can make them fairly short.
That looks EXCELLENT, because I cheated and used PhotoShop lol.
If we get the sliders unlocked though, it is what it could be
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Donovan did nothing wrong, it was a fair and legal transaction.
Now the boys together
as God intended
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I changed the pawn’s voice to a better one and decided that he’ll be named Victor, not Edgar.
Also the cat’s name is Lloyd but if you have a better name I might change it.
is DD1 or DD2 any good ?
because I really like the customization of your character.
I wish there was a youtube tutorial on how to make cute boys like this.
boy lemme tell ya, it's like herding cats trying to get good screenshots. Your companions ai makes them run or walk towards wherever your character is facing, and if you stand still they start to wander around. Which is to say I wish I had better screenshots. And I'm no good at making cinegrids.
Anyway, this is Dragon's Dogma 1. Or rather Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, which is DD1 + it's expansion, which I think is the only way it's sold these days anyway.

I have probably over 400, maybe even 500 hours in DD1. My arisen and pawn are at the level cap. I've platinum'd the game on PS4. I've beat the Ur Dragon a few times, and I've gotten some of the best gear in the game. When fully equipped, my Magick Archer build does something like 2600 damage, which is a silly number.
With that as preface, I can say ... it's a good game. Not perfect, but its kept me playing. In the early game it seemed mediocre. Just a Dungeons and Dragon's type fantasy action game, with a few interesting twists, like climbing on large enemies, the pawn system, having to create your own fast travel grid.
After beating it the game really opens up in new game plus. And you have the Bitterblack Isle dlc dungeon.
It became quite addictive to build my character and his pawn: and it's fun to see and hire other people's pawns. It takes some looking, but people do make /cm/ worthy content.

On Dragon's Dogma 2, honestly it has not looked appealing to me yet. I don't even particularly mind the character creator being gimped and overly complicated for no reason, it's stuff like the lack of the color red in the game's color palette. The job system being streamlined and simplified: apparently removing all the fun builds. Most of the content in the game, monsters and enemies and the like, seem to have been recycled from the first game: but there is also quite a lot missing compared to the first game.
It's a bit of a monkey's paw situation so far.
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Character creator looks pretty good so far. Can still create some twink-looking dudes despite not having a lot of options to support it
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>overly complicated for no reason,
Sliders are now complicated?
Save for the 160 height, the CC in DD2 is a million miles better at both creating cute boys and everything else in between.
>the lack of the color red in the game's color palette
What? Are you colorblind? I don't even know how to address this.
>The job system being streamlined and simplified: apparently removing all the fun builds.
It's not simplified, it's just different.
DD1 followed the holy trinity/hexagram system with hybrids and advanced jobs, but that also produced a bunch of redundant vocations that had WAY too much overlap (Assassin being a do-everything melee class, Strider being Ranger but more versatile and stronger)
The new system is way better because it's more versatile. It allows Archer to be it's own class without Strider stepping on it's turf. It allows weird vocations with like Trickster, which is the most unique thing I've ever seen in an action game in ages to exist.
It also gets rid of the redundant Hybrid classes like Assassin by merging them all into something better in the Warfarer vocation.
>Most of the content in the game, monsters and enemies and the like, seem to have been recycled from the first game: but there is also quite a lot missing compared to the first game
Yes, you've definitely played the game that hasn't come out yet to know what "most" of the content is.

>character creator being gimped and overly complicated for no reason
Gotta agree with the other anon... Character Creation is one of the best improvements. It's only complicated if you don't like spending time on it
My post was not an invitation for you to debate my opinion.
I have well over 400 hours in Dragon’s Dogma, and this is how I feel about it.
This is also not a /v/ thread, so this is my final word on the topic.
I think it’s a lot easier to create good looking characters in Dragon’s Dogma. I don’t actually like spending time in character creators, I like playing videogames. Time spent in character creators feels like a necessary evil. Making a good looking character in DD1 was a matter of a few clicks.
The color palette of DD2 looks sickly. This is so subtle an issue most people won’t notice it, but it is genuinely lacking the color red, and all the tones are muted and in the yellow/green end of the spectrum. It’s actually repulsive to me to look at. Dragon’s Dogma 1 is not the best looking game in the world. It’s one of its flaws: I think it looks quite ugly at times, and it took quite a lot of work to make good looking characters. The colors in DD1 are also muted and washed out, but DD2 looks much worse to me. At the very least it does not look like an improvement, but that’s being generous: it looks ugly, plain and simple.
The vocations are confirmed to have been stripped down. Strider (and presumably Ranger and Magick Archer) have lost the daggers, and dagger use is now a separate class. They added the “Lancer” class, but that’s recently been confirmed to be the only changes to the vocations compared to DD1.
This sounds like a huge downgrade to me.
I’ve watched all the trailers and haven’t seen anything that looks new to me. All the enemies have been ripped from DD1 except for the sphinx enemy.
At any rate, there’s nothing about DD2 that has enticed me to want to play it. It looks like DD1 in the Resident Evil engine, with a bunch of downgrades.

An anon asked me specifically for my opinion because of my DD1 pawn, and I gave it. I think DD1 is flawed, but fun. DD2 does not look worth playing, at least so far.
>Making a good looking character in DD1 was a matter of a few clicks.
>Dragon’s Dogma 1 is not the best looking game in the world. It’s one of its flaws: I think it looks quite ugly at times, and it took quite a lot of work to make good looking characters.

what is the truth?
>My post was not an invitation for you to debate my opinion.
What a faggy thing to say. Nobody needs your permission to disagree with you.
My point is, DD2 character creator makes it way too easy to make ugly characters, and more difficult than it should be to make good looking characters.
>a good looking character in DD1 was a matter of a few clicks
>it took quite a lot of work to make good looking characters
There are good looking character creation presets in DD1 that you can easily edit.
It also took me several hundred hours to settle on Arisen and Pawn designs: like the one anon was asking about. That's including not only using the character creator, but also collecting high level gear that I thought looked good.
I want to make it clear that your opinion was not asked for.
I want to make it clear that it didn’t need to be.
You'll learn the value of saying less, in time.
> so this is my final word on the topic.

So what happened to that, anon? Don’t you know the value of “saying less”?
Besides clarifying a bit of confusion, I haven't shared any more of my opinion on Dragon's Dogma 2.
He says after making the two longest, most rambling posts in the thread.

What a retard.

Anyhoo, let’s stop giving the special kid attention and get back to posting cute boys.
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The most beautiful Arisen.
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I said my piece.
The conversations around Dragon's Dogma 2 are frantic. People really seem to want to control other people's opinions about it, whether it be for forced marketing hype, fans hoping and coping, or this bizarre battle between people calling it "woke" or "anti-woke", which I can't even follow anymore.
I was asked my opinion, and, based on all the available information, I gave my opinion as a player of the first game with almost 500 hours logged.
>words words words

TLCM lmao
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Looks like that retard ran away.

You haven't posted anything worth responding to, twitterfag.
>he’s so butthurt he actually came crawling back

Holy shit, KWAB.
>i’ve said my piece
>this is my last post on the topic
>*keeps coming back to try (and fail) to get the last word*

HaHAH holy shit.
This could be a thread about posting character creations, instead of whatever this twitterfit is.
>surely I’ll get the last word this time!

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I literally Urban Dictionary'd what "KWAB" is and now I'm more confused.
Just keep posting cute boys...
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He’s a bitch and I’m kekking. Is that confusing?
You're an actual corporate shill. You made a shill thread, and now you're sperging when someone went against your narrative for the game you're trying to shill.
>he tried to get the last word once more

post head sliders
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Found this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwaje7QOxk0 but you have to pause to see what numbers he used.

Used it to make my archer
OP here. Here are the sliders for my cat:
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Drew some fanart of my cuteboy Arisen after some final design changes, glad I could get this out before the game's release

Take a shit in public and I'll cal you out on it. Love how you turned the seemingly statements you made into "feelings".
>but that’s recently been confirmed to be the only changes to the vocations compared to DD1
Factually incorrect, provable just by seeing ONE Vocation trailer. Tell me, since when was Trickster part of the DD1 Vocations? Since when did Warrior and Strider have parries? When did Ranger have Archer's entire array of Legolas skills?
>haven’t seen anything that looks new to me
Again, factually incorrect. Just straight up wrong.
>genuinely lacking the color red
Oh sorry I forgot about Grigori the BLUE dragon lmao
Dishonest, lying, worthless thoughts that are easily disproved.

I hope we get more short haircuts, I swear there's only like 2 with nice bangs
posts sliders for face?
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feel free to steal
Would colonize.
Rolling with this they claim more hairstyles in the game but we'll see
Ty ty. He makes me arisen if you know what I mean.
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Tried my hand at it
It just looks like a girl.
Nah you can't make cute girls in this one, only cute boys and handsome men, and women that look like handsome men
Holy moly that’s some nice art
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You're right no one should make females let's all just make cute boys
alt version with the veil I forgot to post.
I'll draw some more once I'm done playing the game tomorrow and playing dressup with my OCs
thank you anon, I appreciate it
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This game satisfies my shota needs :)
On Steam it costs 2$, a DLC purchase to re-edit your character in Dragon's Dogma 2.
There is also no option to start a new save game.
Character data is kept on Capcom's servers so you can't manually edit your save file.
You are stuck with the first character you created unless you pay 2 real-ass dollars.

This is no problem in the original Dragon's Dogma. You can re-start your game any time you like, and in the post-game there is an in-game item that allows you to customize your arisen and pawn at any time, after beating the main story.
Every single micro-transaction is free if you play the game.
Deleting the data in PC and disabling cloud save FIXES the issue with no new game option, although I agree it's bullshit, but iirc the first game has the exact same problem so we should've seen this coming.
The first game had minor server related issues as Main Pawn character data was held server-side (not Arisen data), but nothing to this extent.
You could also re-start your game at any time, which means re-editing your character, or wait until the post-game to unlock the option to edit at any time. These were options readily available on the main menu.

I strongly encourage people to, if you are interested in Dragon's Dogma at all and have not already played: avoid the second game and play the first.
DD2 is a massive scam.
Can't hear you over how much fun I'm having playing DD2

Btw you can simply restart the game by disabling cloud sync with Steam whenever and how many times you want
This thread is a shill campaign.
I get the disappointment for the performance... But a scam? Unfortunately this is the state most AAA games come out as nowadays, I don't like dismissing it, but with endless hardware combinations, all needing tweaks and patches to perform well on, I can't blame devs too harshly for failing.
Dragon's Dogma ran like dogshit on PS3 and had black bars on top and bottom, effectively cutting the frame it had to render about 30%, yet here you are acting like it was a perfect launch compared to DD2.

Micro-transactions? I haven't found anything in the whole store that you can't obtain with grinding, for free.

Denuvo is legitimately shit, but sadly I can't also blame devs for not literally gifting their work to unavoidable pirates.
>I can't blame devs too harshly for failing.
I will do what you can't.
This shit is a scam.
By all means, buy and play the first game if you are interested in it. It was a good experience I paid for, well worth the money, which had earned its reputation by word of mouth.
But there is no reason to buy the second game.

Everything has been confirmed for me. 9 vocations: most are gimped versions of vocations from the first game. 44 enemy types as opposed to Dragon's Dogma's 66; spread across a larger open world. Gimped shitty character creator compared to the first. One save file, no free access to the character creator.
All of these are downgrades compared to the original
But to top it off: you can *buy* access to the character creator again with *real money*
This is a scam.
Yeah yeah sure mate. I'll go back to having fun with the game but I'm sure you're having just as much fun here.
I doubt you even play videogames.
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I swear you “IT IS YOUR MORAL OBLIGATION TO NOT PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT” fags are more annoying than the actual devs who put this shit in their games. You’re not bravely standing up against oppression. And you always assume that nobody else could possibly be having fun with a game despite the negatives and is just, what, a paid shill?

Every normal person in this thread: do what you want. If you think you’ll enjoy the game, feel free to play it. The whole point of this hobby is to have fun. If you don’t like the microtransactions, feel free to leave a negative review until they address the issue to your liking. Mostly just mind your own business and don’t tell others how to spend their money like a fag.
Sir, this is /cm/
Let's post cute male then :)
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Alright, no more negativity. This thread is about cute boys. If you want to shit on the game, go to any other thread a out it.

That being said, I’m in love with my cat boy.
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>ear twitch when he wakes up

So cute it made me overlook the clipping.
For variety, here's a custom Cyberpunk 2077 character.
Not that I recommend that game, it's pretty bad.

Honestly, just as an average gamer who happens to enjoy /cm/ stuff, the DD2 release is a bit horrifying.
I don't blame the developers, I don't blame Itsuno or the actual team that created DD2, they're probably good people, I blame the investors and whoever Capcom hired to advertise this game on 4chan. The conversations surrounding this game (tons of insults being thrown around) are sickening, and Capcom needs to immediately distance themselves from whoever was in charge of that.

Now, as a /cm/ enjoyer, these are the /cm/ specific issues I have with the game. This is worth talking about on /cm/

- Minimum height for males is around 139cm (may be lower, but I never bothered to try to get it lower. Honestly not really into characters *that* short, but the removal of this customization freedom from DD2 is noted)
- When you start a playthrough you create the look of your Arisen, then your main pawn. This look is set until a certain point when you can buy consumable items to re-edit your characters, then later in the post game you can buy an item which lets you re-edit your characters whenever you want from the main menu. (it should go without saying these are purchased with in-game currency)
- You can restart the game at any time, allowing you to create a new look for your character
- When it comes to armor and clothing options, DD1 had Head Armor, 2 slots for chest armor (an under and an outer layer), a slot for arm or glove type armor, 2 slots for lower body armor (under and outer layer), a slot for shoes/boots, and a slot for a cape

- Minimum height seems to be 160cm
- Apparently there are only 2 consumable items in the game that allow you to re-create your character. After they are purchased (with in-game currency) and used, a player must buy the items again with *real money*. It's not been confirmed whether there is an item purchasable with in-game currency that allows you to edit your character at any time, like in the first game. It's possible it exists and has not been found, but there has been no statement.
- As of right now, there is no option to restart the game (and thus create a new character). Characters data is stored server-side so, essentially, without hacking, there is no recourse to ever entering the character editor again except the 2 consumable in-game items, and then purchasing access to the character creator after those items have been used. Capcom has, however, made an official statement to address this, asserting that they will put in the option to start a new game in the future with a patch.
- When it comes to armor and clothing: DD2 is apparently downgraded. I've not bothered to get the specifics, but people have been saying that for chest armor and leg armor, there is only 1 slot for each of those. No inner/outer layer customization as before. From some people I've heard boots and gloves are also removed, but I haven't bothered to confirm. At any rate, the armor/clothing customization sounds worse than in the first game.

On top of this, Dragon's Dogma 1 had a few gender specific armor pieces, mostly for female characters, but for the most part all armor pieces could be used on either male or female characters.
With Dragon's Dogma 2, I have yet to see any interesting outfits on male characters. It might be possible to create interesting outfits for your characters, I just haven't seen it yet.
I am not optimistic however.
An anon has posted fanart of their character in a loincloth. I have yet to see anything like that actually in the game.
>The release of DD2 has been a complete disaster- the worst maybe ever, believe me.
cute af
nice, thank you
The hired pawns have specific dialogue if you make an all-male party.
They'll either say something like "I wonder if this speaks to the Arisen's (player's) preference" or comment saying they wish there were women in the party.
Apparently your main pawn, when hired by other players, will say things about you to other players if you keep your party naked, have a party of all women, have a party of all women at minimum character height, or have a party of all cat-people: insinuating that you're a pervert to other real players for each of these.
Haven't heard if pawns will complain about players having all-male parties.

As a person who attempts to be reasonable and who happens to be gay, I'm not sure I find this offensive. It's a little odd that pawns would have a concept of sexuality at all, in the first game they're canonically puppet people who only become semi-sentient after years spent with an arisen, but sure: if we ignore the pawn fiction and just saw them as hired mercenaries, some banter about the party leader being a bit faggy, or individual pawns wishing for women: none of that is terribly offensive.

It is however annoying.
I kept an all male party in DD1 and the game never commented on it.
It felt like just a bunch of guys on an adventure, which was nice.

If there is dialogue for pawns complaining to other players about all-male parties, then that probably would cross into straight up offensive for me.

This game is a headache, with none of the charm of the first.
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Alternative after using my Art of Metamorphosis ^^
>ummm this is bordering on the problematic, guys??

Lmao what a faggot.
He looks like he loves hugs
A gay on /cm/?
*surpised pikachu*
I’m not calling you a faggot because you’re gay, retard. I’m calling you a faggot because you’re concerned with getting microaggressed. Faggot.
He looks like Peter Pan.
This isn't a "microagression" this is just regular old bullying.
it does sound pretty dumb and annoying, sounds to me like it's there to pressure players into having heckin representation in their party, which is really dumb espeically because they limit your party to only 4 right? I will probably play this game once it's cracked
Very nice
Anon, your pawns will talk to other players about your party composition.
It's been confirmed that they will talk behind your back, to *players* and insinuate that you're a pervert if you have all cat-people, or all female pawns.
The game doesn't just call you gay and complain that your party is a sausage fest if you're running with all males, which *is* actually quite offensive regardless: it is very likely that it will tell other players you're gay if you run with only males in your party.

This crosses a line.
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Good, I wish there was a line when you have all shota pawns, but sadly the game can't tell :(
Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal.
Mind you, unless you use your real name and last name as a Steam ID... Otherwise who cares
Get a clue.
Cry about it on xitter, faggot.
You don’t want to go down this road.
Which road?
Is this faggot for real?
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Where the cute shotos at
That looks like a neotenous adult.
It's called having natural face animations... That weren't fine-tuned for kids...
Looks good to me, with the current sliders it's not like you can play a 10 year old, I made him to look more like a teenager
Calling it a “shota” or even a teenager is kidding yourself.
It looks like an adult with a big head.
>stands up for his introverted master
I know the game isn't fit for roleplaying stuff like this but still. They look great and it's not like there are many other games that allow you to create characters like these. I remember being very surprised when I first saw how low you could turn the height slider in DD1, I have yet to play 2.
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Well aren't you a fun person.
All characters look a bit ambiguous, some bumping into uncanny... Just like the first game, but much better in everything except making the characters small in size. Fortunately mods are here and I'm pleased with what you can accomplish
Game allows you to make all kinds of cute, but without mods you can only go as low as 160cm, with mods it goes to 140cm, but I'd wait until they fix the way the other proportions work, unless you're ok with playing as a teenager
Characters look far more uncanny than the first game.
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>Characters look far more uncanny than the first game.
Ah... You're the same anon that was complaining about DD2 because "muh DD1 better".
Thanks, now I know your opinion is next to worthless.
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a utter travesty. People should be outraged and you are a shill.
Posting comedy pawns like this minstrel and Donald Trump is off-topic for /cm/. A waste of the image limit.
If you want people to talk about this dogshit, I would suggest you post more actual /cm/ character creations from the game; but access to the character creator is DLC, and I doubt you're getting paid enough.
My bröther in christ... You were complaining about the other anon's character looking like a neotenous adult while yours looks like a middle aged midget woman...
Anon, I am sick of you and your shit
But it bears saying: games don’t age.
There are games from every decade that look great. It’s a matter of art and style.
Wind Waker looks great almost 20 years later. Wipeout 3 is one of the best looking games of all time; and it’s on the original PlayStation.
DD1 was never a great looking game, but it has its moments, and I think most DD1 players will agree: you can make some nice looking characters.
>you can make some nice looking characters.
Well yours looks like shit
>I would suggest you post more actual /cm/ character creations from the game; but access to the character creator is DLC, and I doubt you're getting paid enough.

Wow, that would have been a truly epic comeback if not for the small problem that the character creator was literally released for free.
He doesn't care, he clearly has a beef against the game's practices, which I can understand, but have absolutely nothing to do with /cm/
Him going as far as to compare his ugly ass midget character with this >>3875726 is just sad to look at
I love my pawn, he's very good. But I like to mix it up every now and then.
So I jumped into the Dragon's Dogma character creator and tried out some new looks
Seems like this thread could use some on-topic content!
He looks like an adult, but dated.
Same here, except left character has his face covered to hide the fact that it probably looks dated and horrible.
There two are just men, extremely dated.
Same here, idk why waste the image space.
And here's just the character you don't see at all because you covered his face.

DD1 was a great game, but it's objectively worse than DD2 in terms of character creation and presentation (at least for male)... This should be no surprise to anyone and whoever claims DD1 is better than DD2 in those two things is extremely delusional.
That looks like a woman in her 20's.
A midget middle aged woman.
This one looks convincing, if it wasn't for the stalagmite chin that you're trying to hide with that armor. Still looks dated af.
Post characters.
Of DD1? Hell no that shit's prehistoric
Looks pretty good to me.
key part: "to me"
>Wow, that would have been a truly epic comeback if not for the small problem that the character creator was literally released for free.
Anon. You can only use the character creator 3 times in the actual game, including pre-making a character in the cc demo, and then you have to pay 2$.
Every time you want to use it after that.
It’s an outrage.
Post your characters cunt
>he doesn't know
I do.
I do have the game, installed.
I will post characters, when you post your DD2 characters.
No. They’re ugly as fuck.
And stop using the image limit to post off topic bullshit: this isn’t /v/.
Ok? How does that make your comeback work, exactly? You literally don’t need to pay to use the character creator.
>No. They’re ugly as fuck.
So are your character in DD1...
>hmm I could use any of these /v/ threads to bitch about DD2..
>nope! I’ll post all my complaints in the /cm/ thread!
No, they’re cute and on-topic.
You literally do, if you want to use it more than 3 times.
DD1 lets you use it at any time.
It’s worth posting about what a goddamn travesty DD2 is here, to warn people to steer clear of it.
It’s *the* worst most anti-consumer videogame released since 2015.
I’ve hit the [-] on all posts that didn’t post a cute DD2 boy. I suggest you all do the same.
So all the posts then.
Geez, that was a lot to [-]
Slit your wrists about it.
You know the OP is for /cm/ character creations, because the capcom shill didn’t want to make it too obvious this is an off-topic /v/ shill thread.
>OP says Dragon's Dogma 2
>posts DD1 characters that aren't even cute
>on topic
Are you retarded anon?
OP says /cm/ character creations. Cry about it shill.
all this obnoxious /v/ermin schizo is doing is making me want to actually buy the game just to spite him. will probably wait for mods first though
Totally organic post.
Avoid Dragon’s Dogma 2. Capcom has crossed a fucking line. Play the first if you’re interested, but it’s a solid 3 out of 5 game.
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>he shakes himself dry like a cat

Is this on topic too anon?
>anti-microtransactionfags have become more of a nuisance than microtransactions themselves

It is morally right to advise people to steer clear of DD2, and the entire thread is an off topic post meant to shill it.
So it's not on topic, got it.
Doing the right thing is always on topic.
Objectively incorrect
Any mods around who feel like cleaning up the trash?
Imagine thinking this is cute
I make up a new rule of my own, pointing out retarded salty takes is not off-topic now
Ok. I’m imagining.
I’m picturing it in my head.
“He looks pretty cute”
I was going to call you out, but some people think their lesbian 50 year old aunt is cute, so who am I to judge
What’s your problem, exactly?
See >>3876376
Oh so you’re just an asshole.
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This is what happens when people attack each other's tastes... Let's just keep posting /cm/, respectfully please
Says the one inventing 4Chan rules because he's too salty about the game
Anon, when something is morally righteous, you do it.
The biggest problem I have with Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the misandry, and the homophobia which dovetails with it.
I could overlook a lot of its flaws if it were not actively against my interests as a man, but it’s a terrible exploitative game regardless. 70$ + microtransactions for features that were default in the first game: it’s outrageous!
It is appropriate to talk about these things in this thread and on /cm/
Especially since the game will both actively tattle on you to other players for having an all-male party, while complaining to you that your party is all male.
This crosses the goddamn line.
Is it safe to assume everything here is unmodded unless specified? They look better than I expected.
idk that one's not mine, but I'd say no, you can't make characters smaller than 160cm unmodded (which is pretty small compared to most NPCs in the game), so pic related looks like modded
I didn't ask
I didn't ask
Don’t complain.
Then don't complain yourself.
I am in the right to speak to this issue.
A major AAA studio has released a homophobic/misandrist game, homophobic and misandrist on top of other moral problems.
It is an active propagandistic attack.
I’ve seen where this goes before, I’m up on my history: this goes nowhere good.
I am in the right to speak to this.
Be careful where you choose to steer the world with your words and actions.
I didn't ask
Wrong choice.
Does this board even have mods?
welcome to /cm/. mods deliberately ignore it because they don't care about the content
please tell me they have Guts's armor and the dragonslayer in 2
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More cutes ^^
fetal alcohol syndrome baby
Now you're just being an asshole.
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not DD but here's my blue teef (excuse the low res)
What's that from anon, Baldur's Gate?
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Here’s my boy! I tried making him in the style of beitemian (that one yaoi artist)
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Sven a cute. I ship it.
I wish you could modify NPCs or there would be a mod to do so... Sven looks like a crackhead in his 20's, but has a 14 year old's voice
And then actual children in the game look TERRIBLE. It's like devs made the intentionally ugly to spite us.
yeah, with mods
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Which haircut anons?
So you're just done pretending you're not a literal pedophile? I guess that's healthy.
Please get help either way.
Looks like the /v/ schizo is back. Time to hit that [-] a few more times.
I say right.
>not being a pedo makes you the /v/ schizo
Sorry to disappoint, I'm not him. I actually love this game, I just wish you guys would post characters that aren't designed to look like 8 year olds.
Sorry to disappoint, I shall play the game I paid for the way you instruct me to
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Here, have my fruity Sandrock character to add some kind of color to this thread.
Thank you Anon, my question was legitimate but only you replied lol.
>Capcom has crossed a fucking line.
Sorry im just a mere lurker but this is fucking pathetic to say.
>not recognizing ellipsis-kun
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I wouldn't say he looks like an 8 year old, but I'm satisfied with the result ^^
uooooohhhhhhhh shota wizard tummy
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Desert cat.
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Start begging for your life, he can kill you... Unless you do as he says
*shoves him with one hand*
what happens next
how the hell did you make him this cute? Mods?
Love the character creator aspect but if this is anything like the original it’s a hard pass for me. I just couldn’t get into that game for my life, even with a shota.
I can't speak for the cat (though I think the answer is the same) but my character's face is 100% vanilla, body uses the sliders mod, and I'm desperate for the author to update it, because proportions are still kinda weird unclothed https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/25
i steal his lunch money
women are overrated. straight ppl r weird
>you slide your hand into his pocket looking for lunch money
>can't find money but you grab a meaty bulge
>owo what's this
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My Arisen having a grand time in Batahl... Sorcerer is so OP I haven't even had an encounter too tough to beat
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POV: You've been defeated by a shota duo
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I'm here to steal all the shota pawns.
None will be safe
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Didn't realize how hard it was to make something great like yours before trying myself. I just gave up after a point. Head sizes and the weird stretching/shrinking effect filtered me.
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If you're playing on PC, try this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/25
The boy you linked is still 160cm in height (until we get a better update) but at least the head size is convincingly large, and at 160cm he's smaller than most NPCs and pawns, and during gameplay he looks like a teenager at most
I also use Face 1 if that helps
you using mods? i dont have a pc, want to play and make a shota characters but im on ps5 only.
Make him 165 to 170 and the head will scale, you can also make the shoulders a bit wider to scale it further.
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I never stop tweaking my boys... To the point where they stop looking like the original version. It's a good thing I'm not rich or I'd probably fuck my face with endless plastic surgery
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Rate my arisen
looks more like mexican christopher meloni
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not dd2 but here's my gay faggot son. please be nice to him
Yes, I realized he looks more like the anime caricature of Freddie more than Freddie himself lol.
I'll tweak him when I get to town
gay faggot/10
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Casting the strongest spell in the game looks... Pleasant
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Armpits to suffocate in.
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Second attempt
Middle Eastern politician (western)
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i had him at 160cm at first but clothes/armour looks weird on him, so i went back and gonna give him 15cm, some tats and scars
I bet he has glass noodle pubes.
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My pawn got the dragon AIDS :c
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I enjoy warfarer, it allows me to indulge my degenerate foot fetish AND play classes that I actually like!
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And here he is with his himbo pawn who somehow still doesn't understand how the brine works
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I love my cute pawn.
hello neighbor real
cute albino
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I'm bored so here's a moderately modded Fallout 4
Not vanilla but very VERY customizable
I make him run around in his underwear :)
woah what mods you're using?
seek christ
Christ ain't here buddy, only shotas
kek, this is how those straggot wide-hipped ""femboys"" would look irl
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I like making twinks in CK3. During my last Afghan playthrough I disinherited and executed like 50 hindu nobles after they killed my turkic femboy lover.
does ck3 have twink death?
zzzz get new material roastie
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More shotaro boys from Dragon's Dogma 2... With path tracing
your shos are mad fugly. Just thought I should let you know, ja?
Ah, you're still angry at DD2, you should get over it already
Not that anon; I am entirely ambivalent to DD2, I never finished the first one. I just thought your characters were ugly, and I would throw rocks and stones at them.
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Here's my fo3 character. my old NV and 4 characters looked better, but apparently I never thought to get a half decent screenshot of them when the saves still worked.
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What?? How dare you.
My shos are beautiful
I wanna hug him ToT
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The absolute state of Fo4 modding: Shotafied
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Who wants to adopt my little Synth boy ^^
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PSA: You can create shota-ish characters in Elden Ring
zamn post sliders?
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You need a mod called "Better Monster Creation" on Nexus, but these are the body sliders
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I tried making a handsome Bosmer in Oblivion since they all look like weird little hobbits.
Baldur's Gate 3 as a shota
Lmao these are some of the faggiest posts I’ve ever seen on this site. Slit your throat pls, thx.
Gonna cry?
>There are good looking character creation presets in DD1 that you can easily edit.
>Posts some of the most hideous fucking characters I've ever seen
Holy crap Anon
Pretty good considering how impossible it is to make a good looking oblivion character.
I also enjoy horny shotas
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PSA: You can also make shotas in Elden Ring
any guide?
No guide unfortunately, it's a mod at allthefallen.moe and I can't remember how to install it, but it can't be too hard

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