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Last thread: >>3841664

/co/ refugee camp
non-/a/ generally welcome
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Jew catboy edition

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Posting them until /cm/ watches the show
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What the fuck
I love Big Hero 6
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Season 7 started out pretty good for us
>shaggy 70s hair
The good shit. Even the name is super shaggy 70s hair: Andy. Good shit.

by sashkapi
by sashkapi
by sashkapi
by sashkap
by sashkapi
by sashkapi
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I miss them...
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Season 2 throwback
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Buddie canon soon, I can feel it
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Have a Buck, everyone
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I carnally desire Jet and Zuko in a way that's detrimental to my health and well being
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My boy Buck has finally kissed a man!
holy shit, they finally did it?
What movie is this?
it's a TV show called 9-1-1
Neat. gonna give it a watch. Is it good?
i wouldn't know. i don't watch it, I just have friends who do.
the crossover i wish we got
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Jimmy had better chemistry with Timmy. More friction. I feel like Jimmy and Dexter would get annoying quickly
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I like my pairings like I like starbucks drinks, fucking awful on all sides involved
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Hmm ....
It has good pairings
There’s an artist I followed on Twitter who drew Jimmy x Timmy stuff. My account was suspended ages ago though and I can’t remember the @ :(
izbubbles / nicktoonsunited ?
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I miss them so much
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cute firefighter
yeah that sounds familiar
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Honor them with better art
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I've been exiled from the shota thread
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I feel you, bro
how can they say no to this, jeez...
He's perfect
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I made a super sons thread

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I've found myself liking Spider-Boy more than I woulda expected.
I'd gladly pick him up from the streets and give him shelter and food!!!
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does anyone know the artist for this and/or have the accompanying image?
no, but I didn't even know there was another one, thank you
This one? The artist is Ricken. Thank you for posting that image, by the way. I was actually looking for it a week ago, but it seems Ricken has deleted it from her DeviantArt.
I really love the way she draws Bart. She's done some work for DC, but unfortunately never got to draw Bart for them.
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Omi's a funny guy
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I've taken a liking to X Men 97
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I can't fix him, I sure as fuck couldn't make him worse, but I'd love to go along for the ride until he eats me.
I really enjoyed it, too!
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marvel meow is so peak
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This a Prowl thread now?
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We're gonna need a containment thread real soon if there's more of us
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Too cute!
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We love one (1) psycho Albertan.
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he's so babygirl
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He should be at the club desu.
Imagine what else he might have three of.
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Extremely hot panel of a guy I don't like (and his dad, I guess).
I know it's actually /tv/ but Season 7 is barely over and I already miss them so much
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>X Men 97 fixed with 10 episodes what 20th Century Fox couldn't do in 20 years
It's beautiful to see my babygirl Scott get some love again. While I do miss Norm Spencer's voice, Ray Chase did an amazing job
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Honestly, I forgot how much I liked Scott, I think Ray Chase’s voice acting really helped make him very endearing in ‘97. I hope we get long haired sexy Scott when they eventually do Age of Apocalypse.
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>it's been 3 years ever since Hickman finally solved the love triangle drama by making them a proper three way
Time sure flies
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he baby
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Lucky Luke? Now that's a rare one
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Cocco Bill, too!
People ought to pair characters from different comics more often. It's fun.
It's wild and silly fun! Tho wildy inconsistent
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forgot pix because I'm a doofus
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I love him!
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Just watched Exchange Student Zero, the two MCs are ugly cute
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I miss gotham threads
Strange but shockingly common case of an artist with an extremely strong vibe of basic straight guy with basic unquirky taste in cartoon women who just happens to have a pretty absurd hit rate for making quality /cm/ when he bothers drawing boys. He draws girls well, but the boys are great.
Why does this keep happening?
I see it so fucking often: the gayest bitches on the planet make designs for hot guys, and they're kinda disgusting homogenized hypersexualized beefcake with no real allure or personality, but on the rare occasion that they draw a gaggle of token girls, they'll be so cute and pretty and charismatic, while he straightest guys on the planet make these dogwater horny pin-ups of superheroines who look more rubber than human, but then they make the most kissable dudes and god-tier shotas.
What is it about being horny for something that makes certain people worse at drawing that exact thing? I don't know the answer, but I think it lies in the same region that explains why fetish artists are usually so terrible
Fatigue from always drawing/imaginating the same?
Think automation.
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undesirable nerds save me
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Love how these threads are basically just an extension of the obscure bois thread
I appreciate that this artist preserves how ugly these teenage boys are. Not, like, offensively ugly designs, but realistic, believable ugly.
This artist has a post she deleted that the replies indicate is fanart for this property. Is that picture at the bottom the deleted photo?
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>Is that picture at the bottom the deleted photo
The deleted image was from the drawing attached
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My bpd wife (male).

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