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Yearly thread of 2024 - Honnouji anime soon!
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Is anyone here excited for the new anime?

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>Incredibly predictable and bland choice of Main characters
>Not a single boy who wasn't at launch 9 years ago
mmmmmcan't say I'm that interested honestly. I like Souza but honestly don't like Manba or Mikazuki because they're front and center in fucking everything. Tourabu isn't exactly storytelling masterwork so why the fuck does it always have to be the same characters over and over again?
>because they're the most popular characters
maybe if you let someone else have a bit of focus they might actually get some popularity of their own. I do like a fair amount of the background boys but since they're background boys who knows how much screentime they'll get.
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The cast in this were chosen for their connections to Nobunaga save for the attendants/starter. The plot was written in 2016 so the swords available would have been mostly starting roster, though fair point that they should have updated and added more character perspectives given it's a new adaptation and they have 10-12 episodes to fill with a two hour stage play.
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New poster
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hoping to god the animation doesn't reach absolute derp levels like hanamaru s2

it looks to be a mix of hanamaru slice of life shenanigans and katsugeki seriousness, might be cool
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I wish they had made a brand new project instead of adapting a stage play that we all already know. Still, I'm very happy that we're getting this at all and I'll be there in the threads, hopefully it'll be fun.
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I love him and I miss him dearly
https://twitter.com/touken_kai/status/1774396091334791614?t=Q-yD70yQG9g_IzdzhiWLVQ&s=19 OP for the new anime. It's embarrassingly bad.
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Yeah honestly that doesn't really fit at all. Just seems like some generic j-pop, which doesn't really fit with the more historical and traditionalist style of tourabu. But I suppose they've been moving away from that for a while now, since they updated the opening movie and Layout of the game. Just seems like a poor choice to me.
Am I the only person here who liked it?
>No simulcast
I was until I found out that nobody picked it up for subs, not even one of the SEA sites. Hope it gets fansubbed, but I doubt it will.
Maybe they'll announce it later? I remember series that only had a simulcast after they had already started! For example, wasn't Braverns like that? It took a week to start the simulcast and then the first two episodes came out with subtitles together
I hope that doesn't become a trend. That would really suck in this case since it's only getting 8 episodes to begin with. Also, there were at least subs available from other sources with Bravern's first episode, so we weren't beholden to Crunchyroll's stupid schedule.
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Guessing they saw that warriors underperformed in the english market and the EN server got shut down and decided not to bother with the English market anymore. Pay no mind to the fact that neither received any sort of marketing whatsoever so anyone who would play them would have had a pre-existing interest in the franchise, and that the EN server was run by incompetent apes who stuck it on a website filled with hentai games, which apparently were the priority over the literal only reason anyone ever visited the website. (Me? Bitter? perish the thought). Anyway, I wouldn't hold out hope for any sort of subbing, I don't think the hanamaru movies ever received them.
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I remember there was a similar issue back when Zoku Hanamaru aired, Crunchyroll took days to upload it. I'm not too optimistic since nobody cared enough to sub the Hanamaru movies, but hopefully this will get more attention.

Anyway everyone looks beautiful and there's no quality for now. Fudou a best. The main cast is the same as the stage play but at least the other swords are allowed to exist around and even talk, maybe they'll get more screentime thanks to the original anime scenes. Also the OP isn't that bad, it's fine. I'm looking forward to weekly swords again.
Fansubbing is dead now? This is why we can't rely on the anti priacy moralfags. Series like this that won't get picked up by Crunchyroll and that has limited appeal in the West will never get anything, when it used to.
I could give the subs a shot if there's a JP sub so I can automate part of the process. Haven't been able to find anything tho.
>Fansubbing is dead now?
astroninjagirl.co.uk is someone who's just started fansubbing the stage plays, got one out so far
Looks like there's a DeepL subbed version on Nyaa
A bit jank so far, but better than nothing, I suppose.
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Downloaded the low res raw thinking I'll just watch it through to see how the story is handled and take caps later when subs come out late. Took fifty caps. My opinions so far:
>geez Tourabu Kai, how come DMM lets you have two EDs? Was this designed to put viewers to sleep before the ep starts or did they just need that Kpop money?
>what the fuck is wrong with CG in 2024? We have seriously gone backwards on rendering styles, even MMD users pick better shaders. The toxic gas they emit is not hiding enough of this but that's its only saving grace compared to shit like Dolkness's dragon
>they actually modelled all the details and made unique walk/leap animations for these enemies and they still can't be fucking arsed to make them look like they aren't a compositing demo
>who decided the animals need flat eyeballs
>honmaru water so good it makes scars vanish uueee
>saniwa is girl?
>I like Yagen's medicine stairs
>everyone's eyes are trying to widescreen letterbox off their gotdamn face
>Midare staring into the void is accurate though, they got that right
>Fudou my beloved, you can do nothing wrong, you bring the banter and the BGM
>yeah people lookin' kinda sunburnt with this gradient shit and bloom
>oh jesus Uguisu you are uncanny as all fuck what happened
>that's right Fudou, ignore that roof man, he's not even real, he has no comrades
>saniwa is doll?
>we will not hear saniwa
>we hear saniwa, fuck that's a lame voice, he sounds like a villain who dies after two episodes. No wonder they tried to omit it for an extra 50 seconds
>glad we saved some budget for Konnosuke having a sparkly necktie with autumnal flower designs but can you at least go back and check your settei before throwing the fill tool around, thanks
Overall, good depiction of domestic honmaru with a variety of swords. Ep builds up unease with Souza well.
There's better subs on Nyaa now.
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I just realized that the IP counter is gone now
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Tomitago, new uchi
For some reason I keep reading his name as tomato egg. Tomato egg on toast. The fuck is that trouser leg.
1st Hanamaru movie subs too. If you have the raw downloaded you can grab the .ass file by looking up the subbed release on animetosho.

2nd Kai episode subs are hardsubbed only so far but they're out.

Yeah been that way a while now, seen some conspiracy theories about it but it might just be saving resources. So many fights happen over IP counts for no reason.
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>literally no one is watching it
It's over.
I'm sorry anon, I fell asleep during ep 2 after finding four colouring errors in the first quarter. I made it to the end but went to bed without posting my thoughts again.
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I'm watching it, just haven't had much to say on it yet
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Crunchyroll just picked up Kai, so no more Comic Sans hardsubs at least.
Incredible! But I admit I'm still waiting for them to have Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru Setsugetsuka on the website! What are the chances of them being subtitled?
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I doubt it. They already had ample time to license those and never bothered. At least the first one has fansubs now.
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There it is! Hasebe's trademark rocket legs!
He looks so 90's
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I liked the episode 4, I liked the various interactions between the swords, I'm enjoying the series, I don't understand why people are so worried about the studio, I'm liking the anime.

But I didn't watch the stage play, how does the anime compare to the stage play?
The anime is surprisingly better than I expected, but still low quality for something as big as Tourabu. I don't blame the studio for this, but the management of Tourabu as a whole. They surely have enough money from the stage plays and musicals to put more effort towards other projects, but they know that fans will eat the bare minimum slop they pump out, and fans very much encourage their laziness. Just look at what happened to Musou. I like it better than both Hanamaru and Katsugeki though, which again is a surprise because I expected to hate it. The characters are better written than in Hanamaru, where everyone is a walking trope and following popular headcanons, and in Katsugeki where their personalities were straight up massacred or are nothing at all. Character designs are better than Hanamaru as well.

With the short number of episodes, I find that the emotional impact and how the scenes are executed fall flat in comparison to the stage plays because everything is rushed, but the voice actors still do a great job. This adaptation isn't meant to be 1:1 with the stage play version though, and it does show in terms of characterization. This isn't a bad thing, as I like seeing the differences. For example, Souza is much more withdrawn when Fudou and Hasebe argue over Nobunaga, while in the stage play he punches Hasebe across the face. Fudou also hams it up in the stage play with his alcoholism and people may find him annoying with how flippant he is. In the anime, it's easier to sympathize with him because he's not shitfaced and less provocative and more focus is put on his love for Nobunaga. It's nice that the anime is somewhat of a bridge between the first stage play and the third, and gives some screentime for characters from other plays. I'm also glad there's less focus on Jijii and Manba so far, because I hate how much they're shilled together in everything.
tl;dr it's fine but could have been much more.
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>Just look at what happened to Musou.
Musou wasn't lazy, it had a lot of flaws like in the mission structure and it was far too easy but you could tell they did actually put effort into other parts like the character models, animations and dialogue. Yeah it could have been much better but you can't say it was a low effort game.
It's not Musou that I'm calling lazy. I do agree that the characters and relationships are handled well and the models are fine, and the game is generally well liked by fans. Despite the success and positive reception, there's no further updates such as DLC of additional characters, or even a sequel. You could argue that the plot had a proper conclusion and a sequel isn't needed, or that Koei Tecmo wouldn't find it profitable or worth the effort to make a sequel, but I get the impression that the original management doesn't want to continue building upon Musou because fans will settle with just one game. They're always doing the bare minimum outside of the stage plays and musicals.
So I should buy Warriors?
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I'm I pretty staunch defender of the game and I have to say the game's really flawed. The missions are really short, most barely lasting 5 minutes (there are a lot of them though) and a lot probably could have been merged into each other, the gameplay isn't particularly complex even for a musou and even on the hardest difficulty it's piss easy. Where the game shines is it's characters, story (Y'know, for Tourabu), animations and music. The characters are translated incredibly well from the online game to 3d, they look just like how the original artists drew them and they have the combat and awakening poses in game. You might not actually be doing much in gameplay but since it's so flashy you won't really care, and the music really adds to the whole thing, the soundtrack's great. I got enough into the story to get emotional near the end, maybe that's just me. Wouldn't really say the game's worth the full price, if you can grab it on sale. if you're on PC make sure you have a controller, and if you do get it make sure to max out Homokage's bonds with everyone.
I would say that while Hanamaru focused more on Kashuu and Yasusada, and Katsugeki on Yoshiyuki and Izuminokami, I would say that Souza Samonji seems to be the main protagonist in Kai.
A new sword? Already? But we just had a new sword
He looks like a slut with gas oven knobs.
Today's technology is amazing.
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Taikei Naotane
>thigh high boots
>fuck you sleeves
what in the world is going on
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Let me play you the song of my people
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Y'know this whole time I thought Hachisuka was the racist one but I guess manba is vying to take that spot
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I've been liking the anime more than I thought I would. But I do still hope that if they do another like it it'll focus more on swords that haven't had a massive amount of time to shine.
I cant lie, Fudou's really starting to grate on my last nerve. He was cute at the beginning, but he's spent 90% of his screentime either jobbing and needing to be saved or acting like a sperg.
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I can't fault the guy too hard. It's his first sortie, his captain is a self-loathing moper who isn't cut out for leadership, his other teammates are either ambivalent, barely tolerant, or outright dislike him, he's got Mikazuki acting like the soviet commissariat towards him, his mission is in an important event to him and to top it all off he has to fight against the one guy who has been nice to him since becoming a toudan. Awful plan from the saniwa, really.
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Me too, it's pretty straightforward and enjoyable. I was hoping the new anime would bring /sword/ back to life but sadly it didn't happen. At least the franchise still lingers on.
Fudou is cute and also a best! I'm glad they focused on him this time. I was hoping to see more of Hasebe's edgy side for once, but I found him and Souza to be a bit too boring on this adaptation. Yagen was perfect as usual.

Well, final episode later today.
I liked Souza's arc. He was strong in his own gentle and dignified way.
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I enjoyed it, honestly. There were problems like the animation not being fantastic sometimes but overall I enjoyed the story it told. Seems like they're setting up a second season or a movie sequel (I saw something was being broadcast in cinemas in august, which might be a sequel, but admittedly I don't know) with Yasuke being possessed by the HRA. Funny how he rocked up here and then that whole assassin's creed incident kicked off last week, isn't it? but anyway, If it turns out there is a second season or something, some of the other characters get involved. If not, it wasn't a bad anime, and I wouldn't mind seeing more like it in the future.
Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji Anime Gets Prequel Anime in Japanese Theaters on August 16

"The official website for Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji, the anime adaptation of the Touken Ranbu Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji stage play, revealed on Tuesday that a prequel anime titled Touken Ranbu Dōden -Chikashi Samuraira Umonora- will screen in theaters in Japan for three weeks only, starting on August 16. The website unveiled a trailer and visual:

The prequel will have the same cast and staff as the Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji anime. The original story will focus on Heshikiri Hasebe."

Good show.
It seemed obvious they were hinting at a sequel in the final scene. I thought it'd be related to Masamune since they showed him and the dategumi swords right after, but a Hasebe prequel is fine too. Kinda surprised we're getting Yasuke as a regular villain.
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goblin caught on tape
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big balls and cock
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You know it chief
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Father's day today. You know what that means...
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Truly, the best father anime has to offer...
There isn't enough porn of this slut and I hate it.
On the one hand I worry his stick limbs might snap, but on the other, he is surely extremely flexible and stretches out with his back arced like a cat. His feet leave claw marks and you'd find long, long black hair strands about the place for days.
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Which manga is this?
>the fear that you might break him being overtaken by the fear that he might break you as his claws hold tighter and tighter to your back
And is this good or bad news for Touken Ranbu?

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